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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
❗️Subscribe O͟N͟L͟Y, if you CAN handle the Truth‼️

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🇺🇸 Biden’s speech was all about war. Not a single mention of peace.

Was he planting the seeds in people’s minds for WWIII !?🤔
It sure feels that way.

The worst speech and delivery I’ve ever heard!

The US being the ‘glue’ keeping the world together? What a joke!

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇬🇧 the UK...
☝️NOT a Joke: Welcome to the UK where it’s now official government policy that you CAN’T publish “misinformation”, but The Guardian, the BBC, Disney and Netflix CAN.🤡

Yes, it’s true – the recently signed “Online Safety Act” brands the publication of “false informationa criminal offense punishable by up to a year in prison

unless... you’re an M-💩-M outlet, when it’s totally fine.🫠

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⚠️...Meanwhile in the 🇪🇺 European Union ... 🥴
☝️NOT a Joke: German 🤡COMEDIAN(!)🤪 wins the European Elections and wins a💺seat in the European Parliament!
The European Parliament IS a JOKE!
Here his YT-Channel: https://is.gd/NicoSemsrott

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☝️NOT a Joke:
☠️ MurdeRNA ☠️ is currently looking for 👶 babies to KILL‼️

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W.T.F.? 😳
🇩🇪 OK Leute, ich habe gerade eben die erste heurige 🦟 Mücke in meinem Wohnzimmer gekillt!
Kein Witz❗️ [☝️Nur zur Erinnerung ... es ist der 3. MÄRZ! ]

MUSS wohl der "Klimawandel" sein, schätze ich mal... - MUST be "Climate Change🥴, I guess...

🇬🇧 OK guys, I just killed this year's first 🦟 mosquito in my living room!
NOT a joke❗️[Just a Reminder! ... it's the 4th of freaking MARCH!]

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇬🇧 the UK... 😵‍💫
☝️NOT a joke❗️
Calling a male person a “man” ILLEGAL in Scotland starting April 1

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. George Orwell's famous opening to 1984 couldn't be more appropriate as Scotland prepares to enter a dystopian universe where Big Brother is always watching and hate crime is simply saying something that another person doesn't like.

The Scottish Government confirmed today that the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act will take effect on April 1, bringing with it some of the most draconian curbs on freedom of speech and expression in any free democracy on earth. It has taken 40 years longer than Orwell predicted... but we have finally arrived in the totalitarian nightmare that he feared.

🥳 We're in a LUNATIC Asylum!🤪
[Get used to it Folks, it won't EVER end!]

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇨🇦 ☭ 卐 ChiNada...
☝️NOT a joke❗️
Toronto's overlords pondering implementation of a RAIN TAX !

🥳 We're in a LUNATIC Asylum!🤪
[Get used to it Folks, it won't EVER end!]

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[Depopulation, Euthanasia, Government assisted Suicide]

Penny Butler has done a fantastic job of gathering together statements by the Johnsons over the years.

You don’t need to be an expert to work out the kind of things that occupy them when not in front of a camera.

They’re following examples set by others over decades and even centuries.

Ironically, the ultrawealthy will notice absolutely nothing different if 90% of the world’s population is dead compared with the present day. Their lives are in no way inconvenienced by our existence.

Their motivations in my view are entirely sinister and unquestionably malign.

The Johnsons’ view on us is not at all unusual in the echelons of the very wealthy.

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇬🇧 the UK... 😵‍💫
☝️NOT a joke❗️
Mandatory 🐔Poultry🐓 Registration changes for England, Scotland & Wales 2024

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇨🇦 ☭ 卐 ChiNada...
☝️NOT a joke❗️
... a bill has been introduced that prohibits talking about the benefits of gasoline and gas for cars, Law C-372.

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Media is too big
🌎 [🚧15 minute city, Agenda 2030, AI, CBDC, Digital 🆔, WEF]
⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇨🇦 ☭ 卐 ChiNada...
☝️NOT a joke❗️

❗️QR Codes To Visit & Leave Areas❗️

Quebec: “Madeleine Island getting QR codes in order to leave and If you don't get your QR code, you will be fined🤬

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 ☭ 卐 America...
Frightening new law coming to install Zionist THOUGHT POLICE on every college campus across America
☝️NOT a joke❗️

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🇬🇧 Everyone complains about censorship on the internet, that they are not allowed to comment, or that their comments are simply deleted.

