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#Protests #Feb29
Riot Police Dispersed The Crowd Including The Press, Civilians Were Hurt

2321 | MongKok
Riot police dispersed the crowd including press with pepper-spray, lots of civilians were hurt and felt unwell. During the dispersion, police arrested a male and pressed him onto the ground.

A male civilian fainted as riot police pushed forward. He then received medical treatment by first-aiders.

Source: HK01, Hong Kong In-media, Apple Daily, RTHK
#PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #831Incident #Rememberance
#Feb29 #Protests
Female Journalist Lost Consciousness After Being Pepper Sprayed

23:51 | #MongKok

Riot police dispersed the crowd, including press close to midnight. A female journalist was pepper-sprayed and shoved violently by the police. She fell down and lost her consciousness. Volunteer first-aiders on site tried to revive her by slapping her face, to no avail.

Some civilians at the scene shouted: “Don’t fall asleep! You can make it through!”

Since the start of the anti-extradition movement, journalists and volunteer first-aiders have been risking their lives to serve the public, while constantly being huge target boards to the police. Over the months, numerous first-aiders and members of the press have gotten injured, arrested, beaten and harassed by the police.

Source: Idunread Bookstore

Editor's Note:
The above mentioned journalist was not the only one who fainted tonight after being pepper-sprayed.
Although this has not been confirmed, it is suspected that “unknown chemicals” were added to their usual pepper-spray concoction by the police. Pepper-spray causing people to lose consciousness is unheard of.
#Mar1 #Protests
Unconscious Man Kicked by Police; Man Seen Having Minor Convulsions

0049 - 0106 | Mong Kok

On Argyle Street, police forcibly dragged a man into the middle of the road. The man seemed to be unconscious, laying flat on his back. A reporter noted that his eyes were closed, and was unresponsive.

An officer in white shoes was seen kicking the unconscious man's head repeatedly. A large number of riot police and plainclothes soon surrounded him, and searched his belongings.

Police subsequently rolled him over into the recovery position; no ambulance has arrived yet. Police denied volunteer first-aiders from approaching the man at first; after some negotiations, they allowed one first-aider to attend to the man at around 0058. The man was seen to have slight spasms in his lower body.

He later was escorted onto an ambulance, requiring a respirator. A police vehicle followed the ambulance.

Source: Stand News; Cupid Producer
#PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #831Incident #Rememberance
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#Protests #Feb29

Another hard evidence of police brutality in arresting young protesters

In the video, 2 police officers were head-locking a black-clad youngster attempting to pin him to the ground and arrest him.

The officers stepped on his feet, twisted his arm backwards and pushed his head to the ground, causing the young man to scream in pain.

#Mar1 #831Incident #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
#PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #Feb29
Police suspected of pointing a gun at reporter

As the photos shown, an officer was left alone in a police operation to disperse protesters in Mong Kok. He was sighted holding his gun at the crowd in downtown area.

In the meantime, reporter of DB Channel, an internet media, followed tentatively to the whereabouts of the policeman, to properly execute his duty as a reporter. However, It was said that the police officer was suspected of pointing the gun at the reporter with his finger locked up on the trigger.

Source: DB Channel
Graphic: DB Channel, Editorial Board CityU SU
#Protests #831Incident #Rememberance
Problem Counting? Number of Arrestees During Protest Surged within 4 Hours

Police conducted mass arrest in Mong Kok on Feb 29. The following morning (Mar 1), the police stated in a press release that a total of 12 men and 6 women, with the youngest aged 15, were arrested for illegal assembly and other reasons. However, several hours later, the number of arrestees has jumped up significantly to 115 according to a revised statement by the police.

Source: TVB, Apple Daily

#Protests #831Incident #Rememberance
#Protests #Feb29
Pepper Spray at Close-Range; Riot Police Ignores Fallen Woman

Feb 29 marks the sixth month after the 831 Attack. Citizens gathered in Mongkok to pay tribute to the casualties, and protest against police brutality. However, police's violence escalated into indiscriminate use of weapons towards citizens.

At around 2315, one mid-age woman, apparently a passer-by, was pepper-sprayed in close range. She fell down, but riot police ran by ignoring her.

Reporters were pepper-sprayed as well- just as police's usual "friendly" behavior towards the press. From the photo above, it is clearly seen that they were sprayed deliberately, even their cameras could not escape from that.

Source: Flash Media
#831Incident #Rememberance #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
#PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #Feb29
Arbitrary Arrests and Excessive Use of Weapons at Late Night

During the clash on 29 Feb in Mongkok, at about 12am, police had arrested about 30-40 citizens, including those who were wearing reflective vests and volunteer first-aiders who had the word "First Aid" tagged on their helmets. Some arrestees had their hands tied with cable ties. Police vehicles were also deployed to prevent reporters from shooting videos from the other side of the road.

