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#Smearing #Harrassement
HK Journalist Leaves Post After Being Attacked by Pro-China Group for Filming Documentary on Xinjiang’s 'Education Camp'

Source: Apple Daily #April12

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#Smearing #Harrassement
HK Journalist Leaves Post After Being Attacked by Pro-China Group for Filming Documentary on Xinjiang’s 'Education Camp'

A number of RTHK programs and journalists in Hong Kong have been repeatedly attacked by pro-China groups.

Among them is Yvonne Tong Yeuk-wun who hosts the English-language radio program "The Pulse" .

During her interview with #BruceAylward, the assistant director general of the #WHO in 2020, Tong raised a question of whether the management of WHO would reconsider the membership status of Taiwan.

Since then, she has been repeatedly targeted by pro-China activists. The #AppleDaily reporters have received information from sources at RTHK saying that Tong is suspected to have resigned from the ongoing pressure and will leave within this week.

A pro-China group went to RTHK earlier this month, accusing Tong of "using public money" to produce "anti-China fake news" by claiming that over a million people are being imprisoned in Xinjiang.

They demanded the station to have her fired. This is not the first time that pro-China groups have come to RTHK to protest against Tong.

Since the end of March in 2020, Tong was accused of violating the "#One China" policy by pro-China groups and even by The Commerce and Economic Development Bureau
after interviewing the WHO representative on "whether Taiwan's membership would be reconsidered".

Amen Ng Man-yee, the former head of Corporate Communications & Standards at RTHK, responded that Tong was carrying her job as a journalist and asked the question in a very matter-of-fact manner without any special meaning.

Source: Apple Daily #April12

#Journalist #FreedomOfSpeech #XinjiangCamp #BlueRibboners #ProChina
Over 100 UK parliamentarians call for tit-for-tat sanctions against China

Source: Apple Daily; Stand News #Apr15

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Over 100 UK parliamentarians call for tit-for-tat sanctions against China

//In a joint petition led by #ChrisPatten, the last British Governor of Hong Kong, 103 U.K. parliamentarians called on the U.K. government to sanction Chinese officials, in response to Chinese sanctions on British lawmakers and entities.

“These sanctions reflect the increasingly authoritarian nature of the Chinese Government, which seeks to sanction U.K. parliamentarians, academics, and leading lawyers for the ‘crime’ of daring to voice concern over the persecution of Uighurs,” Patten wrote in the letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

“This unprecedented attack on democratic representatives of the Western world deserves a robust and coordinated response,” Patten wrote in the letter, which was posted on the Facebook page of human rights group #HongKongWatch.

“It is clear that the so-called ‘golden-era’ of relations between the U.K. and China is now over,” he added. “We would urge the Government to immediately review, publish, and implement a cross-departmental strategy on how the U.K. can deal with the growing challenge the Chinese Government presents to the democratic world.”

Shadow Foreign Secretary Lisa Nandy, Asia Minister Stephen Kinnock and former leader of the Conservative Party, Iain Duncan Smith were among the signatories.//

Source: Apple Daily #Apr15
Image: Stand News


Captions in Monster Hunter are said to be Assaulting China, Resulting in Releasing and Removing Within a Day. China's Netizens Mock "Don't wanna Earn Money from China?"

Source: Stand News #Dec06

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Captions in Monster Hunter are said to be Assaulting China, Resulting in Releasing and Removing Within a Day. China's Netizens Mock "Don't wanna Earn Money from China?"

Monster Hunter, a game adaption movie, was released in China and Taiwan on December 4. However, the movie was fully off-shelf in China as one of the captions, said by the actor MC Jin, was claimed to be assaulting China. In the past, MC Jin was indicated as pro-Beijing and was criticised by the pro-democracy Hong Kong protestors. These two accusations made him difficult to get along with either sides. Some Chinese netizens criticised under his Weibo account that "Pretending to be a China-lover for many years and now using your knees to suppress Chinese? Huh?"

MC Jin Captions was accused to be assaulting China

The incident was from a movie scene with a soldier, acted by MC Jin, who said "Look at my knees", followed by someone saying "What kind of knees are these?" and an answer from MC Jin "Chinese". The Chinese subtitles did not directly translate to "Chinese" but only "Gold under a man's knees". Nevertheless, Chinese netizens still strongly criticised these captions. Some online sources said the cations were from a nursery rhyme in the second world war, "Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these", used as mocking the Chinese and Japanese tradition to bend down their knees, involving discriminatory elements.

