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200 Hongkongers Gathered in a Mourning Assembly in London to Pay Tribute to the Battles of the Chinese University and Polytechnic University

On Saturday afternoon (12th December) in British local time, a Hong Kong people's group "Justitia Hong Kong" held a "Mourning Assembly for the Battles of the Chinese University of HK and HK Polytechnic University" in London Leicester Square to commemorate the first anniversary of the Battles. During the rally, participants chanted slogans such as "Hongkongers, Keep it Up", "Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution of Our Times" and "Save 12 Hong Kong Youths", and sang Glory to Hong Kong. The rally ended with a two-minute silence and wreath-laying for those who sacrificed and paid for the Hong Kong democracy movement.

Simon Cheng Man-kit, a former British consulate trade officer who has been granted political asylum by the British authorities, spoke at the rally. He told the participants that "we are very fortunate to be in a free country today, and we should cherish our origins even more, as our homeland and our people are being persecuted.”

Source: Stand News #Dec13


#UK #London #HongKongers #OverseasHongKongers #JustitiaHongKong #BattleofCUHK #BattleofPolyU #Save12HKYouths #GlorytoHK #SimonCheng #ChengManKit #LiberateHK #RevolutionofOurTimes
CCP Has Infiltrated All Walks of Life in UK, with HSBC and Standard Chartered Employing Over 600 Party Members

Source: Apple Daily #Dec13

CCP Has Infiltrated All Walks of Life in UK, with HSBC and Standard Chartered Employing Over 600 Party Members

British media raises concerns about the China Communist Party (CCP) placing their members in foreign countries. Following the concern of the US intelligence on infiltration to US Democratic Party members by a Chinese spy, the British's Mail on Sunday claimed to have obtained nearly 2 million CCP members’ details, revealing that many of them are working in British academia and also in wide variation of industries, involving 79 thousand companies and their branches, such as HSBC, vaccine manufacturer Pfizer and AstraZeneca. Some of them even work in the British consulates, raising suspicions of espionage. The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) issued a short statement, describe the findings as disturbing. Some Australian parliament members have called on the government to find out whether CCP spies are infiltrating the Australian system.

A large amount of CCP member in HSBC, Standard Chartered, Pfizer and AstraZeneca

The Mail on Sunday reported that information on 1.95 million suspected CCP members, including their names, date of births, addresses and phone numbers, was circulated on Telegram. In September, a Chinese dissident forwarded this information to IPAC, which composed of cross-parties European and American parliamentarians. The Mail on Sunday recently analysed the data, finding that HSBC and Standard Chartered together employed more than 600 CCP members in the UK in 2016. It also reported that these two banks have long been criticised for their stance on dissidents issues in Hong Kong. Moreover, CCP members are also found to be employed in the defence industry including Boeing, Airbus, and Rolls-Royce. As for the pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer and AstraZeneca alone have already employed 123 CCP members.

The Mail on Sunday also discovered that many CCP members are working in foreign diplomatic organisations in China via a company called "The Shanghai Foreign Agency Service Corporation", which has a Chinese official background, and at least 249 CCP members were registered with the agency in 2016. The CCP also infiltrated into academics, that according to the British policy, overseas students not from the EU or the Five Eyes network are required to have an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate to enter. But it was found that some of the CCP members have been senior researchers in the UK top universities, participating in sensitive subject such as aerospace engineering.

#China #CCP #Infiltration #IPAC #MailOnSunday #Telegram #CCPmember #HSBC #StandardChartered #Pfizer #AstraZeneca #UK #Britain #ShanghaiForeignAgencyServiceCorporation #Spies

Source: Apple Daily #Dec13

China Peddles Falsehoods to Obscure Origin of Covid Pandemic

Source: New York Times #Dec06

China Peddles Falsehoods to Obscure Origin of Covid Pandemic

The Chinese government started a propaganda campaign by misrepresenting experts’ remarks and given dubious theories the veneer of science.

