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A Documentary about 2019 Hong Kong Democratic Movement
Screening in Brisbane International Film Festival


The protests in Hong Kong were portrayed from the inside by young activists in a courageous film about an entire generation’s last chance for a democratic future.

Tickets: https://biff.com.au/film/when-a-city-rises/

WHEN A CITY RISES Official Trailer:

2019年 反修例運動 相關紀錄片
布里斯本 國際電影節上映

該片英文原名為"When a City Rises",在今年的哥本哈根國際紀錄片電影節(CPH:DOX 2021)上奪得FACT AWARD紀實調查競賽單元 最佳影片獎

語言 | 廣東話、英文,配英文字幕
LANGUAGE | Cantonese, English With English subtitles

DIRECTOR: Iris Kwong, Ip Kar Man, Cathy Chu, Han Yan Yuen, Huang Yuk-kwok, Jenn Lee, Evie Cheung
GENRE: Documentary, Politics

#紀錄片 #國際電影節 #抗爭城市 #香港人反抗 #2019年 #毋忘抗爭 #反送中紀錄片 #歷史意義 #Brisbane #Queensland #Australia
Global Day of Action - Brisbane 🇦🇺
4 Jan marks the one-month countdown until @beijing2022.

#HongKong, #Tibet, #Uyghur groups have gathered in Brisbane to call for a total boycott of the @Beijing2022 Winter Olympics!

Supporting the Beijing Winter Olympics would only encourage the Chinese community party to continue its atrocities to its people and turn a blind eye to its crimes against humanity.

We should unite ourselves, stay strong, and fight for our homeland. Support our boycott of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics today!

Source: IG twitter mewe @HKIAbrisbane
#澳洲 #Australia #Brisbane #海外活動 #北京冬奧 #杯葛2022北京冬奧 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #Uyghurs #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #UyghurGenocide #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
Kung Hei Fat Choi!

Lunar New Year is coming, and we are inviting you to celebrate with us! It is a traditional festival for Hong Kongers to reunite and gather with loved ones.

Come and join us in writing Fai Chuns, which is a traditional decoration to wish others good luck and prosperity.

Date: 23/01/2022 (Sunday)
Time: 10 am - 12 pm
Venue: Lennon Store, Riverside Sunday Market, Brisbane City Botanic Garden, QLD, Australia

Have our calligraphy specialist write a Fai Chun for you and your loved ones, or write one by yourself!

Post by: IG+twitter+mewe @HKIAbrisbane
#Australia #Brisbane #海外活動 #揮春 #新年 #農曆新年 #書法 #香港文化
Lunar New Year Fai Chun Writing Service
農曆新年 和你寫揮春活動 (23/1)

Thank you for joining our Lunar New Year Fai Chun Writing Service on Sunday (23/1) at the @riversideatthegardensmarkets! Wish you all Happy Lunar New Year!

感謝各位過去週末出席我地於@riversideatthegardensmarkets舉行的農曆新年 和你寫揮春活動!預祝各位新年快樂!

#香港人加油 #FreeHongKong #Australia #Brisbane #海外活動 #揮春 #新年 #農曆新年 #書法 #香港文化

The Hong Kong International Alliance @HKIAbrisbane
Revolution of Our Times - Extra sessions information

大家對 #時代革命 加場嘅呼喊聲我地聽到啦!經極力爭取下,Brisbane將於23/4 同 24/4 加開兩場!
Extra screenings of Revolution of Our Times will be held between 22nd to 24th April.

#Australia #昆士蘭 #Brisbane
23/4 (Saturday) 17:00
24/4 (Sunday) 14:00

Please visit below link for tickets: https://bit.ly/3uItF6h

六四屠城悼念活動 June 4th Memorial Service - @Brisbane Reddacliff Place

#六四屠城 #毋忘六四 #六四集會 #Australia #Brisbane
Source: HKIA Brisbane fb

今個星期六 (4/6) 乃六四屠城的三十三年,香港維園燭光晚會因國安法實施後被禁,但我們將會薪火相傳,無懼打壓繼續悼念「六四」死難者,延續六四精神,毋忘歷史。

It is the Memorial Day of the June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre this Saturday. Please join us at the Reddacliff Place this year to mourn the loss of lives on the tragic day of June 4, 1989.

Venue: Reddacliff Place, Brisbane
Date: 4/6/2022
Time: 5pm-6pm
Memorial service: candle vigil
#612三週年 #Australia #Brisbane

Venue: Reddacliff Place, Brisbane
Date: 12/6/2022
Time: 4:30pm-6pm

六一二 · 如水再聚 · 莫失莫忘 · 澳洲布里斯本 June 12th - Be Water, Be United Rally @Brisbane, Australia 🇦🇺

今個星期日 (六月十二日) HKIA Brisbane 將會舉辦 六一二 「如水再聚 ,莫失莫忘」集會,紀念反送中運動三週年,延續抗爭運動,對抗極權。

The HKIA Brisbane will be organising a rally this Sunday (June 12th, 2022) to commemorate the 3rd year anniversary of the anti-extradition bill movement in Hong Kong, and to show unity against the Chinese Communist Party dictatorship.

詳情: fb.me/e/nKioqnHNv
Source: IG @hkiabrisbane
Australia 🇦🇺 昆士蘭省

7.21 ~ 8.13
布里斯本香港電影節 2022
Hong Kong Film Festival Brisbane 2022

7.21 “The Hongkonger” in English講英文; 其他四套 都是講廣東話。

21/7 Thursday 18:00 – The Hongkonger
23/7 Saturday 15:00 理大圍城 Inside the Red Brick Wall
30/7 Saturday 15:00 – 因為愛所以革命 Love in the Time of Revolution
6/8 Saturday 15:00 – 時代革命 Revolution of Our Times
13/8 Saturday 15:00 - 少年 May You Stay Young Forever

地點Venue: Palace Barracks Cinema

購票Tickets: https://bit.ly/3P716a5

#FreeHongKong #FreeJimmyLai #AustraliaStandsWithHongKong #brisbane #香港電影 #港產片 #香港文化 #香港禁片
一月廿六日香港人節 - 布里斯本
Jan 26 HongKonger’s Festival - Brisbane

點解Queensland HongKongers 响1月26日舉辦香港人節?因爲呢日喺香港開埠日。1841年1月26日,香港正式成為英國殖民地嘅自由港,原由喺因為清軍喺鴉片戰爭大敗,於是清廷欽差大臣琦善同英軍代表義律簽訂咗《穿鼻草約》,割讓香港本島同賠償600萬銀元畀英國等嘅條約。

Follow facebook for details to come: fb.com/QLDhkers

#HongkongDay #HongkongFestival #香港民族 #在澳港人 #香港節 #香港開埠 #布里斯本 #Brisbane #香港人節 #Queensland #Australia #英殖香港 #穿鼻草約
香港好戲 🎥 齊齊撐 💪💪🏻
請廣傳 Please share
Australia 🇦🇺 澳洲

這條窄路,終於走到 #Brisbane#Melbourne 喇!
Adelaide 阿德萊德,
Brisbane 布里斯本,
Canberra 坎培拉,
Melbourne 墨爾本, &
Sydney 悉尼

#窄路微塵 放映詳情 facebook post:

#Australia #上映 #港產片 #香港電影 #本土文化