After the movie release, some Chinese audience criticised the movie assaulting China, initiated a boycott against it, and asked the National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) to remove it from the shelf. Some netizens questioned, "What is (NRTA) doing? Don't they censor the movie?"

Moreover, some netizens protested at the comment field under the Weibo accounts of MC Jin and CAPCOM, the original game publishing company. especially for MC Jin, because of his previous stands being said to be pro-Beijing, this "China-assaulting case disappointed lots of Chinese netizens. "MC Jin did this action, isn't RMB attractive? Not wanting to earn money from China? It is weird for him to have this fault!"

#MonsterHunter #MCJin #China #Weibo #CAPCOM #NRTA

Source: Stand News #Dec06

Opinion: It’s time to recognize Taiwan as a country – but for the right reasons

If the Trudeau government truly believes in the principles of democracy and a rules-based international order, then it needs to start talking seriously with other stable democracies about formally recognizing Taiwan as the successful independent country it has become.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the decision by the United Nations General Assembly to expel the Republic of China, which had governed a broadly liberal-democratic China until its overthrow in 1949 by Mao Zedong’s People’s Liberation Army forced its government into exile on the islands of Taiwan.

#Taiwan #Country #Trudeau #Anniversary #RepublicOfChina

Source: The Globe and Mail #Apr16

China bans live Oscars broadcasts after Hong Kong protest film nominated

China ordered local media to cancel live broadcasts of next month’s Oscars ceremony and to play down coverage of the event after a documentary on the Hong Kong protests was nominated for an award, according to a new report.

The Communist Party’s propaganda department issued the order to all media outlets, Bloomberg reported, citing anonymous sources. Outlets were told that coverage of the 93rd Academy Awards, which will air April 25, should focus on awards that aren’t seen as controversial.

#China #Oscars #HongKong #Propaganda #Media

Source: Bloomberg #Mar17

Beijing funds British YouTubers to further its propaganda war

The Chinese government is funding British YouTube stars to produce pro-China propaganda videos, an investigation by The Times can reveal.

Sitting on a bench in a lush green park speaking to the camera in a Midlands accent, the only hint that the man in his 50s is in China are the characters on a small logo on his black hoodie.

However, the words being spoken in the YouTube video by Lee Barrett, praising the camps in Xinjiang, where Uighur Muslims are held in effect as slaves, could have been lifted straight out of the Communist Party propaganda notebook.

#China #Beijing #British #YouTubers #Propaganda

Source: Times #Jan09

HK Police Demands Journalists to Remove Black-Coloured Masks

Source: In-Media HK #April15

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#Censorship #NationalSecurity
HK Police Demands Journalists to Remove Black-Coloured Masks

April 15, 2021 is named the “National Security Education Day” in Hong Kong, and in conjunction with such day, the five training schools of the HKSAR Government disciplinary forces are open to the public.

The press were present at the Police College in Wong Chuk Hang in the afternoon to cover the opening ceremony. Chris Tang Ping-Keung, the Commissioner of the Police Force is reported to be present.

As the journalists enter the academy, at least three of them were asked to remove their black-coloured masks.

The Police Public Relations Branch claimed that black-coloured masks are "not allowed to be worn" inside the academy. When the journalist asked for the reason, the police officer said that “black-coloured ones are definitely not allowed today, either you remove it or cover it, don’t waste your breath with me.”

The officers provided masks in other colors for the journalists to change. “You can either change into this one, or you cover yours up.”

Source: In-Media HK #April15 #PoliceState #Mask #Discrimination
MPs from UK, US, and Canada Condemn Sentencing of 9 Veteran Pro-Democracy Figures and Calls for #Sanctions

Source: Stand News #Apr16

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MPs from UK, US, and Canada Condemn Sentencing of 9 Veteran Pro-Democracy Figures and Calls for #Sanctions

In a statement of condemnation issued via #HongKongWatch, a group of parliamentarians from UK, United States, and Canada denounced the sentencing and imprisonment of 9 of the "most moderate and distinguished pro-democracy activists" of Hong Kong for participating in the peaceful protest at Victoria park on Aug 18, 2019.

"The CCP's comprehensive assault on the freedoms of Hong Kong and its rule of law continues relentlessly", said former governor of Hong Kong Chris Patten. "The CCP simply does not understand that you cannot bludgeon and incarcerate people into loving a totalitarian and corrupt regime. While Hong Kong's values are attacked by the Communist Party, the regime is also careful in its attempt to safeguard the use of the city as a secret means for the family and friends of Beijing's leaders to store away the proceeds of their corruption."

