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【Sydney for Hong Kong Assembly 2021】

With the imposition of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, anyone who stands up against the CCP has been silenced. Join us on Saturday 12 June 2021 at Sydney Town Hall, and be the voice of the voiceless.

Our special guests will be sharing their points of view on why it is important for Australia to stand up against the CCP, and what we can do to help.

WHEN: Saturday, 12 June 2021, 11am-12:30pm
WHERE: Outside Town Hall Square, Sydney
STATUS: Permit pending

For those who would like to share their stories or support to Hong Kong, please DM us. We cannot guarantee we can fit everyone in, but we will try our best to read all your messages.

Two years in, we are still here, are you?


隨著國安法在香港實施,所有敢於向中共說不的人都被滅聲。2021年6月12日(星期六)和我們一起到Sydney Town Hall,成為不能發聲的一群的聲音。

時間: 2021年6月12日(星期六) 11am-12:30pm
地點: Sydney Town Hall
狀態: 不反對通知書等候回覆中


Source: @nswhongkongers /TG+IG+FB+MEWE
#612兩周年 #Sydney #Australia #悉尼 #澳洲 #集會 #Assembly #國際戰線
#聯署 : https://chng.it/HFFfg5qnzB

Have you seen this billboard?

It has just popped up all over Australian cities - Leichhardt, Rozelle and Silverwater in #Sydney and Carlton in #Melbourne to name a few locations - and bears the stamp of Chinese Communist Party propaganda, broadcast blatantly on our streets. What it seeks to do is to normalise and glorify China's so called 'New Era' of repression in Hong Kong, following the brutal crackdown of democracy activists and civil society.

For Hongkongers in Australia, it is a cruel reminder of the rights and freedoms that they have lost in their home city. It is also offensive to all democracy loving Australians.

Similar signage in Brussels was taken down 24 hours after citizens registered their outrage and we can do the same - these billboards must come down!

這些巨型廣告牌在 #澳洲 多個城市包括 #悉尼#墨爾本 等多區樹立,他們都是打著中共旗號的大外宣。


#NeverTrustCCP #TakeDownTheCCP #沒有回歸只有淪陷