My channel has had the "comment feature" enabled from the beginning (including the 'reactions'), yet NO ONE uses it (apart from 1-3 comments a MONTH)

Since I seem to have only mute followers (what a joke) who would rather remain silent than express their opinions (since they seem to have NONE), I have decided to permanently disable the comment function as of Midnight. True to the motto: "If you don't want it, you already have it."

Thank you for your overwhelming apathy, I am truly honored.👌

But don't worry, I will continue to post diligently, regardless of the number of "subscribers"...😉

Have a nice rest of Sunday.

👉 FACTS vs. LIES!🤓
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US Patent 3,247,367 - Solar Simulator (1960).pdf
908.6 KB
🌎 ARTIFICIAL 🌞 Sun‼️ - ☝️NOT a joke❗️

Has anyone noticed that the sun is no longer yellow (as it used to be), but white!? 🤔
Is it because of the particles sprayed by Chemtrails... or maybe because of this patent from 1960?
{ just asking...}🤔

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Similarities...🤔 aka Here's your next "coincidence" 🫠

NOT a joke just that you KNOW❗️

👉 FACTS vs. LIES! 😎
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Just to bring it down to the ‘covid for dummies’ level ….

We need to remember that so called ‘viral pandemics’ should not even need to be ‘declared’. They should be self evident to everyone like floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and new fashion trends.

The very notion of ‘declaring’ a pandemic (one worthy of shutting down the planet) is as absurd as ‘declaring’ a flood. ‘Declaring’ a fire in a crowded theatre does not prove there is a fire… and neither does the subsequent stampede, or the damage that the stampede causes.

Another fact which never gets enough of a mention is that the WHO declared a pseudo pandemic only 11 years earlier, and it did so after changing the criteria for a ‘pandemic’ to be declared so that excess deaths and severity of illness were no longer necessary.

This declaration (a ‘level 6 alert’) triggered massive pre-arranged contracts for vaccines and other drugs in many countries. One does not need to have a degree in scamology to be able to join the dots.

A similar thing happened in 1976. In both cases even the mainstream media reported on the scandal.

Let’s also not forget that lockdown policies were (to a large extent) based on a mathematical model of contagion derived from an experiment involving SMARTPHONE APPS and GPS data and not sick people.

The experiment was conducted in 2017 by the BBC, Cambridge University and LSHTM. A documentary was made (Contagion! The BBC4 Pandemic’) and a couple of papers were published. By their own admission the data set from the smartphones formed the basis of government policy at the start of 2020.

The experiment involved no biology whatsoever.

This is presumably because over 200 very snotty human contagion studies conducted over the last century have spectacularly FAILED to demonstrate the contagion of any disease via proximity or the sharing of bodily fluids.

Had government policy been based on THOSE experiments the whole thing would have been (correctly) declared a nothing-burger from the outset. and Big Pharma would not have made any profits.

Modelling contagion with smartphones must surely qualify as the greatest and most audacious act of science fraud in history …?!

In the movie ‘Pulp Fiction’ the robber in the opening scene describes a recent bank robbery involving nothing more than a mobile phone and an alleged hostage (a little girl) on the other end of the phone line. The point of the anecdote was that you can now rob a bank with nothing more than a mobile phone.🤡

The joke comes when his girlfriend asks “Did they hurt the little girl?”

He looks bemused and replies “I dunno…. there probably never was a little girl”

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🌎 🐒 [Monkeypox] 🙈
From Dr. Jane Ruby:
The "monkeypox vaccines," which are already approved by the FDA, ARE TRANSFERRABLE, LIVE PATHOGENS that are likely to infect the UNJABBED with smallpox!

Please do your best to educate others‼️

☝️NOT a joke❗️ [Source: https://is.gd/56FIcF]

🇩🇪 Bei den „Affenpocken-Impfstoffen“, die bereits von der FDA zugelassen sind, handelt es sich um übertragbare, lebende Krankheitserreger, die wahrscheinlich auch UNGEIMPFTE Menschen mit Pocken infizieren!
Kein Witz❗️

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