「溫哥華手足」 @vanactivistshk 將於8月5日(六)下午舉辦「一人一信」街站,希望大家都聯絡自己嘅MP,等更多國會議員關注呢件事情,促使IRCC 正視問題及回應!
On August 5th, Vancouver Activists of Hong Kong will hold a «One Person, One Letter» street event, encouraging people to contact their Members of Parliament to raise more awareness about this issue and urge IRCC to address the problem and respond appropriately.
Date: Aug, 5, 2023
Time: 12-1pm
Location: Outside the VIFF Center (1181 Seymour Street, Vancouver)
#香港警察知法犯法 #香港警察正一垃圾 #警暴可恥 #antipolicebrutality
「溫哥華手足」 @vanactivistshk 將於8月5日(六)下午舉辦「一人一信」街站,希望大家都聯絡自己嘅MP,等更多國會議員關注呢件事情,促使IRCC 正視問題及回應!
On August 5th, Vancouver Activists of Hong Kong will hold a «One Person, One Letter» street event, encouraging people to contact their Members of Parliament to raise more awareness about this issue and urge IRCC to address the problem and respond appropriately.
Date: Aug, 5, 2023
Time: 12-1pm
Location: Outside the VIFF Center (1181 Seymour Street, Vancouver)
#香港警察知法犯法 #香港警察正一垃圾 #警暴可恥 #antipolicebrutality