UK shadow minister for Asia & Pacific Stephen Kinnock called it "dark day for democracy, free speech and liberty in Hong Kong". He praised the 9 activists as "brave" and "an inspiration to us all." He goes on to say that "by standing strong and united against the authoritarian bullying of the Chinese government they have set an example that democracies around the world would do well to follow."

US senator and former presidential candidate Mitt Romney called for the immediate release of the 9 pro-democracy activists. He said that they "stand with the people of Hong Kong in their fight for freedom and democracy", and exhorts the US administration to "work with our allies and partners to support the people of Hong Kong and impose meaningful sanctions on the CCP."

Canadian Senator Leo Housakos, who had been a proponent of Magnisky Act sanctions on Chinese officials since last year, asserted that not only must Canada "unequivocally condemn this tyrannical and oppressive behaviour", the country must also "do all that we can to provide refuge to those courageous enough to take on the communist regime of China."

The 9 veteran pro-democracy figures were found guilty for organizing and participating in unlawful assembly for taking part in the demonstration and march from Victoria Park on Aug 18, 2019. Their sentences range from 8 to 18 months, and only four of them received suspended sentences, while the rest are immediately jailed.

The verdict by Judge Amanda Woodcock noted that the case did not involve violence, however the potential risk of heightened emotions in gathering crowds escalating into violence must be accounted for.

Additionally, as all 9 defendants are well known public figures, when they lead a march, a large crowd would be sure to follow; therefore they made a "conscious decision" to commit a crime, with the intent to challenge the police, the law, and public order. The conclusion was that prison was the only appropriate sentence.

Source: Stand News #Apr16
The Press Card as the Evidence in Court

Source:Standnews #Apr02

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The Press Card as the Evidence in Court

Last Wednesday, the trial of Hong Kong veteran reporter Ms Choi Yuk-ling commenced. Choi, who was the reporter for RTHK programme Hong Kong Connection, was charged with providing false statements in her reporting of the 721 Yuen Long attacks.

The prosecutor alleged that Choi provided false statements by selecting the option of “other traffic and transportation issues” as her reason for making a vehicle licence plate search with the online registrar. Other options available were “undergoing legal proceedings” and “vehicle trading”. The prosecutor alleged that the chosen option did not include Choi’s purpose of finding the identity of the vehicle owner for purposes of public reporting. The prosecutor insisted the interview and news reporting of the attacks is irrelevant with vehicle-related criminal offences. Absurdly, the evidence presented by the prosecution was not only a compact disc of the relevant chapter of Hong Kong Connection, but also the mobile phone and RTHK-issued press identity card, which was seized by police during their search of Choi’s residence.

When the relevant chapter of Hong Kong Connection was played in the trial, it was confirmed that the vehicle in question was clearly captured on closed-circuit video at the scene of the attacks, and that those coming out of the car were brandishing weapons. The weapons (clubs) were exactly the ones used by the white-shirt attackers in Yuen Long. When the vehicle owner was later confirmed by RTHK reporter through their contact with person-in-charge of registration company, it was revealed that the owner had relocated to the mainland.

Hundreds of public hearings in court that day were experienced news reporters and press management, while RTHK colleagues took personal leave that day to sit the trial, felt so mocked when four words of the Chapter topic, i.e. “Who Controls the Truth”, was shown in court. The defendant of this investigative report, broadcasted widely and watched by millions of people, could never have imagined that her own work was now put as an evidence to prove her offence.

After playing the video report in court, defence lawyer put forth to the court: “How could the number plate search not be related to issues concerning traffic? CCTV captured the vehicle conveying suspected weapons, while the suspect(s) used the vehicle on the road as tools to commit crime. It is evident that the defendant did not make a false statement.”

The prosecutor disagreed and prolonged discourse about definition and wording took up the rest of the afternoon. In the process, the defence lawyer presented a legislative document, which revealed that in 2003, 25% of vehicle searches logged with the registrar involved applications from press organisations, equivalent to 2800 cases. It supports the argument that the Government has always been aware that thousands of vehicle searches are made each year by the press. In the end, the defence lawyer stated that the public has the right to know how the owner used the vehicle when it was found to contain materials related to crime.

The judge finally stated that one month was required for consideration. The sentencing would occur in late April. One week after the trial, RTHK productions, including Hong Kong Connection, were pulled from air by the management. RTHK management also instructed all staff to cease participation in any competitions, and even to withdraw the applications submitted.

