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8 Chinese agents were charged by the United States for coercing dissidents to return to the mainland.

The US Justice Department announced today (29th October) that 8 Chinese agents, including 7 Chinese and 1 non-Chinese, were charged with conspiring to work on China’s behalf to find Chinese dissidents in the US, and use threats, harassment, surveillance, and intimidation to force them returning to China. 5 of them were under arrested and 3 others are still remain at large.

An online press conference by the US Justice Department was held on Wednesday morning in local time, disclosing the details of this operation. All eight defendants are charged with conspiring to act as illegal agents for a foreign government. Among these 8 persons 5 has been arrested, but still 3 of them are on the loose and believed to be in China now.

John Demers, Assistant Secretary for National Security Affairs of the US Department of Justice, stated that those defendants are Chinese agents, they carried out the so-called "Operation Fox Hunt" in the US, those goal was to target Chinese nationals living in foreign countries and intimidate them into returning to China for imprisonment or worse. The US Department of Justice described the "Operation Fox Hunt" to be a part of Chinese government’s global campaign and is illegal.

Acting U.S. Attorney Seth D. DuCharme stated that the defendants assisted PRC officials in a scheme to coerce targeted individuals to return to the PRC against their will. "The United States will not tolerate the conduct of PRC carrying out state-authorized actions on U.S. soil without notice to, and coordination with, the appropriate U.S. authorities. Nor will we tolerate the unlawful harassment and stalking of U.S. residents to further PRC objectives", he said.

Source: Stand News #Oct29

#China #OperationFoxHunt #US #USJusticeDepartment #JohnDemers #SethDDuCharme
UK Media: Intelligence Agencies Recruit Chinese Talents to Strengthen Intelligence Investigations against China's Spy War

Source: Apple Daily #Oct31

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UK Media: Intelligence Agencies Recruit Chinese Talents to Strengthen Intelligence Investigations against China's Spy War

In response to the growing threat from China and its espionage activities, the UK media reported that the national intelligence agencies would recruit Chinese language talents for a variety of intelligence activities.

The Evening Standard reported that MI6, MI5 and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) would soon increase the recruitment of language experts, particularly Chinese speakers, to be at the "heart of intelligence investigations".

Some job boards have already posted recruitment notices by the intelligence agencies, "Coming soon: MI5, MI6 and GCHQ will soon launch recruitment campaigns for Chinese language experts". Adding that, the Chinese language experts at MI5 will use their language skills to provide intelligence analysis and play an active role in directing projects and advancing investigations.

The report pointed out that China’s espionage activities have reached a considerable scale, intending to steal intellectual property and other commercial secrets and interfere in politics. The new MI5 director, Ken McCallum, said earlier that British intelligence officers discovered that China attempts to interfere in politics. He also revealed that Britain, which recently thwarted China's political interference in the European Union, is facing a severe challenge from these "hostile acts".

Source: Apple Daily #Oct31


#UK #China #EU #BritishIntelligenceAgencies #EveningStandard #MI5 #MI6 #GCHQ #ChineseLanguage #ChinaEspionage #ChinaSpyWar #KenMcCallum
Eight individuals charged with conspiring to act as illegal agents of the People’s Republic of China.

Five of the have been arrested on the charge a of illegally doing the biding of the Chinese government in the U.S.

Defendants conducted surveillance of and engaged in a campaign to harass, stark and coerce certain residents of the U.S. to return the PRC as part of global, concerted, and extralegal repatriation effort known as “Operation Fox Hunt”.

PRC’s Operation Fox Huat targets Chinese individuals living in foreign countries that PRC government alleges those committed crimes under PRC crimes and seeks to repatriate them to PRC face to charges.

Source: The U.S. Department of Justice #Oct28


#US #CCP #Chineseagent
#US sanctions 4 More Government Officials in Hong Kong

On 9 November, 2020, the U.S.
Treasury announced sanctions on four Hong Kong and Chinese government officials in connection to national security law establishment and PRC's offices in Hong Kong.

