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#JointStatement #Sept22
We Will Keep Reporting: A Petition Against Police-Determined Media Whitelists

-- A Joint Statement Signed by Over 48 Online News Outlets in Response to HK Police's Unilateral Amendments to the Definition of "Media Representative" on September 22, 2020 --

Read the Full Statement
#JointStatement #Sept22
We Will Keep Reporting: A Petition Against Police-Determined Media Whitelists

-- A Joint Statement Signed by Over 48 Online News Outlets in Response to HK Police's Unilateral Amendments to the Definition of "Media Representative" on September 22, 2020 --

Hong Kong is an international metropolis renowned as a free port for trade, with her effectual and truthworthy institutions being the cornerstone of success, and freedom of the press forms an integral part of it. Therefore, it is guaranteed by "One Country Two Systems" and the "Basic Law", and even "National Security Law", as claimed in its provisions .

Article 27 of the Basic Law states: "Hong Kong residents shall have freedom of speech, of the press and of publication; freedom of association, of assembly, of procession and of demonstration; and the right and freedom to form and join trade unions, and to strike."

It safeguards the freedom of press in Hong Kong. As in most modern polities, neither the government nor the police has the power to decide who can monopolize the press, so as to ensure free expression and free distribution of information, of all voices, in all forms. This free flow of information is the freedom of the press promised by the Basic Law.

Even though "Police General Orders" are not legally binding, the amended Orders have obviously violated the principles laid out in "One Country Two Systems", "Basic Law", and the "National Security Law". It undermines Hong Kong's position as a cosmopolitan city.

Reporting by journalists is an exercise of the freedom of the press in accordance with the law and the principles of the law. Screening of media is a direct assault to the freedom of the press and to Hong Kong's trusted institutions.

The Police's amendment to the "Police General Orders" degrades Hong Kong's standing in the international community and upsets rightful expectations from Hongkongers and other nations.

In a digital age, the development of online media outlets is inevitable. Organizations such as HKJA has been maintaining a legal channel to facilitate rational and effective communications betwen media outlets and the HKSAR government. With the authorities' discreditation of online media, it is a regression dragging Hong Kong back to a time before the Internet. The authorities' refusal to recognize a common communication channel will only lead to confusion and misunderstanding.

Therefore, from communal, national, or global perspectives, this decision of the Hong Kong Police Force is imprudent and backwards. We regret and object all discriminative treatment of media and biased selection of journalists by the authorities.

We will carry on our duty to report, continuing exercising our freedom of the press as guaranteed by the law. We stand as one in our defense of the freedom of the press.

The following are the participating media:
*Names not listed in order

好學撚 鬼仔
沒有暴徒 只有暴政 2.0
熙熙直擊 Hei Hei Hits
PSHK Media Ltd.
Free HK Media
Resistance Live Media
Guardians of Hong Kong / BeWater HK
IBHK 網絡媒體
Booom HK
沙田區 Sha Tin District
Hong Kong Columns(Tranated)
APS 全民自發

September 22, 2020


Press Associations and Unions in Hong Kong Call On HK Police to Withdraw Unilateral Revision of "Media Representative"

Source: Stand News #Sept22

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Press Associations and Unions in Hong Kong Call On HK Police to Withdraw Unilateral Revision of "Media Representative"

Hong Kong Journalists Association, Hong Kong Press Photographers Association and several press unions issued a joint statement on Sept 22, 2020, after the Hong Kong Police Force unilaterally amended the definition of “media representative" in the Police General Orders.

Local journalists urged the Force to withdraw the amendment which would undeniably jeopardize the relationship between the Force and the media. The Unions stressed that they would otherwise take all feasible and necessary measures to respond.

The statement pointed out that the Force’s new definition of "media representatives" is no different than imposing a licensing regime on journalists. The act not only erodes press freedom, but also drives Hong Kong towards totalitarianism.

The statement condemned the police's refusal to recognize the journalists who fall out of the 'new' definition arbitrarily set up by the police.

Under the new definition, the Hong Kong police will only accredit journalists from media organisations registered with the Government News and Media Information System (GNMIS) and those working for "well-known" foreign news outlets.

HK Journalists Association
Hong Kong Press Photographers Association
Independent Commentators Association
Journalism Educators for Press Freedom
Ming Pao Staff Association
Next Media Trade Union
RTHK Programme Staff Union
Citizens News Labor Union

Source: Stand News #Sept22

Joint Statement by Over 48 Online News Outlets, Sept 22, 2020: "We Will Keep Reporting: A Petition Against Police-determined Media Whitelists"


Citizens mourn Pro-democracy Student Who Died Last Year under the Suspicion of Police Brutality

September 22, 2020 marks a year since the death of 15-year-old student Chan Yin-Lam. Her body was found floating naked in the waters, but the police changed the case classification of Chan's death from “suspicious” to “unsuspicious", which brought about questions and doubts over the handling of the case, and even speculation of the police's involvement in Chan's death.

