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Lorie Lai Man-ling and Melody Yeung Yat-yee, two among five defendants of the case of "Sheep Village", dismissed their defence counsel in the morning and made their submissions.

The first defendant Lorie Lai shared her reflections and experiences from the five-day trial and the 13-month remand over the court. She rebuttal the prosecutor, who took extremist terrorists as an example to argue that freedom of speech must not conflict with national security, and question whether "freedom with restrictions is freedom?"

She was interrupted by Judge Kwok Wai-kin, "If you continue that way, it would be a political statement. If you think I am wrong, then appeal my decision. If you think the prosecution's interpretation is wrong, then appeal theirs!" Kwok continues, "Hong Kong has the Court of Final Appeal, with foreign judges sitting there. I don't think we can single-handedly hide the sky."

The second defendant Melody Yeung said in pleading the case, “rather than judging us for seditious intent and spreading rumours, I think it’s about judging the correct view of history.” She said that Athens could judge Socrates, but not philosophy; The Catholic church could judge Galileo, but not heliocentrism, and that “in history, there’s no single, absolutely corrected view, but a diversity of perspectives. There’s no absolute correctness, only the ability to withstand repeated tests.”

She said only the people’s hearts could judge whether the illustrated books were a genuine reflection of Hong Kong’s social sentiment, a record of the community’s historical perspective, or a spread of rumours.

"If national security only means the security of the ruling group, without respect for personal freedom, then even peace and prosperity is an illusion based on fear," she said, "countless Hong Kong people have come and gone hoping to change uneven political power like this, but they were beaten and shot."

The judge again stopped her speech and said, "All right, all right, Miss Yeung, I think it's over."

Yeung responded, “now it's the relevant part.” Then she points out that the series of political offences affect only not a "handful of people" such as the case's defendants but would lead to a self-silencing civil society and a long-term regression in thought and civilisation.

Yeung was interrupted a second time as she explained the “interchangeable” roles of sheep and wolf in the story. This time she was interrupted by the prosecutor Ng Shuk-kuen, the acting Senior Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions, who stood up and said to the judge , “I believe [Yeung] has gone too far.”

Yeung said, "ok, last words. I never regret being on the side of the sheep. The only thing I regret is that I couldn't get more books done before I was arrested, or that I wasn't more obsessed with the quality of my books." provoking tears among some court spectators.

The third defendant Sidney Ng Hau-yi quoted the speech of Nobel Laureate Camus, who said, "A writer cannot serve today those who make history; he must serve those who are subject to it. Otherwise, he will be alone and deprived of his art."

"The essence of education should be inspiration and guidance, not intimidation and indoctrination, and the same is true when explaining the relationship between individual and country to children," she added.

"Rather than inciting hatred, the three illustrated books are meant to explain the source of these feelings and why they are intensifying so rapidly after 2019; Rather than inciting disobedience, the aim is to make children reflect on the basis of law-abiding, rather than blindly obeying out of fear; Rather than inciting anything, I would like to record acts of bravery."

Source: The Witness #Sep10

#SpeechTherapists #sheepVillage #sedition #NSL #KwokWaiKin #NgShukKuen

Why are Chinese police operating in Canada, while our own government and security services apparently look the other way?

In China, the high-profile TV drama In The Name Of The People has become a smash hit. In that show, Chinese agents enter the U.S. posing as businessmen so they can repatriate a factory manager who had fled abroad with huge ill-gotten wealth.

But a new study by the European non-governmental agency Safeguard Defenders suggests that there might be some truth to the fiction. According to the NGO, the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau has established more than 50 “overseas police service centres” in cities around the world – including three publicly documented ones in Toronto, home to Canada’s largest Chinese diaspora.

Source: The Globe and Mail #Sep26

#Chinese #Police #Canada #Toronto

How Global Public Opinion of China Has Shifted in the Xi Era

The Chinese Communist Party is preparing for its 20th National Congress, an event likely to result in an unprecedented third term for President Xi Jinping. Since Xi took office in 2013, opinion of China in the U.S. and other advanced economies has turned precipitously more negative. How did it get to be this way?

In the U.S., views of China experienced minor fluctuations in the years preceding Xi’s presidency. Throughout this period, around four-in-ten or more had positive views of China and only a minority had negative views of the country. Still, views ebbed and flowed somewhat alongside domestic and international events.

Source: Pewsearch #Sep28

#Global #China #US #Xi

Kiwi Chow: Honesty Is My Bottom Line

By Translated by BeWater HK on Apr 4, 2022 • 18 May 2022

Host: The “Siege of Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)” marked the waning of the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (Anti-ELAB) Movement. We invite the Director for comments on how the failed encounter at PolyU affected the Anti-ELAB protesters.