Press cards can be confiscated, participation in competitions can be disallowed, programmes can be pulled from air, but the soul of a journalist is not easily broken. Even RTHK discontinued Choi’s employment, she continues to execute her professional responsibilities.

Source:Standnews #Apr02

#PressCard #Evidence #Court #RTHK #ChoiYukLing

US Reveals Indo-Pacific Strategic Framework, Suggests to Resist China, Helps India to rise and Assist Taiwan's Defence

Source: Stand News #Jan13

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US Reveals Indo-Pacific Strategic Framework, Suggests to Resist China, Helps India to rise and Assist Taiwan's Defence

The night before the US presidential power transfer, the Trump government announced a decrypted file called the US Strategic Framework for Indo-Pacific on Jan 12, revealing the US strategic details for the Indo-Pacific region, including helping India to accelerate its rise and assisting Taiwan to develop national defence strategies, in order to counterbalance China. The Foreign Affairs Ministry of China criticised that the US used the Indo-Pacific strategy to suppress China, undermining the peace and the stability of the region.

This strategic framework was originally regarded as a confidential document, but the Trump government decided to make it public before the government changes. The document was approved by President Trump in February 2018 and has provided "overall strategic guidance" to the US operation for three years, stating that the US would maintain the long term promises on freedom and openness to the Indo-Pacific region.

Robert O'Brien, the US National Security Advisor, criticised in a press release that Beijing is increasing the pressure on the Indo-Pacific region, requesting these countries to submit their freedom and sovereignty to the "mutual fate" suggested by the CCP.

The document suggested an objective: North Korea will no longer be a threat, India will dominate South Asia, and the US will collaborate with the allies, to stand against China's coercive undermining sovereignty actions. The US expected that they could be India's first preferred partner regarding safety issues. Both countries will cooperate to maintain maritime safety and to resist China's influence on South and Southeast Asia.

Source: Stand News #Jan13


#US #China #Taiwan #NorthKorea #India #SouthAsia #SoutheasAsia #RobertOBrien #IndoPacific #StrategicFramework #Trump
Hong Kong’s autonomy has been tragically destroyed

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has crushed remaining vestiges of Hong Kong’s autonomy with sweeping legislation that transformed semi-democratic elections in the territory to a Beijing-controlled selection process. Despite Canada’s national obligations as an endorser to the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the Canadian government has done little to hold Beijing accountable.

Under the guise of complying with the Basic Law and the Sino-British Joint Declaration, Beijing loyalists enjoy an overwhelming, de facto advantage. Public office nominees will now be vetted by Beijing and there will be pro-Beijing majority in Hong Kong’s legislature. Despite official’s repeated assertions that the latest electoral “reforms” strengthens Hong Kong’s “democracy,” the message is loud and clear: Hong Kong is now fully under Beijing’s control.

Source: The Star #Apr20


#China #Canada #HongKong #Beijing
Brain drain fears as quarter of young Hongkongers plan to emigrate

A quarter of young, educated people in Hong Kong are planning to emigrate, according to a new survey, raising fears of a growing brain drain amid China’s crackdown on opposition in the city.

When asked why, more than half cited the implementation of a sweeping national security law, under which more than 100 activists and lawmakers have so far been arrested, while others said it was down to poor governance or deep social divisions.

Britain, New Zealand and Australia were the top destinations for those hoping to leave.

Source: Telegraph #Mar15


#Brain #Hongkongers #Emigrate #Britain #NewZealand #Australia
#FirstHand #Apr22
#RTHK Staff in Support of Journalist Being Sued: "Journalism is not a crime"

The Hong Kong court convicted investigative journalist and former RTHK producer #BaoChoy over two counts of Road Traffic Ordinance violations on April 22, 2021.

The prosecution accused her of "making false declarations" during the car licence plate searches for an RTHK documentary on the 2019 Yuen Long July 21 attacks.

Chow ticked a box for "other traffic and transport related matters". She was fined HKD6,000. This is the first time in Hong Kong a journalist is sued for searching records.

Outside the court, the RTHK Staff Union voiced support for Choy. They displayed signs that read "Journalism is not a crime", "Stand up for Bao Choy", "Stand up for Journalists" and "Without fear or favour".

Choy said it was a "very dark day for all journalists in Hong Kong".

#PoliticalProsecution #Censorship #Integrity #Professionalism #YuenLong721