At around 8pm on Sept 22, 2020, citizens arrived at the Hong Kong Design Institute, the school which Chan attended, to commemorate her death.

Flowers were presented and candles were lit. Some people were seen quietly shedding tears amidst the pain and sorrow.

Armed police officers on site, demanding citizens and reporters to disperse immediately.

Source: PSHK #Sept22
#PoliceState #NeverForget #Death

Jury Unanimously Rules Death of 15-year-old Girl "Suspicious" With Cause Unknown
HK News Executives' Association Expresses No Objection and Asks Police to Provide Details of the Media Registration System

Source: Stand News #Sept22

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HK News Executives' Association Expresses No Objection and Asks Police to Provide Details of the Media Registration System

Formed by a group of senior management representatives in the media industry, the Hong Kong News Executives' Association (#NEA) expressed "strong concern" over the Police’s unilateral amendment of the definition of “media representatives” in the Police General Orders.

The police's amendment will limit media representatives to only those registered in the Government News & Media Information System (#GNMIS), or those holding identity proof issued by the "renown and recognised non-local press agencies, newspapers, magazines, TV stations and radio stations", according to the police's letter issued on September 22, 2020.

Over 48 online news outlets and 8 press unions, including Hong Kong Journalists Association (#HKJA) and Hong Kong Press Photographers Association (#HKPPA) had issued joint statements and demanded the withdrawal of the amendment.

However, the News Executives Association asked the Hong Kong Police Force to provide details of the new registration system in order to ease media concern, although it also stated that press freedom should not be curbed.

[Editor’s note:

Established in 1986, the Hong Kong News Executives' Association (http://www.nea.org.hk/eng/html) was formed by news executives of Hong Kong's major media organizations, including chief editors, deputy chief editors, news editors and deputy news editors.

The Association's incumbent chairlady is Cheung Sou-wen, who is Deputy Director of the News and Public Affairs Division of the Commercial Radio. Tammy Tam Wai-yee, Editor-in-Chief of South China Morning Post is the Association's vice-chair.

Claiming a membership of 100 media executives, the Association wrote on its website its mandate to "safeguard and promote freedom of the press" among others.]

Source: Stand News #Sept22
#PoliceState #PressFreedom #License

Joint Statement by Over 48 Online News Outlets, Sept 22, 2020: "We Will Keep Reporting: A Petition Against Police-determined Media Whitelists"


8 Press Associations and Unions in Hong Kong Call On HK Police to Withdraw Unilateral Revision of "Media Representative"

1 Month Since China Captures and Detains 12 Hongkongers, Authorities Force 5 Lawyers to Withdraw

Source: Save 12 Hong Kong Youths Concern Group #Sept22

Read more:
1 Month Since China Captures and Detains 12 Hongkongers, Authorities Force 5 Lawyers to Withdraw

Since China Coast Guard arrested 12 Hongkongers in the waters on August 23, 2020, neither their families, nor their lawyers were allowed to meet with them. The distressed families lamented they could not know if their love ones are still alive and that the Hong Kong Government did not provide any effective assistance.

See Timeline:

So far, 5 lawyers appointed by the families had dropped the case after being pressurized by Chinese authorities and law society in China. The Chinese government insisted on assigning their own lawyers to the detainees.

On September 20, 2020, one lawyer employed by a detainee's family received a phone call from PRC's Justice Bureau. On the phone, he was asked if he was handling a case that involved 12 Hongkongers. After the lawyer admitted it, the voice asked to meet him in person 2 days later.

On 21 Sept, the lawyer received another call from PRC's Justice Bureau and a request for his client’s name. After a while, his law firm received a call checking if they were handling a case about illegal border transgression.

In the end, the Chinese authorities ordered the lawyer to withdraw the case as it "involved political matters".

Indeed, the lawyer had just completed the notarization procedure and was mailing related document to Chinese authorities. It was suspected that the Chinese authorities had traced his identity and requested to meet In person after knowing that his notarization was done in Hong Kong.

As his client is underage, the detainee couldn’t 'hire' any lawyer and should be represented by the one his family entrusted.

On September 22, it turned out that the head of the Bureau of Justice, the head of a substation and a Chief Legal Officer were all there to meet the lawyer. They all asked him to drop the case.

The lawyer declined by pointing out that he had completed the notarization procedure and signed a contract with his client's family.

The authorities insisted and revealed that another lawyer would be 'assigned' to his client after he withdraws. After using a carrot and stick approach, the authorities became more stern in requesting the lawyer to quit.

It is expected the authority would continue pressurising him.

Source: Save 12 Hong Kong Youths Concern Group #Sept22

#RulebyLaw #ChineseLaw
#Censorship #YingEChi
Independent filmmakers: Film inspection authority stalls reviewing process and shutters anti-ELAB movement DVD submitted for inspection

Source: Apple Daily #Sept22

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