Chow: The “Siege of PolyU” was covered in the documentary. They (the protesters) had persevered for an extended time. They were so exhausted, both physically and psychologically, that they had to leave, notwithstanding their unwillingness to give up or retreat. (Taking a deep breath) From June to November, for so many months they withstood tear gas and their bodies were telling them something.

Source: https://youtu.be/sMLeApx5wVY

#CHOWKwunWai #RevolutionofOurTimes

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Female Long Hair accused of incitement for carrying an elegiac poem that mourns the 10th year of Lamma IV ferry accident

Source: InMedia #Oct03


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Female Long Hair accused of incitement for carrying an elegiac poem that mourns the 10th year of Lamma IV ferry accident

Lui Yuk-Lin, also known as "Female Long-hair", who had witnessed the salvage process of the #LammaIV, mourned at the Central Ferry Pier No.4 (the pier for Lamma Island). She placed 39 sets of flowers, fruits, and cakes on the floor, along with an elegiac couplet "Hope to be reborn on the Pure Land, with the best lotus as their parents (九品蓮華為父母,願生西方淨土中)."**

At 8:24 pm, the moment of the collision, Lui stood silent for 10 minutes, then prayed walking. It suddenly started to rain heavily, but she insisted on kneeling to complete the memorial, despite being thoroughly soaked.

Before the mourning memorial, more than 10 police officers patrolled the pier, warning the surrounding people of the social distancing measure (which restrict group gathering with more than 4 persons) and dismissing surrounding citizens.

Lui told InMedia, after the silent prayer, that police had warned her of incitement for bringing an elegiac poem since her arrival at 3 pm. "I was speechless - how to incite? Weren't someone lost their life in this accident?" The officer then gave no more warning.

A 12-year-old child came mourning with his mother, bringing flowers, snacks, and two pieces of paper with words like "yet to be revealed (沉冤未雪)". He said he was only two at the time of the incident but knew that there were children who died, so he brought some snacks, including cookies, crisps, and snacks for the dead. "Hope they rest in peace," he said.

[**Editor note: A kind of Buddism elegiac couplet common among traditional Chinese believers]

#LuiYukLin #FemaleLongHair #LammaIV #Incitement #RuleByLaw

Source: InMedia #Oct03

Yesterday was Joshua Wong's Birthday, which also marked his 585th day in prison.

#HappyBirthday #JoshuaWong
China Consulate in Manchester Drags Hong Kong Protesters Inside Gate and Assaults Them, Damaging Props and Tearing Out Hair

At the China Consulate in Manchester, UK yesterday (Oct 16), a group of Hongkongers gathered for a peaceful protest as the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) Congress begins in Beijing.

Less than 2 minutes after a protester began a speech, however, several consulate staff, dressed in riot helmets and body armor, rushed out at the gathered crowd. The staff began destroying protest props and posters, and dragged at least one protester into the consulate grounds from outside the gate. A scuffle quickly developed.

Several consulate staff was seen surrounding and beating one protester that they pulled inside the consulate gates, holding down the victim and apparently tearing out a handful of hair, discarding it in a pile of signs that they had snatched from protesters:


Police officers quickly intervened, rescuing several protesters that had been dragged into the consulate grounds. They quickly formed a line to prevent consulate staff from any further attempts at abducting protesters.

Bob, a Hongkonger at the protest, had several cuts on his face from the altercation with consulate staff. He told Chaser News that he saw at least 6 men came out "looking to beat up people". Sensing trouble, he stepped up to stop them, "but they dragged me inside and beat me up."

He said he was punched and kicked by the men, with injuries all over his body, and thought that he might die there. Fortunately a police officer went inside the consulate grounds and rescued him. The officers later told him that once the gate was closed, they wouldn't be able to do anything.

The man in the trench coat and face mask who came out to kick down the protesters' banners caught the attention of netizens, who noted his similar appearance to Consul-General Zhen Xiyuan in multiple pictures. He was also seen patting the back of one staff member in an armor vest as they retreated after their assault.

In a tweet sharing the video of the beating, Alicia Kearns, MP for Rutland and Melton, calls for the UK government to urgently investigate their violence on British soil and their violation of free speech. "Chinese Ambassador should be summoned and if any officials has beaten protesters, they must be expelled or prosecuted."

The activist group Hong Kong Indigenous Defence Force sharply criticized the Chinese Consulate's actions. As consulates are sovereign territory of its represented state, if they were allowed to drag citizens into the consulate grounds, then it meant they could forcibly abduct and detain anyone in Britain who displeased them. The group urges the world to "seriously re-examine the legitimacy of the CCP's overseas consulates".

source #Oct16:

The Chaser News

Hong Kong Indigenous Defence Force

#Manchester #HongKongProtest #CCPCongress #Suppression
#EnesKanterFreedom is a #US basketball player who dares to criticise the #CCP on public platforms on Hong Kong, Taiwan and Xinjiang issues.

