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Handfeet in UK, add oil!

Acrylic painting 30"x18" by Ricker Choi
TG @HKRevolutionArt

// 這幅畫作的靈感來自組織 @BritonsHK, 這組織會用這幅畫做文宣, 遲些可能會有其他的計劃。//

#國際線 #UK #海外手足 #香港加油 #願榮光歸香 #FreeHongKong #hongkong #光復香港時代革命
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Another month has flown by, especially on a day like 831, it is very hard for many people to relive painful memories of #policebruality and naked #tyranny. Here we bring you another recap of #HongKong's 2019 pro-democracy movement. September 2019, after struggling for 3 months against #CCP, #HK's movement is grabbing more world attention, and protesters started actively seeking international support, as we still do today. To show our determination and our place in the history of the world's democracy, #HongKongers quoted "Winter on Fire" - "if we accepted those terms from the government, our friends that we have lost would not forgive us".
#hkhistory #september #china
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Laying down white flowers outside Prince Edward station, on the 31st of every month, is no longer possible in #HongKong. Two years have passed since the #831PrinceEdwardAttack, so much has changed that we may as well be living in an alternate universe. But #HongKongers all over the world are showing that we have not forgotten how the #CCP literally beat us to death. Thank you overseas #HKers for carrying on the torch and do what is now forbidden in our own home.
#PrinceEdwardstation #policebruality
Forwarded from 🇭🇰美食推介😋
#投稿 #admin投稿
#告急 #極度需要關注 #月餅

#月難月愛 月餅企劃係由 #新記冰室 嘅老細特登為手足開設, 目的係用作支援手足, 由於今次溝通上出現問題, 以為係仲有八百盒月餅, 點知係仲有800箱😳,即係二千四百盒😱😱😱, 因此大降價, 流心奶黃月餅 由原價$238/1盒 降至 🆘 $168/1盒🥮

每一盒🎁都會附送一張🖍文宣畫作嘅明信片, 一盒4⃣個裝,兩個印有「香」,另外兩個人有「港」字嘅🈷


分銷點除咗有幫手大力推叫人買月餅嘅深水埗 #HongKong_in 之外, 向 #月難月愛 嗰邊查詢另外仲有其他分銷點 現貨 售賣 取餅



#銅鑼灣 - 糖街 8號 樂聲大廈 1樓
#鬼混 #VieWonWon

#中環 - 機利文新街 20號 永康樓 地下

#香港仔 - 香港仔大道 180號

#西環 - 石塘咀 保德街 23號地下

#西環 - 堅尼地城 士美菲路 1 - 15號 美新大廈 地下J號舖


#紅磡 - 必嘉街 92 - 112號 紅磡灣中心 地下9C號舖

#觀塘 - 巧明街 107號 國基集團中心 4樓 2號舖
#六両三 - 台灣食堂

#佐敦 - 西貢街 2L號 A,B舖

#旺角 - 百寶利商業中心 6樓 609室

#旺角 - 砵蘭街 185號地舖

#深水埗 - 西九龍中心 9樓 蘋果商場 9040 - 9043, 9027 - 9030號舖

#荃灣 - 海壩街 83 - 93號 荃好景大廈 地下D舖

#元朗 - 西裕街 17號 民康大廈 地下4 - 5號舖

Post by @rehk_neverforget
19.9.2021 記錄 .
// 612 同埋石牆花消失,雖然兩者有啲位的確處理得非常差,但香港嘅手足,有啲案件及支援突然斷咗,一時間都會彷徨無助。有啲好叻,可以有方法慢慢解決,但有啲就有困難,然而香港嘅政治氣氛已經好難再有人支撐落去。

#中秋 #國民教育 #education #移民 #香港獨立唯一出路 #hk #hongkong #hkprotest #前線 #流亡 #exile #brainwashed #洗腦 #洗腦教育

全文: www.instagram.com/p/CUeT1aLrkxZ

1.10.2021 記錄
// 仲喺香港嘅朋友話已經好少人覺得要幫手足,事隔咁耐,每個人都應該可以生活到。其實不然,好多 2019 年已去咗外國,有身份嘅當然已開始慢慢適應生活。但 2020 年啱啱走甩嘅,面對變幻國際局勢,身份未定真係唔能夠太大安旨意。而仲留喺香港嘅,有朋友啱啱出嚟做嘢,因為被捕過隨時要上庭無咗份工;有繼續返工嘅受政治打壓而隨時失業,經濟亦未必能夠完全自立;有啲未畢業嘅,因為抗爭無得再返學,面臨上庭壓力同家庭壓力,情緒仍未能平伏;有啲坐緊;有啲因為要上庭,除咗律師費仲需要好多錢去揼靚 case。

#在囚手足 #在囚 #手足 #移民 #香港獨立唯一出路 #hk #hongkong #hkprotest #前線 #流亡 #exile #心理 #心理支援 #上庭
IG @studioincendohk

香港攝影師 Harvey Hung 2019年曾在多區連儂牆拍攝全景記錄,再以影像拼接(image stitching)重建連儂牆。他的作品〈Assembly〉在國際攝影大獎 IPA ( International Photography Awards )專業組社會事件(Professional Event, Social Cause)中獲得第三名。

#HongKong photographer Harvey Hung took records of Lennon Walls in 2019, and reconstructed the walls by image stitching. His work "Assembly" won the third place of the International Photography Awards IPA in the Professional Event, Social Cause category

Related page:

#連儂牆 #2019年 #毋忘抗爭 #反送中 #抗爭歷史 #國際殊榮 #攝影獎 #LennonWalls #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong #光復香港時代革命
Source: t.me/internationalfccp

In November 2019, #HongKong was shocked by how the unscrupulous police stormed a university campus with teargas and bullets. News of the the attack on #CUHK did not only shake the entire city, but also brought back traumatic memories of #TiananmenMassacre, how 30 years ago, armed soldiers gunned down students fighting for #democracy. According to a phone-in programme on 881903 after the #DistrictCouncil election later in the same month, many first time voters cast their ballots against the pro-#Beijing councillors because they were astounded by the CUHK, and later #PolyU siege.
#HK #university #standwithhongkong #china #CCP #黎明行動 #西灣河 #槍殺人 #毋忘 #你還記得嗎 #黑警死全家
記念理大圍城兩週年。。 畫了新作 "保衛校園 - Defend Our Campus"

16"x30" acrylic painting by Ricker Choi @HKRevolutionArt
#理大圍城 #理大 #理大保衛戰 #FreeHongKong #hongkong #standwithhongkong #PolyU #StandWithHK
Global Day of Action - Brisbane 🇦🇺
4 Jan marks the one-month countdown until @beijing2022.

#HongKong, #Tibet, #Uyghur groups have gathered in Brisbane to call for a total boycott of the @Beijing2022 Winter Olympics!

Supporting the Beijing Winter Olympics would only encourage the Chinese community party to continue its atrocities to its people and turn a blind eye to its crimes against humanity.

We should unite ourselves, stay strong, and fight for our homeland. Support our boycott of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics today!

Source: IG twitter mewe @HKIAbrisbane
#澳洲 #Australia #Brisbane #海外活動 #北京冬奧 #杯葛2022北京冬奧 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #Uyghurs #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #UyghurGenocide #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港