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The expulsion of US journalists from Hong Kong and its implications

When the rule of law can no longer be upheld, the demise of Hong Kong is near

Just after midnight (on 18 March), China issued a bombshell statement that sent shockwaves throughout the Hong Kong media. In the statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a ban of 13 US journalists from reporting in Hong Kong. From a legal standpoint, articles 27 and 154 of the Basic Law clearly state that Hong Kong residents shall have the freedom of press, and that the Hong Kong SAR government shall have the power to apply immigration controls. Prohibiting these journalists from reporting in Hong Kong is a clear violation of constitutional rights under the principle of “One Country, Two Systems” and a threat to Hong Kong’s autonomy.

//the greater concern is that foreign employees of other corporations could also be at risk of expulsion by the PRC. This could lead to significant uncertainties with respect to Hong Kong’s economy.

//Hong Kong does not have to be passive in the face of Beijing’s increasingly oppressive stance.

//where a new cold war could be sparked off in an instant, the decisions made by Hong Kong people can certainly have an influence on the outcome.


Excerpt: Stand News, (18-Mar)

#HKHRADA #ColdWar #FreedomOfPress #Propaganda #BasicLaw #OneCountryTwoSystem #RuleOfLaw
#OpinionArticle #SimonLau

Simon Lau's explosive talk, Luo Huining's bright sword: Article 23 pushed forward before September's election, Sino-American hot war after Wuhan pneumonia.

(18 Apr) Luo Huining, the Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong, made a speech on video a few days ago pushing for the enactment of Basic Law Article 23. He focused his criticism on Hong Kong's national security mechanisms and hinted at the Central Government's unyielding attitude.

According to Simon Lau's analysis, "The Central Government knows that after the LegCo election, maintaining national security with LegCo will only become more difficult. Carrie Lam has already done one piece of dirty work; she cannot possibly do another one. While she is finishing her term and stepping down, the September election occurs. As such, it is an opportune moment to enact Article 23. I predict that this is the CCP's game plan."

//They are using the same trick this time, thinking that citizens will not care about political issues after the disaster [epidemic]. Previously, Junius Ho called for a petition to enact Article 23. This must have been a direct order from the CCP and not from Luo.//

//When dealing with the rest of the world, Hong Kong is relied on as just a pretty face to attract investments. But if they are burning alongside the rest of the world, the Central Government does not mind sacrificing Hong Kong.//

Full translation:

Source: Next Magazine

#OneCountryTwoSystems #CCP #Taiwan #FreedomOfPress #US #ExpellJournalists #Article23 #ColdWar #HotWar #DenisKwok
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

When the world economic structure is shuffled, what is the role of Hong Kong moving forward?

(23 Apr) Wuhan virus exploded in the US as confirmed cases and deaths skyrocketed, netizens in China were once thrilled and celebrated the decline of the national power of the U.S. Finally, the time has come for China to become the world power.

//The United States is pressing for a cold war against China, knowing that if all medical materials including masks are in China ’s hands, it can lead to the defeat of the United States. Therefore, even if Chinese private factories are temporarily transformed into mask factories, they will not be able to fill the decline of GDP in the long run. //

//As for the state-owned and private enterprises in mainland China, if they are looking to take advantage of the chaotic situation, they will either infiltrate Hong Kong or Taiwanese companies which are pro-KMT, or they will claim their products as manufactured in Vietnam and Cambodia, then blend in with other original products and secretly export them to the US.//

//in theory, Hong Kong businessmen in the mainland can also withdraw their factories and relocate to Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong is facing a soaring unemployment rate, catering and retail industry can no longer maintain the high volume of sales that they benefited from China’s bubble economy before. Hong Kong must also follow the trend of industrial transformation.//

//it is no longer the same as Hong Kong’s position and image deteriorates in the eyes of the U.S. //

//it is not essential for Hong Kong to develop advanced technology, because Hong Kong could be subject to sanctions by the U.S. on high technology exports. //

//Hong Kong must be regarded as "different from China" by the United States and the West, which is precisely what the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Edward Yau, tried to convey to the US Consulate General in Hong Kong last year, that “Hong Kong is not China”. //

//But it is too late now. Hong Kong is becoming more “China-like”, its status has become very awkward. Even Google excluded Hong Kong from a U.S.-Asia undersea telecommunications cable.//

Full translation:

Source: Chip Tsao’s Facebook

Further reading:
U.S. Allows Google Internet Project to Advance Only if Hong Kong Is Cut Out

#Google #compensation #Economy #HongKongIsNotChina #ColdWar #Mainlandization

Hong Kong Is Becoming Ground Zero in the New Cold War

//If Hong Kong falls, the long arm of the Chinese Communist Party will expand further.

//it is a step that serves no one’s interest, including the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) itself.

//For Hong Kong as a whole, the move delivers a death blow to its century-long status as a separate legal jurisdiction, which is the very foundation of its economic success, freedom, and human rights...It’s also bad news for the establishment, as China’s decision to bypass the Hong Kong legislative process is a vote of no-confidence in the previous model of indirect rule... will find themselves increasingly sidelined under a new direct-rule approach from the center.

