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Thousands gather at the Parliament Square in #London to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of 612 incident in #HongKong, where it marked the beginning of the #antiELAB movement. Such assembly is no longer allowed in Hong Kong since the enactment of the #NationalSecurityLaw.

Source: twitter @leungjasminee
#英國 #集會 #遍地開花 #UK #London
一年前,#蘋果日報 發生了什麼事?

獨媒報導: https://bit.ly/3xvySi3

#新聞自由 #国安法 #AppleDaily #FreedomOfPress #NationalSecurityLaw
"Amendment Bill Crisis" Involved Terrorist Acts, Says New Hong Kong Textbooks

June 2022 marks the third anniversary of the beginning of the 2019 protests against the Extradition Law Amendment Bill (ELAB).

Ming Pao reviewed four newly released textbooks from three publishers, and found that they mentioned these protests as background information for the enactment of the #NationalSecurityLaw. The textbooks only said that "severe, violent incidents" took place in 2019, and asserted that the "amendment bill crisis" involved "violent acts of terrorism involving various illegal acts".

Two textbooks further alleged that "the Central Government considered it involved interference by foreign forces", that opposition forces and organizations inciting Hong Kong independence invited foreign interference, and so on.

Source: Ming Pao

#Brainwashing #AntiELAB #HongKongProtests #焚書坑儒 #洗腦教育 #抹殺歷史
#威權統治 兩年下的香港工運
HK Union Movement under two yerar of #authoritarian rule

香港工會運動在過去 #國安法 實施兩年來面對前所未有的挑戰,儘管現時政治氣氛令人窒息,但工人反抗剝削的Q抗爭並無終止,留任的組織者承受著巨大的心理壓力,仍然有工人有意願和能力自行組織起來爭取權益,他們需要我們的聲援,將他們的聲音帶到國際。

Hong Kong’s independent trade union movement face unprecedented suppression under the Hong Kong National Security Law (#NSL). However, Hong Kong’s courageous labour #activists are still experimenting innovative ways standing up for their rights. Let their voices be heard. Amplify their voices across the world.

Full report: https://is.gd/hKqVkQ
IG @HKLabourRights

#香港勞權監察 #HKLabourRights #國際線
#海外港人 #國安法 #NationalSecurityLaw #LabourRights #TradeUnion
Media is too big
Two years of Hong Kong's national security law - explained in data

Hong Kong has seen almost 200 national security law arrests, with many denied bail, over the past two years. What happened to the city's leading civil society figures, and top news outlets? HKFP explains with data. In full: https://bit.ly/NSLdata

#新聞自由 #国安法 #AppleDaily #StandNews #FreedomOfPress #NationalSecurityLaw #立場新聞 #蘋果新聞 #47人案 #初選大搜捕
On the 25th anniversary of #HongKong's handover, we take a look into how #CCP's #NationalSecurityLaw is a sham, a pretext to crackdown on #HK's identity and liberty. This "law" descended arbitrarily and abruptly onto us 2 years ago today, the bottom line is this: whatever actions or words #Beijing doesn't like is a potential breach of "national security", one man's insecurity ruins 7 million people's lives.

source: t.me/internationalfccp
@the_chaser_news 報導




#港區國安法 #國安法 #黎智英 #外國勢力 #大律師 #境外執法 #顛覆國家 #國安處 #JimmyLai #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL


#羊村繪本案 #港區國安法 #煽動罪 #煽動刊物 #言語治療師 #出版自由 #言論自由 #陳國基 #華盛頓郵報 #NationalSecurityLaw #Sedition #FreedomOfSpeech #thewashingtonpost

追新聞報導 TG/IG @the_chaser_news


黎智英國際律師團隊另一名成員普萊斯(Jonathan Price)警告,若當局對黎智英的不當對待持續,美國及其他國家或會以「強而有力」的政策(robust policy)回應。

#壹傳媒 #黎智英 #蘋果日報 #國安法 #JimmyLai #NationalSecurityLaw #AppleDaily

追新聞報導 TG/IG @the_chaser_news