On one hand #ChiNazi uses propaganda to spread #Racism and #HateCrime in #China, blaming the #Africans are the cause of the #COVID-19, aka #WuhanVirus. On the other hand #CCP points finger to #Trump and #USA for racism
We Only Demonstrate Once
#BoycottChina #Chinazi #Hongkonger #ENGLISH #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #CCPvirus #滅共 #天下圍共 #國安法 #NationalSecurityLaw #言論自由 #新聞自由 #集會自由 #兩制已亡 #自治全失 #DoNotTrustCCP #打壓人權 #剝奪自由 #共匪 #English
We Only Demonstrate Once
#BoycottChina #Chinazi #Hongkonger #ENGLISH #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #CCPvirus #滅共 #天下圍共 #國安法 #NationalSecurityLaw #言論自由 #新聞自由 #集會自由 #兩制已亡 #自治全失 #DoNotTrustCCP #打壓人權 #剝奪自由 #共匪 #English
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在一個從上而下都無視人權嘅土地, 有啲人一出世就係悲劇
Like his Motherland he has no humanity left!
#ChinaLiedPeopleDied #chinazi #CCPVirus #China_is_terrorist #fxxkCCP
#UyghursLivesMatter #StandWithHongKong #mongolialivesmather #tibetlivesmatter #StandWithTaiwan #video #支那鬼國
Like his Motherland he has no humanity left!
#ChinaLiedPeopleDied #chinazi #CCPVirus #China_is_terrorist #fxxkCCP
#UyghursLivesMatter #StandWithHongKong #mongolialivesmather #tibetlivesmatter #StandWithTaiwan #video #支那鬼國
#meme to go with #Australia being bullied by our favourite country China 🙄
#chinazi #NeverTrustCCP #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #TradeWar #wine #SolidaritywithAustralia #StandWithAustralia #English
#chinazi #NeverTrustCCP #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #TradeWar #wine #SolidaritywithAustralia #StandWithAustralia #English
As China Tracked Muslims, Alibaba Showed Customers How They Could, Too
// The discovery could thrust one of the world’s most valuable internet companies into the storm of international condemnation surrounding China’s treatment of its Muslim minorities //
Source: twitter.com/nytimesbusiness/status/1339322427638157312
#Chinazi #CCP #China #Uyghur #Alibaba #AlibabaCloud #Surveillance #FacialRecogniation #Genocide #OlympicGames #BoycottBeijing2022
// The discovery could thrust one of the world’s most valuable internet companies into the storm of international condemnation surrounding China’s treatment of its Muslim minorities //
Source: twitter.com/nytimesbusiness/status/1339322427638157312
#Chinazi #CCP #China #Uyghur #Alibaba #AlibabaCloud #Surveillance #FacialRecogniation #Genocide #OlympicGames #BoycottBeijing2022
港版國安法|美國務院合併中港旅遊警示 指有任意執法風險籲國民來港前三思https://bit.ly/3h0pcnc
#US #TravelAdvisory #HK #CCP #Chinazi #美國 #國務院 #黑警 #警暴 #黑警死全家 #PoliceState #每日一願望黑警冚家亡 #無法無天 #姦淫擄掠 #無惡不作 #English
#US #TravelAdvisory #HK #CCP #Chinazi #美國 #國務院 #黑警 #警暴 #黑警死全家 #PoliceState #每日一願望黑警冚家亡 #無法無天 #姦淫擄掠 #無惡不作 #English
【屯門紅樓多塊紀念碑被塗漆、旗桿被拆除 麥業成:等同消滅民國歷史 / #立場報道 】
位於屯門中山公園、國父孫中山辛亥革命遺址「紅樓」,日前被發現多塊紀念碑被塗上油漆,包括「廣慈博愛」基石下的四塊紀念碑、桄榔樹前紀念碑,同時銅像前的青天白日滿日紅旗旗桿亦被拆下。一直關注紅樓的元朗區議會副主席麥業成相信是 2016 年購入該址的中國商人所為,又斥行為等同消滅中華民國歷史,對此感到可惜。
#Elimination #History #Heritage #SenseOfIdenity #SenseOfBelongings #CCP #Chinazi #屯門 #中華民國 #消滅歷史 #紅樓 #共匪 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP
位於屯門中山公園、國父孫中山辛亥革命遺址「紅樓」,日前被發現多塊紀念碑被塗上油漆,包括「廣慈博愛」基石下的四塊紀念碑、桄榔樹前紀念碑,同時銅像前的青天白日滿日紅旗旗桿亦被拆下。一直關注紅樓的元朗區議會副主席麥業成相信是 2016 年購入該址的中國商人所為,又斥行為等同消滅中華民國歷史,對此感到可惜。
#Elimination #History #Heritage #SenseOfIdenity #SenseOfBelongings #CCP #Chinazi #屯門 #中華民國 #消滅歷史 #紅樓 #共匪 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP
Pompeo calls for release of 10 jailed HK activists
// US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday called for the immediate release of 10 Hong Kong activists who were sentenced to between seven months and three years in jail by a Chinese court.
"The United States strongly condemns the Shenzhen courts actions and calls for the ten members of the group who were sentenced to jail terms to be immediately and unconditionally released," Pompeo said in a statement. (Reuters) //
#陽光司法 #不公平審訊 #save12hkyouths #save12 #毋忘義士 #釋放十二 #BringThemBack #BringThemHome #HKPolice #CCP #Chinazi #US #Pompeo
// US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday called for the immediate release of 10 Hong Kong activists who were sentenced to between seven months and three years in jail by a Chinese court.
"The United States strongly condemns the Shenzhen courts actions and calls for the ten members of the group who were sentenced to jail terms to be immediately and unconditionally released," Pompeo said in a statement. (Reuters) //
#陽光司法 #不公平審訊 #save12hkyouths #save12 #毋忘義士 #釋放十二 #BringThemBack #BringThemHome #HKPolice #CCP #Chinazi #US #Pompeo