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#FirstHand #Jul19 #YuenLong721
Police Agitated After Being Asked of Their Whereabouts During the Yuen Long 7.21 Triad Attack

On a Sunday at 18:29 on Yau Sun Street in Yuen Long, police targeted a civilian after the police heard a question from the civilian.

One police officer was emotionally unstable and asked his peers to film the civilians but without citing specific reason. The question was where police were at Yuen Long attack on 21 July last year.

On July 19, 2020, netizens called for a march to commemorate the victims including protesters, train passengers and passersby attacked by the white-clad mob in Yuen Long on July 21, 2019, when police allegedly turned a blind eye to the assaults.

Hong Kong Police Storm in Shopping Mall on Sunday

Hongkongers Look For Ways to Speak Up
Media is too big
#FirstHand #Jul19 #YuenLong721
District Councillors Explain Why They Stopped Marching But Are Still Arrested by the Police Afterwards

At Yau Sun Street in Yuen Long, two district councillors, Ng Kin-wai and Hau Man-kin, members of Tin Shui Wai Connection, spoke to the press at 19:06 on July 19, 2020, "The police warned us that If we move forward, they will arrest us, but they didn't provide us with any reason. We have to stop even there were only four people marching, or we didn't chant any slogan.”

The two explained that they stopped marching as they didn't want to cause any risk to nearby civilians and journalists. The district councillors hoped the public would not forget what happened on 21 July, 2019 and the fight for justice would go on.

Police Arrest 4 Pro-democracy District Councillors
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#FirstHand #Jul19 #YuenLong721
Pro-Beijing Supporter Allegedly Harasses Legislator, District Councillors and Reporters Before Escorted by the Police

At 17:33 on July 19, 2020, pro-Beijing support Fong Shek-man appeared at Yoho Mall. He yelled at legislator Eddie Chu and other district councillors. As Fong left the shopping mall, he filmed the reporters and claimed he was pushed. At some point, Fong took of his facemask, amidst the COVID19 outbreak in Hong Kong.

Fong was later protected and escorted by the police.

Read more:
Joshua Wong Refuses to Sign the "Confirmation Letter" and Urges the Pro-democracy Camp
to Respect Different Choices in Solidarity

The Hong Kong Legislative Council election will be held on 6 September, 2020. Nominations started on 18 July. Joshua Wong Chi-fung, former secretary-general of Demosisto, obtained 31,000 votes in the primaries and ranked first in the Kowloon East constituency. He stated on July 18 that he would submit his enrolment in the following week but he wouldn’t sign the “confirmation letter” issued by the government.

Joshua Wong called the confirmation letter a censorial tool of the regime and pointed out that there was no objective standard from the beginning. Wong believed that his candidiacy would only be approved if Beijing makes a diplomatic consideration. In either way, Wong rejected to sign it. Wong urges members of the pro-democracy camp not to criticise each other, but respect each other's choice.

Source: Stand News #Jul18
#JoshuaWong #ConfirmationLetter
#Mainlandization #FailedState
Beijing Genomics Institution (BGI) suspected setting up a testing centre in Hong Kong, with simplified Chinese notice posted and China national flag hanged outside

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#Mainlandization #FailedState
Beijing Genomics Institution (BGI) suspected setting up a testing centre in Hong Kong, with simplified Chinese notice posted and China national flag hanged outside

On July 13, Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, announced two companies from Shenzhen and Macau would conduct Covid-19 tests for Hong Kong.

According to Tai Po district councillor Man Nim-chi, he went to the testing center at Tai Ping industrial park on July 17 and found some testing equipment with labels of "Huo Yan Laboratory" and "Beijing Genomics Institute". The staff spoke Mandarin. Odds and ends were everywhere. The sign "sample collection" was written in simplified Chinese and China national flag was hanged n the wall.

Man Nim-chi has asked the staff there, but no response. "Stand News" sent inquires to Chief Executive's Office, and Food and Health Bureau, but still waiting for their feedback.

The government announced to directly procure testing services from Sunrise Diagnostic Centre (established by BGI) and Prenetics under the anti-epidemic fund.

