Credit: IG @hongkongprotestposters
Heroes of #HongKong, don't forget them just because they are in jail.
#周庭 #黃之鋒 #黎智英 #國安法 #FreeJimmyLai #FreeJoshuaWong #FreeAgnesChow #FreeSpeech #FreePress #HongKongProtesters #hongkongers #standwithhongkong #HumanRights #NationalSecurityLaw #OneCountryTwoSystemIsDead #JoshuaWong
Heroes of #HongKong, don't forget them just because they are in jail.
#周庭 #黃之鋒 #黎智英 #國安法 #FreeJimmyLai #FreeJoshuaWong #FreeAgnesChow #FreeSpeech #FreePress #HongKongProtesters #hongkongers #standwithhongkong #HumanRights #NationalSecurityLaw #OneCountryTwoSystemIsDead #JoshuaWong
#CommunistChina is slowly draining HongKong's foreign reserves.
Twitter: hkvjnkojsn
#GoldenGoose #StandWithHongKong #NationalSecurityLaw #OneCountryTwoSystemIsDead #HongKong #FightForFreedom
#FreeHK #FreeHongKong
#hongkonger #hongkongers #LiberateHongKong #共匪 #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #暴政必亡 #光復香港
Twitter: hkvjnkojsn
#GoldenGoose #StandWithHongKong #NationalSecurityLaw #OneCountryTwoSystemIsDead #HongKong #FightForFreedom
#FreeHK #FreeHongKong
#hongkonger #hongkongers #LiberateHongKong #共匪 #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #暴政必亡 #光復香港
"The cheapening of the seriousness of terrorist acts and sedition offences, when Governments improperly use them to justify quelling domestic dissent, limiting protests and curbing criticism by civil society and human rights defenders, is deeply troubling," said the #UN #humanrightsexperts, yet without any actual power, the #CCP simply ignores them.
#nationalsecuritylaw #OneCountryTwoSystemIsDead #支共暴政 #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #光復香港
#nationalsecuritylaw #OneCountryTwoSystemIsDead #支共暴政 #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #光復香港