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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
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🇺🇸/🌎 Author of 'Confessions of an Illuminati' Explains Transhumanism and the Threat of Nuclear War.

Leo Zagami to demystify the theatre of global politics and expose the artificial intelligence endgame of the transhumanists' Fourth Reich.

33rd Degree Freemason Whistleblower Exposes Illuminati And New World Order Ukraine Agenda

🧨 "The Russia/Ukraine conflict is part of the Great Reset agenda."‼️

Over the past two years, there have been numerous agendas appearing to surround the push for complete government control. These measures included forced COVID-19 💉jabs, 😷masking children, and, of course, the mandate that started it all, Lockdowns.
While all were shown to do little (if anything) to stop the coronavirus from spreading, the Biden administration continues to support them. On top of that, the world is watching as Russia invades Ukraine and numerous governments discuss nuclear fallout.
With each new month seeming to bring an entirely new crisis, Maria Zeee recently sat down with Leo Lyon Zagami to discuss the idea of the New World Order and the Great Reset.

What made Zeee’s discussion with Leo so interesting was the fact that he was once a 33rd degree Freemason. He has since become a writer with over 20 books surrounding secret societies, the Freemasons, and the New World Order agenda.

In the video below, Leo also discussed how the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine is just another part of the Great Reset being pushed by world leaders and global elitists.

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"We are SCREWED!"

Leo Zagami joins Maria Zeee to break down the transhumanism agenda from the perspective of the secret societies running this world, warning people they must prepare for the ultimate goal of the globalists – the AI takeover and cyber 👹 Satan.

After watching this, you will understand, WHY they want YOU to eat BUGS!
[I knew for at least 25 years now, Satan is a COMMUNIST!]


BitChute | Odysee
Der Davos-liebende Papst Franziskus👺Luzifericus veröffentlichte ein neues Dokument mit dem Titel „Laudate Deum.
Die apostolische Exhortation bekräftigt die Besorgnis von Papst Franziskus hinsichtlich des Klimawandels und hat mindestens eine große Stärke: Sie ist kürzer als 'Laudato Si‘ („Gepriesen sei“), seine erste „woke“ Enzyklika aus dem Jahr 2015, die sich mit einem im Wesentlichen gleichen Thema befasst.

Der erste Abschnitt von Laudate Deum , „Die globale Klimakrise“, ist ein „woke“ Daten-Müll, der die üblichen globalistischen Lügen unterstützt, die gehirngewaschenen Linken weltweit aufgedrängt werden. Von Leo Zagami

Rumble | Odysee