Source: Stand News #Jul17
Lee Yee: The State of being Silenced

Lee Yee is a veteran author and social activist. He founded the 70s Magazine in 1970 and was once a supporter of the Chinese Communist Party. In the 1980s, he changed his political views and started to reject communist ideologies. In this essay, he gives his commentary on the promulgation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong and its chilling effect on Hong Kong society.


#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

China’s New and Wise Policy for Civil Servants

(14 Jul) China's announcement on prohibiting civil servants from emigration deserves our support.

Firstly, in the view of national security, this policy prevents civil servants from divulging in state secrets to western countries after retirement.

Secondly, it will maintain the national integrity of cadres of Chinese officials by putting an end to teary eyes upon seeing the flag-raising ceremony and the subsequent conspiracy to anoint the feet of their entire family with the soil of the UK, US, Canada, Australia and other Western countries for asylum.

Likewise, now that Hong Kong has the National Security Law, should this policy also not apply to Hong Kong's government officials?

On 8 June 2020, Patrick Nip Tak-kuen, the Secretary for the Civil Service in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) stated, " Hong Kong civil servants are also China's civil servants." This argument is absolutely correct.

Based on the nation's interest above all else, the civil servants in HKSAR, including its government officials, have no reason to enjoy privileges different from those of the motherland.

After retirement from working at the departmental level, do you think the British would be kind enough to let you reunite with your kids in the UK? Do you think they would let you settle down, do a bit of gardening and casually go for dim sum in Chinatown? Wouldn't their officials come to your door to threaten your right of abode by demanding the details of the number of times you went to Beijing, Shanghai, the Kylin Villa in Shenzhen and other undisclosed locations for briefings while in office? It would help them study the body language and speech patterns of Chinese Communist Party leaders so that Western diplomats could develop more concise policies on China.

Do you agree?

Editor’s Note: The Trump administration has a similar idea to this new China’s policy, quite a good match.

Source: Chip Tsao Channel
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

Further reading:
U.S. Weighs Sweeping Travel Ban on Chinese Communist Party Members

#NationalSecurityLaw #CivilServants #Immigration

China’s new polices regarding those intending to or have already emigrated

(14 Jul) China has recently imposed two new policies that greatly affect those intending to or have already emigrated.
The first [policy] is that civil servants are prohibited from emigrating.
//Previously, there was an undesirable trend of public employees emigrating elsewhere.
//Some public employees not only sent their wives and children abroad, but also obtained green cards and foreign passports for themselves...betrays the trust of the people.
//a new policy that affects the interests of Chinese people overseas was recently introduced - to cancel the hukou* of overseas Chinese.
//Whose hukou are subject to cancellation? There are clear guidelines: citizens who are dead, in the army, own a foreign nationality and settled abroad
//you are considered to have settled abroad if:
- you have a green card and have lived abroad for 18 months cumulatively within two years;
- you do not have a green card and have lived abroad for 30 months cumulatively within five years.


Source: WeiXin QQ

Further reading:
*What is Hukou?

#OverseasChinese #CivilServants #Hukou #Immigration

Twitter and TikTok in fake news firing line

//China’s political manipulation of social media sites has prompted a swift response from the Morrison government.

//In early 2019, a delegation of senior Australian government officials travelled to Shenzhen, China, where they were permitted into a gleaming, two-towered building in the city’s far west.

//The AEC’s idea was to open the lines of communication with the social media player, recognising the platform as a potential conduit for disinformation ahead of the May 18, 2019 federal election.

//Similar meetings took place in Silicon Valley with Twitter, Facebook and Google. But recognising #WeChat’s two million-plus user base in #Australia

//#Tencent was “receptive”, Rogers says, opening the way for a “collaborative relationship” during the 2019 campaign.

//However, just over 12 months later, an explosion of fake news around the world and the rise of misinformation and foreign government interference across almost all the biggest social media platforms has infuriated the Morrison government

//Twitter released an archive of 23,750 suspended accounts connected to Chinese state-backed ­information operations... These accounts aimed to sow discord across several fronts — including propaganda against Hong Kong protesters who are portrayed repeatedly as violent and referred to as “cockroaches”, and in linking the COVID-19 outbreak to Hong Kong or the US.

//Twitter is banned in China, but most of the misinformation is aimed at the Chinese-speaking ­diaspora, including in Australia.

