العربية مع هيام
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العربية مع هيام
كثير من الطلاب درسوا العربية وقتا طويلا جدا و درسوا القواعد لكن لا يسْتَطيعون التحدث جيدا بالعربية .. السبب في ذلك أنهم أثناء دراسة العربية أغفلوا مهارتَيْ الاستماع والتحدث . فاللغة ليست فقط قراءة وكتابة وقواعد، ويؤكد ذلك ما نشاهده جميعا حولنا فالأطفال يتحدثون…
Many students have studied Arabic as well as its grammar for a long time but are unable to speak it very well. The reason for this is because they neglected the two skills of listening and speaking.

Language isn’t merely just reading, writing and grammar and this is confirmed by what we all see around us. Children speak the language of their parents without ever studying it. How is that so? Just by listening and imitating what they hear.
This is the same with a student, when they listen a lot, his tongue will become used to Arabic in Shaa Allah.

The best way to develop listening skill is to listen to written texts (with subtitles) and because this type of text is almost non-existent in Arabic, I chose a group of YouTube videos and wrote them to help students I chose a group of videos about Juha,ً a funny character in Arabic literature. The videos are suitable for intermediate level. I will send the video and then under it will be a word document containing the subtitles of the video. Later, in Shaa Allah, I will post videos suitable for beginner level and I will then write a hashtag for example:

#listen #medium #استماع #للمتوسط
#listening #beginners #استماع #للمبتديء

This is for easy access to each series in the future Inshaa Allah. I will also put some questions after each video in order to test yourself as to what you have just listened to.. However, we must pay attention and follow these steps to achieve the greatest benefit:

1/ Listen to the video without reading the text and at this stage we only have to understand the general idea of the video
2/ Listen with reading from the file that I will send,in Shaa Allah.
3/ Write, understand and use new words in sentences
4/ Listen again without reading and at this stage the whole text will be clear.
5 / Try to imitate what you hear and repeat what they say in the videos.

If you have benefitted, don’t forget to share this with your friends and remember “Whoever leads to good, he is like the one who does it”

All the best to everyone

mrs / Hiam Mohamed Al-Ferjani https://t.me/hiammohammad