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Five Overseas Hongkongers including #NathanLaw wanted by HK Authorities Over #BlankVotes and #NoVote 'Incitement'

In Hong Kong, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (#ICAC) issued a warrant on December 18, 2021 to arrest five exiled activists, including Nathan Law Kwun-chung, for inciting voters to cast blank or invalid ballots in the Legislative Council election on December 19, 2021.

Apart from former lawmaker Law, four others, including Sunny Cheung Kwan-yang; and former district councilors Timothy Lee Hin-long, Lee Ka-wai, and Carmen Lau Ka-man are also wanted persons.  

Source: Stand News, #Dec18


#Regime #FakeElection #PoliceState #CCPStyle #FailedState
#Regime #WhiteTerror
HK Government Arrest at least 10 Civilians for 'Inciting' #BlankVotes in “Patriots-only” #LegCoElection

Source: Inmediahk.net; #Dec16

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#Regime #WhiteTerror
HK Government Arrest at least 10 Civilians for 'Inciting'
#BlankVotes in “Patriots-only” #LegCoElection

As of December 16, 2021, the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (#ICAC) has arrested a total of 10 civilians suspected of "inciting" others not to vote, or to cast invalid votes.

The latest two civilians were arrested and accused of sharing a social media post by democrat and former lawmaker #TedHui, who is in self-imposed exile in Australia. In the post, Hui called for Hongkongers to cast blank votes in the upcoming “patriots only” legislative election as a form of “silent protest.”

Responding to the arrest, Hui wrote on his Facebook page that “I’m confident and I believe, HongKongers, who know the true meaning of ‘#BeWater’, would know what to do on election day.”

This time, Hui added a prominent disclaimer to this facebook post, which wrote “the tyranny has been making rampant arrests. Avoid public dissemination, but please share the post privately.”

Source: Inmediahk.net; #Dec16

#Elections #CCP #LegCo #Protest #SocialMedia #Censorship
#PoliceState #LegCoElection
HK Police Intimidates Reporter and Warns of "Loitering" Charges in Polling Station

Source: InMedia #Dec19

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#PoliceState #LegCoElection
HK Police Intimidates Reporter and Warns of "Loitering" Charges in Polling Station

On December 19, 2021, the Legislative Council Election took place in Hong Kong, after being postponed by the authorities for over a year.

In the Tin Sui polling station in Tin Shui Wai, very few voters turned up, unlike the long queue and the crowd during the Pro-democracy Primary Election in the summer of 2020.

Back then, the average waiting time of the polling station is one hour where the queue always consists of several hundreds of citizens.

In the 2021 LegCo Election, there were at least 4 uniform police patrolling the area. An InMedia reporter was confronted by the patrolling officers outside and the police inside the polling station.

Not that the police recorded the personal details of the reporter, an officer accused the reporter of being a "fake reporter." "Never heard of InMedia. Who is your boss?" the police said.

The police ordered the reporter to show the photos that were taken. The police also claimed that they have already arrested some people who took photos in other polling station for "loitering".

In another polling station in Wanchai, the police forbade a InMedia reporter from conducting interview in the unrestricted area outside the polling station. The police claimed that "only iCable and another outlet" can cover the election news.

Source: InMedia #Dec19


#PressFreedom #InMedia
How Hongkongers Respond to "Patriot-Only" #Election

Source: Stand News; InMedia #Dec19

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How Hongkongers Respond to "Patriots-Only" #Election

After having been postponed for more than a year by the authorities, the Legislative Election took place in Hong Kong on December 19, 2021, when the majority of the city's pro-democracy camp are detained, jailed, or exiled. Prior to the election, public polls have shown that Hong Kong citizens expressed little interest in the "Patriots-Only" election.

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While the authorities have sent at least one SMS to the population (including non-voters) encouraging them to vote, at least ten civilians have been arrested for "inciting" others to cast #BlankVote or invalid vote. In addition, at least five exiled activists are wanted by the Hong Kong government for encouraging the public to boycottt the election.

