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Plainclothes Police Crashes Into Crowd With White Vehicle

22:04 | #TseungKwanO
Today marks 3 months after the passing of student Chow Tsz Lok. Over hundreds of civilians mourned the death of Chow in Sheung Tak Estate. Some people blocked the roads at Sheung Tak. At around 10 p.m., riot police dispatched the crowd with pepper spray and tear gas, and arrested civilians. An assistant of a district councillor was shot by tear gas.

According to the livestream broadcasted by Apple Daily, plainclothes police crashed into the crowd suddenly with a white car. They got off from the car and ran to arrest civilians.

Question from the Editor: Were the police officers trying to kill the civilians?

Source: Stand News; Apple Daily
#Feb8 #TseungKwanO #SheungTakEstate #ChowTszLok #HongkongPolice
Riot Police Demand Civilians To Kneel Down And Raise Both Hands

00:03 | #TseungKwanO
Riot police stormed into Sheung Tak Estate.

Plainclothes police arrested civilians at the scene; riot police shouted at the press and civilians, "Get Away!".

Riot police conducted stop and search, and demanded civilians to kneel down and raise both hands.

#Feb8 #ChowTszLok #SheungTakEstate #PoliceState
Riot Police Conducts Large-scale Stop and Search at Sheung Tak

00:03 | #TseungKwanO
Riot police stormed into Sheung Tak Estate, at least 20 civilians and first aid volunteers were stopped.

01:04 |
According to the pictures taken at around 12:44 a.m., at least 20 civilians were stoped by riot police. Some reporters claimed that at least 30 - 40 civilians were stopped by the police. However, no one had a clear view of the situation, as riot police prohobited reporters from filming and getting close to the scene.

Source: Stand News

#Feb9 #SheungTakEstate #PoliceState #ChowTszLok

Editor note: Prohibiting the press from getting into close proximity while the riot police conduct their stop and search has been a commonly employed tactic. It is a deliberate action by the police, to show that in situations like these, they have the upper hand, and they are the most powerful. The freedom of press in Hong Kong has clearly decomposed, due to such actions by the Hong Kong Police Force.
Blue Warning Flag Raised at Sheung Tak Estate

00:45 | #TseungKwanO
Riot police demanded civilians to leave in 3 minutes. However, police officers deployed pepper spray at civilians and the press in just 30 seconds.

01:29 |
Blue warning flag was raised at Sheung Tak Estate.

Source: CityU SU Editorial Board; HK01

#Feb9 #SheungTakEstate #ChowTszLok
Lest We Forget: Civilians Mourned the Death of 15-year-old Student Chan Yin Lam , Three Civilians Were Arrested

20:47 | #TseungKwanO
Civilians gathered at Sheung Tak Estate Car Park to mourn the death of the 15-year-old student Chan Yin Lam, who went missing and was found floating naked in the sea few days later on 19 Sep 2019, and her cause of death is still unknown.

Police kept using torches with strong beams pointing to a residential unit at Beverly Garden.

Riot police stood by in Sheung Tak Estate, conducted stop and search to citizens and residents.

PSHK reporter claimed that at least three citizens have been arrested.

Riot police set cordon line at the estate and used torches to shine strong light beam at civilians.

A team of riot police left to clear roadblocks set by protestors.

Sources: PSHK, HKGolden, The Wanderer, eatsyrup
#Feb19 #ChanYinLam #SheungTakEstate #NeverForget