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China Officials indication of larger number of dead from the Wuhan Coronavirus, than its announcement

Editor’s Note: Netizens challenged that the number of deaths in Wuhan was just 85 (till 28 January 2020) according to the government’s report, accumulative since the first case of death. If this was the true figure, it definitely didn’t need both the city and provincial governments to provide logistic reinforcement for conveying the remains with Coronavirus. The funeral cars fleet must be in a large scale so as deployed at provincial government level. This first Weibo announcement indicated the real situation happening in Wuhan. Having identified the “indication”, the government removed the relevant contents from the same post, to facilitate the social stabilizing work which was the top priority in China. However, the Netizens opined that nowadays everyone in China was aware that all the announcements by the Communist Party were fake, so as to achieve social stabilizing objective and thus the government was not trustworthy. The quick deletion of the true contents even showed that the quality of the government was much more lower in standard, than they expected.

Summary Screenshot attached:
On 28 Jan at 13:06 the Wuhan Official announced in Weibo that all the charges would be waived for the cremation and related services for those new Coronavirus infected patients who had passed away (including suspected cases). This would be effective on 26 January. Meanwhile, the Wuhan Command Office and Hubei Civil Affairs Department would provide solid supports for conveying those dead patients by deploying batches of funeral cars, workers and protection gears.

After a very short period of time, the same post was edited (circled in red) by deleting the above underlined (right screen) which was about deploying batches of funeral cars, workers and protection gears.

Source: Twitter and Weibo

#WuhanPneumonia #Deaths

[Wuhan citizen visited severely affected hospitals and witnessed a funeral home removing 8 body bags]
[Taken into police station at night after publicly releasing footage]

(2 Feb) A Wuhan citizen, Fang Bin, visited several severely affected hospitals in Wuhan. At Wuhan No. 5 Hospital, he filmed 8 body bags being removed from the hospital in 5 minutes. He also recorded a devastating scene where a man had just stopped breathing and his son was mourning hysterically by his side.

Shortly after the footage was released online, Fang was taken away by the authorities for suspicion of “possible infection from visiting the hospital”.

Upon his release, we were able to contact Fang. He stated: “They brought me to the police station, accusing me of detonating a nuclear bomb for shooting negative material and dead bodies. [They said] I should have shown the positive side, like how to fight the epidemic. They claimed I had caused distress.”

He speculated that the news of his confinement had spread widely online. The authorities feared his arrest could backfire and subsequently decided to release him.

According to non-governmental statistics, more than 300 individuals were arrested, warned or fined for spreading rumours relating to the recent epidemic throughout the country.

Source: i-cable China News


Video filmed by Fang Bin(1 Feb):

#MaintainStability #Deaths #WuhanPneumonia

Conronavirus in Italy 2/3: At least 23 Italian doctors have died in coronavirus epidemic

//The number of doctors who have died in Italy since the coronavirus epidemic began has risen to 23.

//And while the official data of infected health workers increases, released every evening by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, many doctors die suddenly, even if the cause of death is not directly attributable to the virus.

//Some 4,824 health workers have been infected by coronavirus

Source: CNN, (23-Mar)

#Coronavirus #Italy #Deaths

Number of Urns may disclose the number of
Deaths died of COVID-19 in Wuhan

(28 Mar) "According to Caixin.com, on the afternoon of 26 March, a large truck stopped at the west entrance of Jingya Hall of Hankou Funeral Home. The car was loaded with more than 2,500 urns ordered by Funeral Home. The driver revealed that he had come to deliver the same number of urn ashes the day before, and one more tomorrow. The funeral home staff of more than a dozen came to the large truck and moved the urns to the side hall of Jingya Hall for storage, for every 500 urns there was one stack of boxes and seven stacks were seen on site.

Another funeral home in Wuhan, Wuchang Funeral home also began to distribute urns patients who died of COVID-19 from 23 March, 500 per day, so as to finish distributing all of them before the Qingming Festival. Wuhan Health and Health Commission has now banned Wuhaners from burying and scanning graves on the Qingming Festival. According to official figures from the National Health Commission, as of 25 March, a total of 2,531 people in Wuhan have died of new corona virus.

There are a total of eight funeral homes in Wuhan. During the peak of the epidemic, the country also supported a considerable number of mobile funeral homes in Wuhan. They have been running around the clock for at least a month. Then people will naturally ask questions. How many people have died in Wuhan?

Source: Rfi

#Wuhan #Coronavirus #Deaths #Urns

China’s coronavirus conspiracy: Wuhan residents tell of chilling death toll clue

//“It can’t be right ... because the incinerators have been working round the clock, so how can so few people have died?”

//Some people estimate 46,800 COVID-19 victims will have been cremated, based on the capacity of the funeral homes.

//“The official number of deaths was 2,500 people ... but before the epidemic began, the city’s crematoriums typically cremated around 220 people a day,” Aizhen said.

//Residents say city officials have been buying their silence with 3,000 yuan ($685) cash handouts in “funeral allowances” to make sure cremations are completed by the grave-tending festival of Qing Ming on April 5.

//“It’s to stop them keening [a traditional expression of grief]; nobody’s allowed to keen after Qing Ming has passed,” Wuhan local Chen Yaohui said.

Source: 7News AU, (30-Mar)
⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️Watch video

Further reading:
Number of Urns may disclose the number of Deaths died of COVID-19 in Wuhan

#Urns #Deaths #Wuhan #Hubei #ImportedCases #Coronavirus

China hid extent of coronavirus outbreak, US intelligence reportedly says

//The Chinese government has deliberately underreported the total number of coronavirus cases and deaths in the country, the U.S. intelligence community told the White House

//China’s public tally of COVID-19 infections and deaths is purposefully incomplete.

//The secret report concludes that China’s numbers are fake, two of the officials said, Bloomberg reported

Source: CNBC, (1-Apr)

Further reading:
China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says

#Coronavirus #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #Deaths

Iranian official backtracks after calling Chinese Covid-19 figures a 'joke'

//Iran’s health ministry spokesman has backtracked after he described China’s official figures on the coronavirus outbreak as a “joke”.

//China had given the impression that coronavirus was like influenza but with fewer deaths.

//Chinese-Iranian relations are normally warm, partly because China is a key market for Iranian oil, and criticism of China’s coronavirus figures had previously come exclusively from the west.

//Jahanpour said he had merely been commenting on how China’s epidemiological assessment of coronavirus was not shared by Iran.

//Meanwhile, Iran announced plans to ban printed newspapers in an effort to slow the spread of the disease.

Full Article: The Guardian, (06-Apr)

#Iran #China #Deaths #Coronavirus