Alexander Kekulé, the director of the Institute for Biosecurity Research in Halle, Germany, has been all over the state-run media in China. News outlets have taken Dr. Kekulé’s research out of context to suggest that Italy, not China, is where the coronavirus pandemic began. Photos of him have appeared on Chinese news sites under headlines reading, “China is innocent!”

Dr. Kekulé, who has repeatedly said that he believes the virus first emerged in China, was startled and said, “this is pure propaganda.”

These reaction reflect anxiety within the ruling Communist Party about the continuing damage to China’s international reputation brought by the pandemic.

China, has greatly expanded its influence in the W.H.O. in recent years, has tightly controlled the effort by designating Chinese scientists to lead key parts of the investigation.

Source: New York Times #Dec06


#Covid19Origin #China #CCPPropaganda # AlexanderKekulé
ICC rejects Uighur genocide complaint against China

International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutors have rejected calls by exiled Uighurs to investigate China for alleged genocide and crimes against humanity, the chief prosecutor's office said in a report on Dec 14 2020.

The Uighurs handed a huge dossier of evidence to the court in July 2020 accusing China of locking more than one million Uighurs and other mostly Muslim minorities in re-education camps and of forcibly sterilising women. But, the office of prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said it was unable to act because the alleged acts happened on the territory of China, which is not a signatory to The Hague-based ICC.

Source: France 24 #Dec14


#Uighur #ICC #genocide #Muslim
#BoyzReborn #Court
Local band vocal expresses relief as he was released upon acquittal on possession of #LaserPen

Source: Stand News #Jan8

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#BoyzReborn #Court
Local band vocal expresses relief as he was released upon acquittal on possession of #LaserPen

Ben Chan, vocal singer of a local band Boyz Reborn was accused of possession of tools for illegal use as he was carrying a laser pen on the day of a citywide anti-mask ban protest on 6 October 2019.

Ben appeared at the court on Friday, Jan 8, 2021 and was acquitted of the count. Band members, their manager, and Chan’s girlfriend, former Demosistō member Ho Ka-yau, hugged Ben as he was released upon acquittal.

Ben expressed his relief and said he was stressed and worried that having to be in and out of the court might affect his future plans in music and his studies. He was also worried about the possibility of being absent from the upcoming band concert and bringing more work to the band members if he was found guilty.

Ben was thankful to the court’s fair judgement, and reminded Hong Kongers to keep other comrades in mind. “There are still much unfairness in Hong Kong. A lot of comrades are still facing lawsuits, while some are already in jail. I hope Hong Kongers would keep paying close attention to them and never give up on the fight for freedom”

Source: Stand News #Jan8
#106Crackdown #PrimaryElection
#LesterShum: "hilarious" of the regime to accuse primaries candidates of "subversion of the state power”

Source: InMedia #Jan7

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#106Crackdown #PrimaryElection
#LesterShum: "hilarious" of the regime to accuse primaries candidates of "subversion of the state power”

On 6 Jan, 2022, the Hong Kong police arrested 53 people, including pro-democracy candidates of “+35 primary election” in 2019, with accusations of subversion of the state power under the National Security Law (#NSL).

Lester Shum, who won in the primary election in July 2019, was released on bail on the evening of 7 Jan, 2021. While leaving a police station, Shum gave a thumbs up gesture.

He criticised the police force for the mass arrest, which mobilised more than a thousand police officers, with the intention of accusing the pro-democracy candidates of subverting the state power.

"It’s ridiculous. Why am I being accused of subverting by participating in the primary election?”

Shum said that the police met him three times for making his statement, with all of them being recorded. He said that the 53 arrestees had the intention to participate in the elections that they deserved, and that the regime is blurring the lines between what is right and what is wrong daily.

“While making my statement, the officer told me that I violated the national security law and was facing the accusation of subverting of the state power because of my participation in the primary election."

Shum told the Inmedia HK that the police station had to wait for a bail and release document issued by National Security Department. Hence, his release was delayed.

“Police officers wanted me to leave as soon as possible,” he said.