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Around noon, it was reported that over 900 #ICAC staff were deployed in different polling stations to ensure that the election is conducted in a "just and fair" manner. Earlier, the authorities announced that polling staff were forbidden from wearing yellow masks and anyone wearing an outfit with phrases like "Add Oil Hong Kong" would be asked to remove or cover it.

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Ms Ng, in her sixties, told Stand News that "everyone knows" the agenda of the authorities behind offering free public transport on the Election Day. [Editor's note: Voters are always assigned to a polling station nearest to their residential address.] Regarding thd candidates in the nicknamed "Patriots-only" election, Ms Ng said, "I don't even know just one of them!"

Ms Ng added that the [goverment's] act would be futile, "Elderly like us only think about hiking, not voting."

Meanwhile, huge crowds were spotted at amusement parks like #DisneyLand and #OceanPark. Some tourists claimed that they have never seen so many people in the park.

This year, in Taikoo Shing, a residential area on Hong Kong Island East, the polling station was relatively 'empty' when compared to the 2016 LegCo Election and the 2019 District Council Election. Back then, voters had to line up and wait before casting their ballot. This year, there were more people queuing at the bus station.

Pro-Beijing figure Lo Man-sui, who occupied positions in CCP organizations like the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, said that "The winning of all 90 seats by the Pro-Establishment Camp would go against the original intent of the Central Government."

#TedHui, now-exiled former lawmaker in pro-democracy camp, answered the call by #HongKongWatch, uploading a photo of himself holding a sign that reads #ReleaseMyCandidate. Hui added that those who can represent Hongkongers' voices are in jail, and that ths only thing a Hongkonger can do is to boycott the election.

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Source: Stand News; InMedia #Dec19


https://thestandnews.page.link/VJLfT7xux5Do6sj89 -

#FailedState #FakeElection #CCPStyle #Voter #PoliceState

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HK Police Intimidates Reporter and Warns of "Loitering" Charges in Polling Station
"Patriots-Only" #LegCoElection Causes Lowest Turnout in Hong Kong History: 3.12 Million Hongkongers Cast #NoVote

Source: Stand News; InMedia #Dec20

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"Patriots-Only" #LegCoElection Causes Lowest Turnout in Hong Kong History: 3.12 Million Hongkongers Cast #NoVote

The Legistlative Council (LegCo) election ended at 10:33pm on December 19, 2021. The turnout in the geographical constituency, the only part of the Council that is generated by direct election, was recorded 29.28% at 9:30pm. At 3:30am in Hong Kong, the government announced that the turnout is 30.2%, which is the lowest in Hong Kong history. According to the government statistic, over 17,000 ballots came from three polling stations set up in the border between Hong Kong and China.

Among 4.37 millions of registered voters, 3.12 million Hongkongers did not cast any vote in the "patriots-only" election in 2021, and only around 1.3 million did. Some citizens who voted said they have never seen that the polling stations were such empty, especially when compared to the 2019 District Council Election, where the pro-democracy camp had a landslide victory. In 2021, there were no more young people using innovative ways to promote and support their candidates. Citizens who voted said voting is a civil responsibility but there was no choice in this election.

Even before the election closed, it was reported that Chief Executive #CarrieLam would go to Beijing the next day. It was unknown whether it was related to the election.

Source: Stand News; InMedia #Dec20

#FailedState #CCPStyle #Regime #Election

Related News:

How Hongkongers Respond to "Patriots-Only"

"Don't Vote" Banner Spotted on Lion Rock Mt. in Hong Kong
#LegCoElection #PatriotOnly #CCPstyle
"Don't Vote" Banner Spotted on Lion Rock Mt. in Hong Kong

Source: Boomhead, LIHKG; #Dec19

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#LegCoElection #PatriotOnly #CCPstyle
"Don't Vote" Banner Spotted on Lion Rock Mt. in Hong Kong

A photo was circulating online on the LegCo election day (December 19, 2021) that a black banner with the text "don't vote" was displayed on top of Lion Rock.

Police had been stationed at the base of the mountain since early morning; by noontime, a Government Flying Service helicopter circled the summit at low attitude, observing from an open door on its side.