//For the West, this step rings the death knell for their presence in Hong Kong. Western companies are going to lose the only Western-oriented business center within Chinese territories and their business interests will no longer be well protected by the British-style common law jurisdiction....international nongovernment organizations (INGOs), media branches, and intelligence operations are also at risk of being uprooted by China’s heavy hand. The West...may forever lose its foothold in the door of China.

//Hong Kong is China’s “financial lifeline,” functioning as its single most important source of foreign capital since the founding of the People’s Republic... Chinese companies are already on the brink of being expelled from the U.S. capital market and dozens of Chinese companies have been forced to plan secondary listings in Hong Kong. Therefore China’s push for a national security law in Hong Kong will only burn its own bridge to the world and add pressure to the vulnerable Chinese economy

//such a lose-lose decision is that it fits with the Chinese nationalist agenda of the Xi Jinping regime. Facing unprecedented challenges at home and abroad... it is comprehensible that the Xi regime would choose to shift the blame to “foreign forces” by playing up its Chinese nationalist card.

//Xi seems to have prioritized the nationalist fervor to control Hong Kong over utilitarian calculations of the territory’s financial contribution.

//By placing pragmatism over nationalist fervor, China provided the room for Hong Kong to function as a geopolitical buffer zone from the Cold War to the post-Cold War period.

//the Xi regime seems to have no interest in keeping Hong Kong as its buffer zone with the West. Driven by a nationalist political agenda, Xi instead sees Hong Kong as the frontline battlefield in the new Cold War with the United States.

//New waves of street fights will happen from now on all the way through the anniversaries of key dates... The extensive disqualification of democratic candidates in September’s Legislative Council election looks inevitable; the election itself may be postponed. A local financial crisis is also looming as a consequence of the massive outflow of local, mainland, and foreign capital from Hong Kong and expectations of the partial (if not complete) revocation of Hong Kong’s special treatment by the United States.

//the fanning of aggressive Chinese nationalism into wider geopolitical conflicts. History tells us that nationalist ambition, once mobilized, will likely develop into ever-more aggressive territorial claims.

//A war between China and the United States is no longer unimaginable.

Source: The Diplomat, (25-May)

Further reading:
China is preparing for WAR - Xi Jinping in terrifying alert after global backlash

#ColdWar #HongKong #China #West #US #NationalSecurityLaw #CCP

Dawn of Asian century puts pressure on EU to choose sides, says top diplomat

There has been growing discussion in Europe on how to weave a path between China and the US with the seeming end of a US-led global system and the arrival of an Asian century.

The EU’s desire to be tougher on China has been held back by revulsion at Trump’s methods, China’s part in helping Europe’s economy recover in 2007-8 and comparisons between Russia and China as communist regimes in which China appeared to have a more positive image.

With the recent pandemic, however, the pressure to choose sides is growing for the European Union, which appears to be shifting to a more independent and aggressive posture towards Beijing. The shift is sped up by Beijing’s assault on the independence of Hong Kong and its refusal to open its markets.

China’s handling of the pandemic has also backfired with European public opinion and a recent poll showed that 71% Germans believed “greater transparency by China would have mitigated the corona epidemic”.

France and Germany have already become more vocal in their criticism of China with the German cabinet approving new laws to prevent foreign takeovers of medical companies. The challenge now is for European politicians to harness this new awareness to resist China without tumbling into Trump’s cold war.

Full Article: The Guardian

Further reading:
Merkel Says EU Has ‘Strategic Interest’ in Working With China

#EuropeanUnion #coronavirus #ChinaUSrelations #ColdWar
#ColdWar #US #China #Russia
Phone Call between Chinese and Russian Foreign Ministers:  Wang Yi Accuses US of Using Pandemic to Smear Other Countries, “US Has Lost Its Sense of Reason, Morality and Credibility”

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#ColdWar #US #China #Russia
Phone Call between Chinese and Russian Foreign Ministers:  Wang Yi Accuses US of Using Pandemic to Smear Other Countries, “US Has Lost Its Sense of Reason, Morality and Credibility”

China’s official press agency, Xinhua News Agency, reported that Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi had talked with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov over the phone on 17 July, 2020.

Wang emphasised that the US had used every means to shift its responsibilities and smear other countries by way of the pandemic. He said the US had gone on such lengths as creating hot spots and confrontations in international relations, and had lost its sense of reason, morality and credibility.  Wang bluntly expressed that the US had pushed egoism, unilateralism and bullying to the limit, “not what a great power should be about”.
Wang also said that the US had returned to its notorious “McCarthyism” and an outdated “Cold War mentality” in its policy approach to China, deliberately provoking ideological oppositions and breaching fundamental principles of international laws and relations.  He asserted that China would firmly defend its legitimate interests and dignity.
According to China state media Xinhua’s report, Lavrov remarked that the US had long venerated the American exceptionalism and egotism.  He said lately it had even torn away its façade and made no attempts to disguise, casually making threats and waving about its baton of sanctions.  Lavrov said that Russia opposes unilateralism in international affairs.
Wang further stated that as major responsible countries, China and Russia reject “any actions destructive to international order and against historical trend”.   Together, they will jointly safeguard world peace and stability as well as maintain international justice.
Source:  Stand News  #Jul18
 #Smearing #CoronavirusPandemic