#Twitter #fb #ig
全球「和尼畫」#XinniethePooh Challenge
3.放上ig、fb、twitter,tag #XinniethePooh
4.tag 1-3個你想佢一齊畫維尼嘅朋友
「Xinnie the Pooh」Challenge
1. Draw your own "Xinnie the Pooh"
2. Write down what do you want to tell Chairman Xi
3. Post your work on instagram, facebook and twitter with tag #Xinnie the Pooh
4. Tag up to 3 more friends to ask them draw together!
5. Those who are tagged also join to draw Xinnie the Pooh, keep drawing until Chairman Xi can see our works!!
全球「和尼畫」#XinniethePooh Challenge
3.放上ig、fb、twitter,tag #XinniethePooh
4.tag 1-3個你想佢一齊畫維尼嘅朋友
「Xinnie the Pooh」Challenge
1. Draw your own "Xinnie the Pooh"
2. Write down what do you want to tell Chairman Xi
3. Post your work on instagram, facebook and twitter with tag #Xinnie the Pooh
4. Tag up to 3 more friends to ask them draw together!
5. Those who are tagged also join to draw Xinnie the Pooh, keep drawing until Chairman Xi can see our works!!
#facebook #FB戰線 #FB_ChatBot #全民文宣 #和理非任務 #抗爭日常
Facebook Messenger 機械人 ChatBot【肥BotBot】🤖
佢會根據你個人設定,定時提醒用家做各戰線特別係online任務, 同埋提供有關香港政治/反送中文章,培養做任務習慣同抗爭正確心態🔥
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fatBotBotHK/
搵肥BotBot隨意門: m.me/fatBotBotHK
Facebook Messenger 機械人 ChatBot【肥BotBot】🤖
佢會根據你個人設定,定時提醒用家做各戰線特別係online任務, 同埋提供有關香港政治/反送中文章,培養做任務習慣同抗爭正確心態🔥
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fatBotBotHK/
搵肥BotBot隨意門: m.me/fatBotBotHK