He recently published a post on #Twitter that China cannot affect the US externally but internally. He uses #NBA as an example -- he was a basketball player being sold to #HoustonRockets, then soon be a free agent. The whole process is only 10 minutes.

During the #AntiELAB movement in Hong Kong in 2019, the then-Houston Rockets manager once confessed before the CCP government due to showing support to HKers.

Twitter #Oct01

Yahoo News #Feb11
Russian Firms Turn to Hong Kong in Bid to Avoid Sanctions

Russian companies shut out of Western financial capitals are exploring Hong Kong as an alternative, stoking concern among US officials that the Asian hub will become a haven for businesses sanctioned over the war in Ukraine.

A number of major, including state-owned, Russian companies are seeking to engage with Hong Kong law firms to help anchor them in a “friendlier jurisdiction” than places such as New York and London, said Sherman Yan, a managing partner at Hong Kong’s ONC Lawyers.

Source: Bloomberg #Oct11

#Russian #HongKong #Sanction #Ukraine

Germany Proposed to Sop the Trade with Cosco Shipping International

The German government proposes to refuse Cosco Shipping International (00517) being listed as the largest company at the Hamburg cargo terminal. It can avoid excessive reliance on China and let the mainland face obstruction on overseas acquisition.

German media said that most German politicians have doubts about COSCO taking a stake in the Hamburg Terminal. They are not willing to pass the fundamental infrastructure to the Chinese people.

The Germany Financial Minister, Robert Habeck, worries that Cosco Shipping's stake will increase Germany's reliance on China. Therefore, he intends to disagree with this trade.

Hamburg is currently the third-largest European terminal and the 19th-largest port in the world.

Source: Channel C #Aug25

#Germany #Hamburg #FinancialMinister #RobertHabeck #CoscoShippingInternational
U.K. spy chief warns China’s use of technology threatens global security

From satellite systems to digital currencies, China is seeking to use new technologies to repress dissent at home and dominate its adversaries abroad, according to a U.K. intelligence chief.

Unlike Britain or its democratic allies, China views technological advances as a “tool to gain advantage through control of their markets, of those in their sphere of influence and of their own citizens,” according to excerpts of a speech by Jeremy Fleming, head of Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), U.K.’s electronic spy agency.

Source: NBC News #Oct11

#UK #China #Spy #GCHQ

#Giggs Pleads Guilty to 4 Crimes including Incitement and Money Laundering, Being Confiscated $4.87 million, without Charging his Helper

A broadcast host Wan Yiu-Sing, aged 52, also known as Giggs, pleaded guilty to a Conspiracy to commit an act with intent to incite and three money laundering crimes at the #DistrictCourt on #Oct01. These involved mentioning that the former Chief Executive Carrie Lam was taught a lesson by "putting her family to death". The court also dealt with the confiscation order of his 4.87 million dollars.

The remaining six charges, including two money laundering with his female helper, Alice Lee Po-Lai, will be documented and will not be charged after the confiscation process.

The case extends until #Oct07 in order to handle his sentencing and the relevant order.

Source: The Chaser News #Sept02

#D100 #WanYiuSing #LeePoLai #ConfiscationOrder #MoneyLaundering #Incitement #CourtNews #NSL
Do not forget those unwavering still behind bars

By  Translated by BeWaterHK August 27, 2022 • 19 September 2022

 “It was fortunate that I was not charged under the National Security Law (NSL). Those after me being charged NSL offences faced minimum jail terms of years.”

“I want to remind all of us that we must not forget. There are unwavering comrades still behind bars.”

“Hong Kong has changed and silenced. This is certainly not what I want to see. The fewer people speaking up, the less safe for the outspoken. In view of this, we all should try to keep voicing out.” 

Source: ReNews, 10 August 2022
#CHOWKwun-Wai #RevolutionofOurTimes

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China Must Stick With Covid Zero Policy, People’s Daily Says

The Chinese Communist Party’s flagship newspaper endorsed the country’s Covid Zero policy for the second day in a row, dousing hopes that President Xi Jinping will relax controls soon after a key political meeting starting later this week.

Covid Zero is “sustainable” and the country must stick to the strategy because it’s key to stabilizing the economy and protecting lives, the People’s Daily said in a commentary Tuesday. It follows a similar article Monday labeling the stringent pandemic approach as “scientific and effective.” State news agency Xinhua also published a column that said the country can’t be complacent on the virus.

Source: Bloomberg #Oct11

#China #Covid19 #Policy
