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#國際特赦組織 【感激有你同行 一同捍衞人權】



[Thank you for your support over the years]

The office of Amnesty International Hong Kong Section (AIHK) ceases its operations on 31 October 2021, and its website and social media pages will stop updating with immediate effect.

In the future, Amnesty International will continue to monitor, record, and pay attention to the human rights situation around the globe, including Hong Kong, to educate people around the world with human rights knowledge.

了解更多 Learn More: http://amn.st/6172JRA8w

#捍衛人權 #人權 #國安法 #影響一小撮人 #以言入罪 #紅線任搬
This global joint campaign involves 163 associated cities from 7 countries across the globe.

#姊妹城市 協議原意旨在促進兩國之間的經濟合作和文化交流。然而,這種外交策略現在卻淪為中共 #外交滲透 的工具。

The establishment of the “sister city” agreement was supposed to be a diplomatic strategy to foster economic engagement and cultural exchange between two nations. However, this diplomatic strategy is becoming a manipulative tool for the Chinese Communist Party regime to expand the influence of its dictatorship around the world.

因應2020年多個瑞典城市與中國脫離「姊妹城市」關係,全球多個抗爭組織現 #聯合發表聲明 促請各地市政府重新審視他們與獨裁政權的密切關係,反對與漠視人權、自由和民主的的中共建交,並透過終止與中國的「姊妹城市」關係來 #捍衛人權 和遏止其滲透。

Following the de-twinning of Swedish cities from China in 2020, Hong Kong activist groups around the globe hereby make a joint statement, prompting the local authorities to cut ties with this totalitarian regime that neglects the value of human rights, freedom and democracy by terminating the twin city relationship with China.

#sistercity #支共禍患 #NeverTrustCCP #evilCCP