Source: InMedia #Jan7

#NationalSecurityLaw #MassArrest

Read what happened on Jan 6, 2021 in Hong Kong:
More #CCP-styled Slogans Found on Hong Kong's Highest Peak, #XiJinping's order: "Be ready to the war and win"

Source: Stand News #Jan16

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#TaiMoShan #Propaganda
More #CCP-styled Slogans Found on Hong Kong's Highest Peak, #XiJinping's order: "Be ready to the war and win"

In January 2021, Chinese Communist Party-style slogan written in Simplied Chinese, which read "Listen to the Party and Follow the CCP's order", "Strict Law and Discipline, Correct Social Atmosphere", and "Loyalty and Preseverance" were found on the wall of the PLA-occupied Radar Station on Tai Mo Shan in Hong Kong, shocking the local population.

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Recently, hikers found another newly added simplified Chinese slogan on this highest mountain in Hong Kong. The new slogan reads "Be ready to the war and win".

The Stand News reporter visited Tai Mo Shan on the evening of 16 January, 2021 and saw related simplified Chinese slogan.

According to the website of People's Liberation Army (#PLA) News, the command "be ready to the war and win" was made by Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) leader in 2007. Xi told the Chinese militants that the army is "to fight", "maintain a state of high alert" and "be ready to the war, And win."

The Hong Kong's Security Bureau responded to the media inquiries about the land use regarding the Radar Station where the simplified Chinese slogans and the PLA troops were found in Hong Kong.

It was revealed that the Radar Station was the government's land, but was not zoned for military use. The land is supposedly used as a communication facility for different organisations, including the purpose of defence. However, the Hong Kong authorities refused to disclose the name of the organisation and the purpose of the security in details.

Source: Stand News #Jan16
Photo: Joey Kwok

#RadarStation #SimplifiedChinese
#GreatFireWall #106Crackdown
#WashingtonPost: First came political crimes. Now, a digital crackdown descends on Hong Kong

Source: Washington Post #Jan12
Image: #HKChronicles

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#GreatFireWall #106Crackdown
#WashingtonPost: First came political crimes. Now, a digital crackdown descends on Hong Kong

//The digital sweep showed how Hong Kong authorities are wielding their new powers under the national security law — introduced last summer — far more widely than the city’s leader promised.

Since the Jan. 6 raids, authorities have blocked at least one website, according to the site’s owner and local media reports, raising concerns that Hong Kong is headed for broader digital surveillance and censorship akin to that in mainland China.

...Shortly after the arrests and device seizures, colleagues and associates of those detained started noticing strange activity on their social media and email accounts. 

Ray Chan, a former pro-democracy lawmaker arrested at his home, said he kept receiving confirmation codessent by Telegram to a replacement phone after police confiscated his devices. The codes are used to verify the authenticity of a user trying to log into an account.

Separately, Lam Cheuk-ting and Helena Wong, two former Democratic Party lawmakers, said their staffs received notifications from Google that state-sponsored hackers were trying to breach their work accounts, which are hosted on a Gmail server. The Google alerts arrived just after their arrests, once their devices were in the hands of police.

“It is a redo of the Great Firewall,” said Lokman Tsui, an assistant professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong who specializes in privacy and online communications. “They are testing the waters for now, so the results are uneven — but it is a question of when and how, not if.”

Glacier Kwong, founder of Keyboard Frontline, which tracks digital rights in Hong Kong, said the government clearly intends to crack down on one of the last free spaces for dissent.

“The government has actually set a precedent,” Kwong said. “As long as it is not to the liking of the regime, a website can be blocked without any reason under the national security law, which is a clear blow to the freedom of the Internet, freedom of information and freedom of speech.”//

Read the full article:

Source: Washington Post #Jan12

#CyberSecurity #PoliceState #HKChronicles #Internet

China New National Flag Law: People Living In Fear - Any Act can be Offensive

Source: Sanlih E-Television News

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China New National Flag Law: People Living In Fear - Any Act can be Offensive