//WeChat has an estimated 2.9 million Australian users. Australian political parties believe the platform has the potential to affect election results in up to six federal seats, which have high numbers of Chinese-Australian voters.

//Its aim is to use Australian ­diplomacy... to call out disinformation and shame the state actors behind fake news.

//the use of social media platforms in Australia “that are extensions of social platforms in authoritarian states” pose a particular problem.

//foreign state-sponsored social media campaigns can be conducted at any time in response to geopolitical developments, not just during elections.

//Australia needs to spend less on submarines and more on bolstering cyber defences and weeding out disinformation from strategic rivals, including China.

//“China is also being blamed for COVID-19, so they are reaching out around the globe to try and control these narratives,”

//The government has also tasked communications watchdog ACMA with developing a new #misinformation and news quality code of practice, in a bid to reduce the impact of fake news.

Full Article: The Australian, (11-Jul)

#ChinesePlatform #FakeNews #Tiktok #cyberdefence #SocialMedia #Election #Coronavirus #propaganda
#LegCoElection #Nomination
18 nominations received on the first day of Legislative Council election nominations

The nomination period for the general election of the Legislative Council began on July 18, and 18 nominations were received on the first day.  The nomination period ends at the end of the month.

There were 8 nominations for geographical constituencies:

Hong Kong Island (3): 
- Horace Cheung Kwok-kwan (DAB list) 
- Chong Tsz-Yan (Civic Passion list)
- Tang Wai Chun (Hong Kong Young Hearts)

Kowloon West (1):
- Lei Onqou (reported as a salesperson)

New Territories West (1):
- Cheng Chung-tai (Civic Passion)

New Territories East (3):
- Wong Siu-kin (Civic Passion)
- Estella Chan Yuk-ngor (independent)
- Lam “Dragon Heart” Hak Lam

There were 10 nominations for functional constituencies:

Education: (2)
- Ip Kin-yuen (Professional Teacher’s Union)
- Deng Fei (Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers)

Engineering: (2)
- Lo Wai-kwok (Business and Professional Alliance for Hong Kong)
- Louis Ching Ming Tat (Independent)

Agriculture and Fisheries: (1)
- Steven Ho Chun-yin  

Accounting: (1)
- Kenneth Leung

Tourism: (1)
- Yiu Pak Leung 

Financial Services: (1)
- Xu Lian'an 

Catering: (1)
- Tommy Cheung Yu-yan

Social Welfare: (1)
- Cheung Chi Wai

Source: Commercial Radio #Jul18
#Covid19 #PoliceState #Booth
Police Encircle Pandemic Prevention Booth Run by Pro-democracy Activist

Pro-democracy activist Tam Tak-chi set up a booth on the street of Kowloon Bay on July 20 to help raise citizens' awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic.

At around 7pm, over 20 uniform police of the PTU arrived at the scene, claiming that the gathering ban (Cap.599G) might have been violated.

After the police left, Tam chanted "Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times", a popular protest slogan perceived by the government as a suggestion of independence. The police then returned to raise the purple flag, warning of the possible infringement of the National Security Law. The police behaviour had agitated the civilians waiting at the bus stop.

Source: Stand News #Jul20
#PurpleFlag #NationalSecurityLaw
#YuenLong721 #AsiasFinest
Witnesses of 7.21 Triad Attack in Yuen Long: Police Announce Witnesses' Full Names before the Suspects

One year ago on July 21, 2019, white-clad mob violently assaulted pro-democracy protesters, train passengers and passersby in Yuen Long. Just as the Police Station had been shut down early on that day, officers arrived only 39 minutes later in Yuen Long; however, no one was arrested that night.

Despite that over a hundred assailants were involved, the police only arrested 37 people so far. The police claimed that they would "investigate".

Mingpao reporter had interviewed 4 citizens who filed reports to the police that evening. All 4 pointed out that the police had allegedly made them stay with the suspects and/or their lawyers in the same room. The police also called forth the full names of the witnesses in front of the suspects. For fear that the exposure of their identity would endanger their life, some witnesses refused to bring the case further.

Source: MingPao #Jul20

Second Arrest Before Departure in Hong Kong

(17 Jul) At around 11pm last night, a 17-year-old girl was checked-in at Hong Kong International Airport for a flight to the UK.

She was arrested by the Hong Kong police while boarding.