They are Deng Zhongshua, deputy of Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office; Edwina Lau, deputy commissioner of Hong Kong police; Li Jiangzhou, vice deputy of the Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People’s Government and Li Kwai-wah, Senior Superintendent in National Security Department of Hong Kong Police Force.

The U.S Treasury and the State Department updated the list of “Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons”. The personal details of the sanctioned persons including their residential address and travelling documents information were made accessible:

Source: U.S. Treasury; Apple Daily #Nov10
#CCPControl #PRCAnthem
HK Government Requires All Radio Stations to Play PRC's National Anthem Everyday

Radio Television Hong Kong (#RTHK) confirmed that their seven channels would air the national anthem of the People’s Republic of China, “March of the Volunteers”, every day before the morning news report at 8am.

On November 7, 2020, Commercial Radio Hong Kong confirmed that they will also broadcast PRC's national anthem before their 8am news everyday starting from mid-November.

Metro Broadcast Corporation also revealed that their tentative plan was to play the PRC's national anthem before the 8am newscast, but the date of enforcement was not yet set.

The Hong Kong government spokesman replied to Stand News' inquiry that licensed broadcasters have to play the national anthem under the government’s “announcement in the public interest” (API) mechanism after the National Anthem Law was enacted in Hong Kong in June 2020.

Source: Stand News #Nov7

#NationalAnthem #AnthemLaw #CCP
#PolyUSiege #PoliceState
Hong Kong Polytechnic University Announces Lockdown on the Eve of One-Year Mark of Police Siege

Source: Apple Daily #Nov6

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#PolyUSiege #PoliceState
Hong Kong Polytechnic University Announces Lockdown on the Eve of One-Year Mark of Police Siege

November 17, 2020 marks the one-year mark of the police siege of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (#PolyU) during the Anti-Extradition Law Movement in 2019.

The university management has has implemented a very strict 'lockdown' and rejected visits from the journalists. The Facilities Management Office announced in the school email on November 6, 2020 that the university's access control will be tightened. The Office asked their staff and students to the visitor registration system for more information.

With the new regulations, only authorized persons, including teaching staffs, students and those with essential duties on campus, are allowed to enter the university.

According to the announcement, unless visitors provide solid evidence proving the necessity of their entry, or have received 'special approval' from the Head of Department or the Student Affairs Office, their entry will not be permitted.

Visitors also need to obtain 'special approval' through the visitor registration system at least two working days before the visit. Teachers and students are required to re-apply for the approval though they have already registered to enter the school from November 6 until November 30.

Source: Apple Daily #Nov6

#University #WhiteTerror #OneYearMark
#Injustice #Court
HK's Department of Justice Cancels Private Prosecution Launched by Pro-dem Ray Chan Chi-chuen: 'No Evidence is Offered'

Ray Chan Chi-chuen, the chairman of People Power and a former pro-democracy lawmaker, was dragged on the floor by the pro-Beijing lawmaker Kwok Wai-keung of the Federation of Trade Union, during the House Committee meeting on May 8, 2020 at the Legislative Council.

Chan subsequently initiated a private prosecution against Kwok. Chan said in his Facebook post on November 6, 2020 that he was notified by the Department of Justice (#DoJ) that the authorities would step in and discontinue the private prosecution against Kwok as 'no evidence is offered' in the case.

Source: Stand News #Nov6

#RuleofLaw #PrivateProsecution #RayChan #KwokWaiKeung #Discrimination

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China escalating its propaganda strategies, expanding efforts in spreading misinformation and censoring negative news

Source: Apple Daily #Oct28

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China escalating its propaganda strategies, expanding efforts in spreading misinformation and censoring negative news

The latest issue of Newsweek reported over 600 organisations with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), are participating in infiltration and polarisation in the US. In May, an official from the US Department of State said that Chinese propaganda strategies have escalated, by amplifying disinformation from Russia to attribute the COVID-19 pandemic to the US. China is expanding its influences by censoring negative comments and spreading positive ones to unite its people, while threatening to take economic and diplomatic actions to other countries, stated Atlantic magazine.