(2 Jan) Starting 1 Jan 2021, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) enacted a new National Flag Law, governing (prohibiting) new sets of activities that may dishonor the China National Flag, including hanging up the Flag upside down, using the Flag in a disrespectful means, or abandoning the Flag. After the new law started, Chinese netizens are scared and dared not to touch on the Flag anymore: "won't make any mistake if I never show or use the Flag anymore". The new law has been enacted on 1 Jan 2021, together with the new National Emblem Law. The reason for introducing new laws was to ensure the dignity of the China National Flag and Emblem and require the people to respect such national symbols. Apart from respectfully using the flag, the new laws also criminalize those who abandoning the flag and disposing of the flag in any improper way after events. All the comments by the Chinese netizens who didn't support the new laws believe the laws are not reasonable. Many among them scared and believed: "what is improper disposal and how can I dispose of it after events?", "my flag was destroyed by my dog, am I a criminal?", "tons of National Flags found in garbage cans after National Day", "how can I dispose of those old and unused flags, (if I want to dispose of the flag) I will be directly sent to jail?", "I am speechless, the easiest way to become criminal", "China should require people to kowtow (kneeling and bowing) to the National Flags at least 3 times a day otherwise it must be an insult to China", "the Cultural Revolution comes again", "why does the CCP always enact unreasonable and ridiculous laws?", "what happens if I draw a flag on my face and then I pose handstand?", "will not buy flags anymore.

Source: Sanlih E-Television News

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#NationalEmblemLaw #NationalFlagLaw #China #Control #ChinaFlag
Reuters: Two Nuns in Vatican’s HK-based Quasi-diplomatic Mission Arrested in Mainland China, Top Clergyman in the City Censors Protest from within the Church

Source: The Stand News #Dec31

Reuters: Two Nuns in Vatican’s HK-based Quasi-diplomatic Mission Arrested in Mainland China, Top Clergyman in the City Censors Protest from within the Church

A long investigative report published by Reuters on December 31 quotes a source as saying that that two nuns in an informal, Hong Kong-based diplomatic mission from the Vatican had been arrested on a visit to their hometowns in mainland China. The report says they were later placed under house arrest and prohibited from leaving the country. Some senior members of the Holy See consider the incident a sign that China wishes to have the mission closed, and top clergymen in Hong Kong believe Beijing is expanding its control over the diocese and even attempting to influence the selection of the next bishop.

The report also quotes four unnamed informed sources as saying that the current leader of the diocese and the apostolic administrator, Cardinal John Tong Hon, has been suppressing progressive voices in the church, including that coming from the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission. Last October, the diocese, headed by Cardinal Tang, censored a statement from the commission on Sino-Vatican relations, removing a part concerning the missing Bishop James Su Zhimin of mainland China’s underground church.

Source: The Stand News #Dec31

#Vatican #HongKong #China #CatholicChurch #Relgiion #ReligiousFreedom

China Mobile, Telecom, and Unicom will be delisted as U.S. ban investment in Chinese military-related firms

Source: Stand News #Jan01

China Mobile, Telecom, and Unicom will be delisted as U.S. ban investment in Chinese military-related firms

The New York Stock Exchange announced on 31 Dec. 2020 that China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom Hong Kong will be delisted so as to comply with President Trump’s November executive order, which prohibits U.S. capital from investing in Chinese military-linked firms. NYSE will suspend their ADR trading from 7th to 11th of January, after which they will be delisted.

President Trump’s executive order will become effective at 9 a.m. ET on 11 Jan., prohibits U.S. individual investors, investment firm, and pension funds from trading or investing in the stocks or derivatives of 31 Chinese firms. In addition to the three telecommunication companies mentioned above, Huawei, Hikvision, China Communications Construction, and China Railway Construction are included as well. The order also stipulates that U.S. investors will not be allowed to hold any securities products of these 31 Chinese firms on or before 11 Nov. 2022.

#NewYorkStockExchange #ChinaMobile #ChinaTelecom #ChinaUnicom #Huawei #ExecutiveOrder #USChinaRelation #ExecutiveOrder

Source: Stand News #Jan01