A number of police, fire, and ambulance vehicles are parked at the barbecue area at the base of the hill. The banner has apparently been removed by noontime; reporters who hiked to the summit did not see the black banner on the side of the mountain.

An anonymous group has claimed responsibility for installing the banner. According to their post on the LIHKG forum, their intention was to call on Hongkongers to boycott the Legco election taking place today (Dec 19) by not voting.

They also claimed that the banner had actually been installed a few days ago, and had "over-estimated" the authority's alertness as they hoped the banner's removal would draw the public's attention to their message.

A commenter noted that the concise two-character slogan "不投" can have alternative meanings; besides "don't vote", it could be read as implying "don't surrender" (不投降), or "don't conspire with Communists" (不投共).

Source: Boomhead, LIHKG

Related News:

How Hongkongers Respond to "Patriots-Only" #Election

"Patriots-Only" #LegCoElection Causes Lowest Turnout in Hong Kong History: 3.12 Million Hongkongers Cast #NoVote
DQ'd, Jailed, Exiled: the Fate of 31 Elected Pro-Democracy Members of 2016 Legislative Council

Source: Stand News #Dec18

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DQ'd, Jailed, Exiled: the Fate of 31 Elected Pro-Democracy Members of 2016 Legislative Council

After a year-long delay, and after China has "perfected" Hong Kong's electoral system, the Legislative Council (Legco) election finally took place on December 19, 2021.

Unlike the past, traditional pro-democracy parties such as Democratic Party, Civic Party, and Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood are all absent from this election. Taking their place in running is a few lesser known, self-professed "non-establishment" candidates.

The previous Legco Election took place in 2016, in which over 2.2 million voters elected 35 legislators from the geographic constituencies, the only part of the legislature which is generated by direct election.

Taking by-elections into account, 31 pro-democracy legislators have been voted into office in 2016. However, these elected representatives can no longer serve as the voice of the people in the halls of the Legislature.

Of the 31, 4 have emigrated from Hong Kong or have left in exile. 14 are in custody or are serving prison sentences, while 5 have been released on bail. The remaining 10 have stepped back from politics.

The oath taking controversy in 2016-2017 saw six legislators disqualified ("DQ") and removed from office, as a result of China's National People's Congress reinterpreting the requirements in Hong Kong's Basic Law after the legislators have already taken their oaths.

Following the 2019 #AntiELAB movement, the pro-democracy camp initiated a primary election in a bid to secure over half of the seats in Legislature in the election originally scheduled for 2020. 610,000 voters cast their votes in the primaries which saw candidates from across the full spectrum of the democratic camp participate. 18 of them had been sitting members of the 2016 Legco.

However, the primary election was accused by the authorities to be a "plot to paralyze the government", and the police arrested 55 people associated to the primaries under the #NationalSecurityLaw. This includes 16 of the aforementioned 18 sitting Legco members; the remaining two, #NathanLaw and #TedHui, have left Hong Kong in exile.

Source: Stand News #Dec18

#PoliticalProsecution #DQ #HongKongElection #CCPStyle
#Regime #PoliceState #Arrest

Related News:

How Hongkongers Respond to "Patriots-Only"

"Don't Vote" Banner Spotted on Lion Rock Mt. in Hong Kong

#LegCoElection Causes Lowest Turnout in Hong Kong History: 3.12 Million Hongkongers Cast #NoVote
#Survey to assess demand for setting up a Hong Kong Government in exile

A political campaign group #AtlasMovement initiated a survey to gauge the demand for setting up a Hong Kong Government in exile.

“We have been thinking of setting up a Democratic Government in Exile to represent Hong Kongers and their interest in front of the international community, and to provide certain key state services,” the group wrote on its website and initiated a survey.

The group explained that the imposition of the #NationalSecurityLaw in June 2020 has led to a significant backslide and deterioration of democracy, rule of law and the guarantee of civil and political rights in Hong Kong.

It called the legislative elections in Hong Kong in December 2021 “a sham”, in which Hong Kongers can no longer express their voice or votes inside the city, and have no representation outside.