Analysts and officials from the Department of State suggested that, China is imitating the spread and amplifying misinformation from Russia, in order to put US to blame for the COVID-19 pandemic. "Beijing is pursuing a comprehensive and coordinated influence campaign to advance its interests and undermine the United States. The CCP is employing a whole-of-government approach, using political, economic, military, and information tools to advance its influence", stated Lea Gabrielle, Special Envoy and Coordinator of the Global Engagement Center at the U.S. Department of State.

She also mentioned social media accounts associated with the Chinese government, fabricating and spreading disinformation about the pandemic or simply false information. By questioning US subsidised-laboratories from the former USSR, China is spinning away the attention from its own laboratory at Wuhan, while other related accounts sculpting China as a model for others to follow in combating the virus.

China’s spread of disinformation is not limited to social media, but also state-subsidised international media such as China Daily, Global Times, and China Global Television Network (CGTN). The official stated that Beijing aims to propagate the idea that Chinese government is leading the world in fighting the pandemic, while the West is incapable of protecting their citizens or helping other countries.

#COVID19 #CCP #SocialMedia #Propaganda #Censorship #US #Disinformation #LeaGabrielle #ChineseMedia #Newsweek

Source: Apple Daily #Oct28

China Suppression on Turkey, Erdoğan Put the Taiwanese Flag off the Shelf After the Tweet

Source from: Apple Daily #Nov02

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China Suppression on Turkey, Erdoğan Put the Taiwanese Flag off the Shelf After the Tweet

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the president of Turkey, posted on Twitter appreciating the “friendly countries” for the blessings and supports on Saturday (31st October) with the “Blue Sky, White Sun, and a Wholly Red Earth and retroactively” flag to represent Taiwan. According to the source, under the suppression of China, the flag has already taken “off the shelf” on Sunday.

More than 51 hours have passed since the strong earthquake occurred in the Aegean region last Friday, making 62 death and 920 injured. The search and rescue work continues.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Twitter the night before yesterday that “the Republic of Turkey is very thankful to all friendly countries and international organisations in Izmir who showed their blessing and support after the Izmir earthquake.” He posted 100 national flags or international organisations flag on his three thank-you posts on Twitter, including “Blue Sky, White Sun, and a Wholly Red Earth and retroactively” flag.

Source from: Apple Daily #Nov02


#Turkey #China #Taiwan #Earthquake #Izmir #TaiwaneseFlag #FriendlyCountries #Twitter #RecepTayyipErdogan #Erdogan
China to impose sanctions on US firms for weapons sale to Taiwan, including Lockheed Martin and Boeing

Source: Stand News #Oct29

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China to impose sanctions on US firms for weapons sale to Taiwan, including Lockheed Martin and Boeing

US indicated that the State Council has already approved the sales of three weapons systems that worth 18 billion USD to Taiwan on last Wednesday (21st October). The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced countermeasures today (26th October) against US companies that sell weapons to Taiwan, including Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Raytheon.

Lijian Zhao, the spokesperson of Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said at a regular press conference today, that to safeguard national interests, China has decided to take necessary measures to impose sanctions on American companies involved in arms sales to Taiwan, including Lockheed Martin, Boeing Defence and Raytheon, as well as American individuals and entities that “play a egregious role” in arms sales to Taiwan.

The US government announced the sale of weapons which worth 18 billion USD to Taiwan, including HIMARS rocket launcher system, SLAM-ER extended-range air-to-surface missile, F-16 jet external sensor pods.

The spokesperson of Chinese Ministry of National Defense, Tan Kefei, said earlier that the China firmly oppose the U.S. arms sale to Taiwan, claiming it as a serious violation of the one-China principle and the three joint communiqués between U.S. and China, a serious interference in China’s internal affairs, undermining China’s sovereignty and security interest, and seriously undermining the relations between the two militaries and the peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Source from: Stand News #Oct29

#China #UnitedStates #Taiwan #LockheedMartin #BoeingDefence #Raytheon #Sanctions