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An Open Letter to Hongkongers from Police Officers who Love Hong Kong (excerpt)

We are a group of police officers who still loves Hong Kong.

The real cause behind the social divide is not the clash between police and civilians, but the government's exercise of structural violence.

Our democracy and cultural norms are being twisted by an appointed, undemocratic authority who keeps moving goal posts around to fit their political agenda.

Full version: https://lihkg.com/thread/1368371/page/1


一群熱愛香港的警務人員致香港人的公開信 (節錄)




全文: https://lihkg.com/thread/1368371/page/1

#cs #civilservants #hkpf #police #openletters

Hong Kong Police Force Identification Numbers originated from 1856 corruption case

//The “shoulder number” [also known as Force Identification Number (FIN)] found on the uniforms of Hong Kong Police Force officers originated from a court case involving gambling and corruption. At the time, corruption permeated the Hong Kong Police Force.

//Anstey found that the Chinese gamblers in the case could not lodge a complaint or testify in court as they did not understand English. As such, they did not know the name of the police officer who abused his power. The presiding judge, Chief Justice J.W. Hulme, took Anstey’s advice and informed the Commissioner of Police that from 1857 onwards, all police officers must have their FIN pinned on their uniforms so civilians could identify them for complaints.

Full translation:

Source: Stand News

#HKPF #Corruption #FIN
#Interview #LiYi #LeeYee

83-year-old Li Yi: I don’t have long to live, but I believe Hong Kong young people have wisdom beyond imagination 5/6

▶️ Part 4

Was the police like this before?

"The police used to be..hmm...Since the establishment of the ICAC, the image of the police had really changed. I really don’t know what happened lately. I can’t say that there aren’t any good people at all. 5-6 years ago, I once left a bag on a taxi. There were thousands of dollars in the bag. I went home, and my domestic helper told me that the police made a call and said the driver brought my wallet to the police. I thanked the driver and I went to the Central Police Station. The police took my things out and counted them for me. They were very professional and humane. I was very impressed. For example, they said, ‘don’t count the banknotes in the public as others will see them.’ Then, they gave me a room to spread the bills open and count one by one, so I could check if everything was there. The things were done in a very orderly way, they were doing their job to helped me ... there will always be good ones left, but now there is a grouping effect, and good things will disappear. When everyone is together, they influence each other. If you don't follow the others, you look bad in the group. It seems that in Chris Tang Ping-keung’s dinner earlier, if you didn’t sing and laugh along, you were the odd one. In fact, not everyone necessarily wants to participate. This is the case. Due to such effect It's hard to say if there is any good person. This may be the biggest tragedy of Hong Kong. It is because police officers are public servants whom everyone has the most contact with. When there is an incident, such as domestic violence, you call the police. Police is important for the society to run. Now the police is behaving in such way, this really brings a lot of damages (to the society). "

//we must adhere to our original values, to fight continuously, in various forms, on various fronts.

//only a small group of Hong Kong people are infected. It is out of everyone’s expectation. The self-protection awareness of Hong Kong people is hardly seen in the rest of the world. Everyone is wearing a mask now.

//Hong Kong has its own quality.

//Hong Kong is the most civilised place in the world. The quality of Hong Kong people is also the best in the world, be it about the communication with foreigners, the integration with the world, and people’s kindness to others.

//our international contacts and mobility are beyond everyone ’s imagination.

//It’s not that Chinese don’t speak good English, but they don’t speak like us.

//How can you be ‘Chinese’? How can we be ‘Chinese’? We just need to be ourselves, we just need to be a human being and then that will be good enough"

Continue reading:

To be continued

Source: Stand News, (25-Feb)

#AnsonChan #DeniseHo #JoshuaWong #BrianLeung #Taiwan #1997Handover #CivilServants #Masks #LowestBidWin #FreeWill #HKPF #FailedState #SelfHelp
HKAAB refuses to take part in any recruitment of Hong Kong students studying abroad from HKPF

Hong Kong Affairs Association of Berkeley(HKAAB) has been informed that the Hong Kong Police Force(HKPF) has reached out to UC Berkeley's career center to recruit Hong Kong students studying at UC Berkeley for their recuitment drive. It has been reported that some other Hong Kong student who are studying aboard received similar messages.

The HKAAB believes that the HKPF is embarking on a wave of global effort to recruit its new generation of officers from the pool of HK students studying abroad. This action shows that the force knows that it has a very low potential in succeeding in recruiting local university graduates.