It was reported that the arrestee was restricted to leave Hong Kong.

Her lawyers with District Councillors Tsang Kam Wing and Ng Kin Wai, and District Councillor assistant Ting Kai Chung, arrived at the Hong Kong Airport Police Station to offer assistance.

Source: Telegram

#HongKongPolice #arrest #protestors #airport #HongKong #DistrictCouncillor

Self-composed song contains hidden Morse code “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times”, mobile game Cytus’ Hong Kong music director resigns as Chinese netizens threaten to boycott

(18 Jul) Ice, the music director of the mobile game "Cytus", developed by Rayark Inc., announced his resignation on Facebook today. His Facebook post mentioned that it was related to a song he released in March which "sparked controversy". According to Taiwan media, a song he posted on SoundCloud contained the message “Hongkongers, carry on” and the Morse code “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times”. This was discovered by Chinese netizens, who then reported him and initiated to boycott the game Cytus.

//Chinese Cytus players were disgruntled and threatened to boycott the game, giving it a low score on rating sites and demanding an explanation from Rayark.

//Longyuan Network strongly condemns this behavior, “it will not be tolerated” and the composer will be held accountable for the losses caused.

Full translation:

Source: Stand News
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

Further reading:
The truth of China’s sharp power in the gaming industry
Super Mario Maker 2 E-Commerca Listings removed in China

#Censorship #Taiwan #GlassHeart #SoundClouds #MorseCode #China
#ExtraditionTreaty #UK #NationalSecurityLaw
National Security Law Triggers Britain to Suspend Extradition Treaty and Arms Sales with Hong Kong

After the United States, Australia, Canada and Finland, Britain suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong. Britain also blocked arms sales with Hong Kong, in response to China's enforcement of the National Security Law in the former British colony.

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said with the concerns about the new law and alleged human rights abuses in China (particularly, the treatment of the Uighurs), the new,measures are “reasonable and proportionate.'' Raab also said “We will protect our vital interests...We will stand up for our values and we will hold to China to its international obligations.''

Source: Stand News; RTHK #Jul20
#Finland #Extradition #1C1S
Finland Annuls Extradition Treaty with Hong Kong after China Enforces National Security Law in Hong Kong
After the National Security Law was put into effective in Hong Kong on 30 June 2020, Australia and Canada had both announced suspension of their extradition treaties with Hong Kong.  

On 13 July, Finland’s Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto had also announced that under the Hong Kong National Security Law, the extradition treaty between Hong Kong and Finland would no longer be applicable. 
As stated in a Reuters report, Haavisto told a press conference that the current situation has changed from the time when Finland first signed the treaty, thus the extradition agreement with Hong Kong “should not be applied”.
Source:  Stand News  #Jul14
National Security Law severely threatens judicial independence and rule of law in Hong Kong

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#Court #Statement #UK
National Security Law severely threatens judicial independence and rule of law in Hong Kong

Robert Reed, Baron Reed of Allermuir, is a non-permanent judge in Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal. He recently disclosed that the two places of non-permanent judges from UK in the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal has been reduced to one this year and no case has been scheduled for him.

He stated the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal would do their best to protect judicial independence bestowed by the Hong Kong Basic Law. However, whether judges in the Supreme Court of U.K. can continue to serve Hong Kong depends on whether Hong Kong can maintain its judicial independence.

After the statement released by Geoffrey Ma, the Chief Justice of Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, this is the second statement issued by a judge from the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal.

In the agreement between U.K. and Hong Kong since 2009, the Supreme Court of the UK appoints two judges as non-permanent judges in Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal. They handle civil and commercial cases as well as those involved human rights and the freedom of speech.

Source: Apple Daily #Jul18
#OpinionArticle #FungChiChing

Pro-Beijing camp’s Pro-Beijing suggestion on virus tests and Kits for Hong Kong

The Pro-Beijing camp suggests the Hong Kong government to introduce China COVID-19 tests and Clinical Diagnostic Kits to lower the cost and expend the test coverage, that is:

- Hong Kong laboratories need to verify the accuracy of the China testing kits to ensure it is at the same standard with those from overseas countries; and
- the Hong Kong government needs to examine the accuracy of the current testing kits used by China laboratories for verification.

Source: Fung Chiching’s Facebook

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