The survey aimed to assess demand for a Democratic Government in Exile; its representation; its function; how leaders could be elected and sources of funding.

The survey:

Source: Citizen News #Dec4


#Hongkongers #Exile #LegCoElection #GovernmentinExile
#G7, #EU and the #Five Eyes Express Concerns Over China's Control of Hong Kong #LegCoElection

Source: Hong Kong Watch #Dec21

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#G7, #EU and the #Five Eyes Express Concerns Over China's Control of Hong Kong #LegCoElection

//The Five Eyes and G7 together with the high representatives of the European Union, have issued joint statements expressing deep concern that the Chinese Communist Party has taken away the few remaining democratic elements of Hong Kong's electoral system.

Both statements pointed out that the newly reformed electoral system, with fewer directly elected seats and new vetting procedures that restrict voter choice, undermines the high degree of autonomy promised to Hong Kong in the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

Both joint statements call on China to act in accordance with the Sino-British Joint Declaration and other legal obligations, and to respect the basic human rights and freedoms of Hong Kong as promised in the Basic Law.

They also called on the Chinese and Hong Kong governments to stop suppressing dissenting voices and to stop unreasonably suppressing those who advocate democratic values and defend freedom and human rights.//

[Editor's notes: The Five Eyes countries are the US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand.

The G7 countries are US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy and Japan.]

Read the statements by the UK Foreign Ministry:



Source: Hong Kong Watch #Dec21

#HongKongWatch #LegcoElection #FakeElection
Hong Kong Pro-democracy activist arrested again for posting on Facebook while on bail

#OwenChow Ka-sing, on bail pending his subversion trial, was arrested when he reported back to Police Station on January 12, 2022.

Chow was told he had violated the bail conditions for making a remark on his Facebook regarding the Legislative Council election took place in December in Hong Kong.

On December 19, 2021 (the day set for the Legislative Council election in Hong Kong), Chow shared two quotes on his Facebook page.

The first one came from #ChrisTang, the Secretary for Security which stated "there could be local lone-wolf terrorist attack on election day".

The other one was from a police hotline operator, "If you are frightened, stay home." The quote was captured on July 21, 2019 when hundreds of citizens called police station in Yuen Long for their assistance when pro-democracy protesters were brutally attacked by white-clad local gangsters.

Along with these two quotes, Chow made a small remark that read, "you told me to stay home when being frightened."

Owen Chow is among the 47 democrats being arrested in January 2021 on suspicion of conspiring to subvert state power for their involvement in a legislative council primary election.

Chow was granted bail in June 2021.

Source: Inmediahk; #Jan12

#Arrest #SocialMedia #LegCoElection #YuenLong721 #StayHome
HK Drifters Received Calls Asking to Vote in the LegCo Election

Source: Citizen News #Dec19

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HK Drifters Received Calls Asking to Vote in the LegCo Election

The Hong Kong Government and a number of companies and organisations had been urging voters to vote in the recent Legislative Council Election. A number of Gangpiao (also known as Hong Kong drifters) told the Citizen News that they had constantly been urged to vote on Dec 19, 2021 (Polling Day) by Chinese-funded organisations and associations of Chinese fellow townsmen, describing it as a "soul-chasing call".

Some of them were worried about the authority treating them unfairly later on if they did not vote in the election. On the same day, a lot of posts on WeChat showed their participation in the election. Some of them were even suspected of breaking the law, as they took photos of their ballots.

A Gangpiao indicated that a number of them were afraid of the consequences if they were found not voting, as they experienced much more pressure than before, and that despite doing their best, would unfortunately go against the law in order to show their participation.

Editor’s Note: According to Cap. 541D(45)(2), a person who, on polling day, films or takes photographs or makes any audio or video recording within a polling station without the express permission of the Presiding Officer; or any member of the Commission; or the express permission, in writing, of the Returning Officer for the constituency or constituencies for which the polling station is used for polling, commits an offence.

Source: Citizen News #Dec19
The 5th Legco election was held on Dec 19, 2021, breaking a number of records in history.

#LegCoElection #Democrats47 #GoHKgraphics