Meanwhile, the HKAAB has been refusing to get involved in this promotional effort and advised UC Berkeley's career center adopt the similar stance. Moreover, the HKAAB emphasised that UC Berkeley students are renowned for their reputation of being intelligent, progressive, and morally upright. They hold the belief their Hong Kong students and new graduates will uphold their moral standards and not let the university's reputation be ruined.

#HongKong #UCBerkeley #HKPF


Internal Conflict between Riot Police and PPRB? Police Officer Needs ‘a Pat on the Back’ for Consolation

(10 May) Police claimed that they received reports on crowd gathering in Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui. Large numbers of police broke into the shopping mall at around 4pm to disperse the crowds and formed a cordon, during which the group of press was forced back to a corner by the staircase.

A riot police tried to step forward and pressure the journalists to retreat, but was immediately pushed away by Ko Chun-pong from the police public relations branch (PPRB), who was directing the scene with his microphone.

PPRB asked the press to step back, but a riot police seemed to be impatient and kept ‘pointing his fingers’ at the press. It seemed like he wanted to force his way towards the press. However, Ko stopped him again, and appeared to ask, “Hey Commander, who’s in charge here?” The two squads fought against each other, with one riot police comparably more agitated and had to be pulled away by other officers, while patting his back to comfort him. However, he was seen complaining continuously to his colleagues after the incident.

Source: Apple Daily News

#PPRB #RiotPolice #HKPF #FreedomOfPress #PoliceState
Here are some examples of why #HKPF are chronic liars and why they cannot be trusted...Just like the Hong Kong government. They are also some rare moments of justice remaining in Hong Kong now. #policebrutality #justice #GoHKGraphics

Source: Standnews
So what have you done to be arrested by the #HKPF?

#policestate #politicaloppression #GoHKGraphics
Introducing Asia's Finest (Sex Criminals)...the HKPF.

#HKPF #policestate #AsiasFinest #GoHKGraphics
Police prosecuted thousands of Hongkongers with imprisonment and fines for no reason. Yet, only 80 police was undertaken with disciplined review as the most deterrent, even with violation of their code of conduct.

#HKPF #PoliceAbuse #PoliceistheMostPowerful #GoHKGraphics
#AsiasFinest #BreachingLaw
HK Police Only Receive Warning For Allegedly Violating Telecommunications Ordinance

Apple Daily revealed earlier that a policeman in Hong Kong was found using a non-official walkie-talkie during work.

The Office of the Communications Authority confirmed that owning that type of walkie-talkie requires a permit, but only issued a warning to the police. In previous cases, civilians have been fined for over HK$10,000.

A barrister suggested that the police did not seek approval before using the said walkie-talkie and violated the Telecommunications Ordinance.

Human rights group criticised that the police should not handle a criminal offence just by internal instructions, because “the said party did not just offended internal rules, but the Hong Kong law. Things should be done according to the law.”

Source: Apple Daily #Dec17


#WalkieTalkie #Telecommunications #HKPF
The HKSAR government reshuffle the current major senior officials. 3 police officers get promoted.

#CarrieLam #HKSARgovernment #HKPF #GoHKgraphics
#AsiasFinest #PoliceState #FailedState
#HongKongPolice Reinstates #NationalSecurity Director Caught in Unlicensed Massage Parlour as Personnel and Training Director

Frederic #ChoiChinPang, the National Security director of the Hong Kong Police Force (#HKPF) has been placed on leave after he was caught in a raid on an unlicensed massage parlour in May 2021. It was the first big scandal to hit the National security unit after it was set up to enforce the controversial #NationalSecurityLaw a year ago.

In just 3 months’ time, Choi has resumed duty and will be reinstated as Director of Personnel and Training in mid-August, 2021.

Police chief Raymond Siu Chak-yee quoted the Department of Justice that Choi’s case "does not involve any criminal offense". Siu also confirmed that Choi will resume his duty in the police force and take the post of Director of Personnel and Training.

Source: Stand News; #Aug12


Hong Kong Police Harasses vulnerable Homeless Voicing Their Concerns

Source: inmediahk; #Jul10

#HKPF #Homelesss #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL

Read more
Organizations condemning Hong Kong Police at World Police & Fire Games

Grassroots organizations are condemning the decision to allow members of the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) to compete at the World Police & Fire Games (WPFG) in Winnipeg.

On Monday, six Hong Kong Canadian advocacy groups from across the country released a joint statement expressing their concern.

"How can we allow the Hong Kong Police Force to represent themselves in Canada when they have committed clear violence against the Hong Kong people?” Henry Chan, co-director of Saskatchewan Stands With Hong Kong, told CTV News.

Chan is referring to allegations of police brutality during public protests that started in 2019.

Source: CTV News #Aug01


#HKPF #WPFG #Canada