At about 1.15 am, the police fired pepper balls towards reporters. Some of the shots hit the stores close by, and the irritating contents inside the bullets were projected onto the doors.

Source: United Social Press
#Protests #831Incident #Rememberance
#FirstHand #Interivew #Mar8
Interview With Tai Po District Councillor Lam Ming-yat: Riot Police Shot Pepper Spray To Another Council Member Man Nim-chi Despite He Was Cooperative

Before the start of the rally against Tai Po Jockey Club Clinic being a designated clinic for Chinese Pneumonia patients, large number of riot police officers were deployed and they frisked people at the scene including residents and press.

Tai Po district councilors also stood-by in case of emergency. According to Tai Po District Councillor Lam Ming-yat, despite riot police kept changing the cordon lines forward without proper communication, district councilors including Man Nim-chi were corporative. That said, when Man Nim-chi was stepping back, riot polices suddenly shot his back with pepper spray without any prior warning. Man was hurt and received assistance from voluntary first-aiders accordingly.

Lam also pointed that the rally had not started successfully due to police’s mass arrest. At least 20 teenagers were stopped and searched by police. From his observation, none of them carried dangerous item.

#PoliceState #TaiPo #Protests

Further reading:
Citizen: "This is No Least Amount of Force!"
Police: "It is as It is"
Tai Po District Councillor Lam Ming-yat was shot at his back by the police without prior warning.

Picture: Man Nim-chi facebook page

Read More:
Interview With Tai Po District Councillor Lam Ming-yat: Riot Police Shot Pepper Spray To Another Council Member Man Nim-chi Despite He Was Cooperative https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/18265

#Mar8 #Interview #PoliceBrutality #Protests #DistrictCouncillor
#FirstHand #Mar8

2242 | #TseungKwanO
More than 100 armed riot police still stationed at Sheung Tak Estate. Many civilians could not leave the scene. The police had raised the blue flag multiple times at the bus terminal, but nothing further could be confirmed except for the arrival of two ambulances. The police were dispersing reporters on scene. It was unknown if any civilian was in need of medical service.

#Memorial #PoliceState #Protests
Local Singer Stopped and Searched

2251 | #TseungKwanO

Tommy Yuen, a local singer in support of the Democracy Movement, is in line outside Sheung Tak Car Park for stop and search.

Source: Apple Daily
#Memorial #PoliceState #Protests
9 Months Since the Start of the Pro-Democracy Movement:
Police frisked and arrested 6 citizens in Mongkok

12 March 2020 marked the ninth month since the pro-democracy movement began in June 2019.

Memorial screening activities were organised in multiple districts. In Mongkok, hundreds of citizens watched the documentary “The Year Of Fighting Against Tyranny” on the street.

When the screening event ended around 20:45, some citizens set road blocks with the miscellaneous items. Riot police arrived at the scene to disperse citizens.

During the operation the police formed a cordon around Sai Yeung Choi street south and Soy Street, and intercepted over 30 passersby. After being searched and have their bags inspected, these civilians could only leave after the police recorded their appearances and ID cards.

Among them, 6 men were tied with straps, and were escorted to a police vehicle. The police re-opened the blocked area after nearly an hour.

Source: Stand News #Mar13 #Protests
5 Months after 9.21 “Liberate Tuen Mun” March:
2 Voluntary First Aiders Charged with Illegal Possession of Walkie- Talkie

During the “Libreate Tuen Mun Park” event on September 21, 2019, protesters set up roadblocks in areas nearby. During dispersing operation, the police stopped and searched 2 voluntary first aiders, and found 2 walkie- talkies. Five months after the incident, they were charged with possessing a radio apparatus without a valid licence as well as failure to show their identity cards.

Editor's Note: The Office of the Communication Authority of the Hong Kong SAR Government encourages citizens to bring their own walkie-talkies when going for hike. The double stand makes one wonder whether the Authority has 'incited' citzens to offend the 'law', or the police is defining the law in their favour.

Source: InMedia #Mar16
#PoliceState #Protests
#Art #Protests
Records of the Protest: Man Preserves Protest Scenes in Drawings

1705 | Mong Kok
On the intersection of Shantung Street and Nathan Road, a man sat outside King Wah Center and drew the protest scene. He believed thay paintings are the most neutral medium in recording protest scenes, as it's meaning is subject to the interpretation of the viewer. When asked whether if he is worried of being arrested, he said no as he always drew at protest scenes.

Source: City Broadcasting Channel (CBC)
#27May #HongKongProtest #MongKok #ProtestArt