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🌎 Ready for FAMINE⁉️

Brighteon Broadcast News, June 23, 2023 - ENGINEERED Famine: Weather weapons causing CROP FAILURES across Midwest

- Ocean Gate submarine found at bottom of Atlantic... ALL DEAD
- Submarine was a DEATH TRAP, and passengers agreed to a SUICIDE mission
- US Navy knew the sub had imploded on Sunday... media ran FAKE NEWS for days
- All to distract from Biden crime family IRS whistleblowers and bribery kickback stories
- More weather weapons striking the Midwest, obliterating corn, soy and other crops
- Full interview with Steve Quayle on weather weaponization and demonic INFESTATION of humanity

BitChute | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, July 18, 2023 - RED ALERT as 13 nations agree to ENGINEER global FAMINE for planetary DEPOPULATION

- Over 50 nations are on the verge of bankruptcy as the global debt pyramid collapses
- Republicans in Brevard County (Florida) declare covid💉vaccines to be ☣️Bioweapon
- Russia has already destroyed one-third of US-supplied armored fighting vehicles
- US military would be decimated in a ground war with Russia
- Russia terminates Black Sea grain deal, will cause wheat shortage to worsen
- UN warns 2.4 billion people don't have enough to eat
- 13 nations sign agreement to engineer global Famine by shutting down agriculture
- They claim that producing food is bad for the planet
- Government-enforced rationing to follow soon
- Learn to grow food or starve

BitChute | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, July 24, 2023 - World FOOD SUPPLY PANIC as India BANS rice exports

- Drinking pine needle tea, rich with vitamin C and shikimic acid that ends plagues
- Why most people are BLIND to the natural medicine all around them
- India's ban on rice exports has Asian nations in a panic
- Global wheat supplies also under extreme threat due to Ukraine conflict
- USA / NATO engineered the destruction of the "safe passage" agreement with Russia
- Geoengineering is also destroying corn crops in the Midwest of the USA
- Government destruction of ranches and food farms in Europe
- All leading to food inflation and scarcity... ending in FAMINE
- UN says 2.4 billion people already lack sufficient access to food
- Details of a personal healing journey of MIRACLES as nearly-severed finger almost completely heals
- Natural medicine and prayer achieved the miracle: Nutrition, mushrooms, vibrational medicine, light therapy
- Never forget that YOU CAN HEAL with the power of God and nature.

BitChute | Odysee
Solutions & Breaking Free of the Coming World Order

🇺🇸 Mike Adams joins 🇦🇺 Maria Zeee to discuss some of the alarming developments across the world including the globalists new “digital ledger”, 13 nations agreeing to orchestrate GLOBAL FAMINE, incoming CBDC’s, censorship laws and more.
Mike and Maria discuss multiple solutions to these issues.

BitChute | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 7, 2023 - Demonic globalists go CRAZY trying to suppress these 14 POWERFUL TRUTHS (that will set you free)

- Anything the satanic globalists don't want you to know, they label it "disinformation"
- The TRUTH will destroy their control over humanity and set you free
- Key technologies have been deliberately withheld from humanity
- Scarcity in food, energy, medicine and wealth is ENGINEERED to keep people enslaved
- 🙏🏻GOD and Nature have already created all the natural medicine the world could ever need
- The media push hate because they need people to live in fear, anger and violence rather than prosperity and peace
- The higher the CO² in the atmosphere, the MORE food grows around the world, ending hunger
- Carbon sequestration is a terraforming operation to induce GLOBAL FAMINE
- The food supply is deliberately poisoned with pesticides to keep you confused, sick and fearful

BitChute | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 16, 2023 - Lawless Democrats waging SCORCHED EARTH campaign against America and its people

- Governor of Hawaii declares LAND GRAB to seize Lahaina real estate after residents were burned alive
- The new government tyranny: 🔥 BURN your town, MURDER your children then SEIZE your land
- Water supply was turned OFF to prevent homeowners from fighting the fires 🤨
- Fire department was called off to ensure maximum fire damage
- Roads were blocked to prevent residents from escaping
- Lawless indictment of Trump is an insult to the rule of law
- Democrats are DESPERATE to stop the one man that will gut their corrupt bureaucracy
- Analysis of accelerating crop failures caused by Geoengineering
- Prepare for Famine to worsen in 2024 as global crop yields falter
- Carry-over wheat supplies have reached ZERO (no buffer of wheat in the grain Silos)

BitChute | Odysee
☝️🌎 You will EAT Zee BUGS 💩 SHIT🪳🐛🦗❗️ As government officials blame cows🐄 for hurting the Environment, "green policies" are crushing farmers around the world. What's the hidden agenda? 🤔 "No Farmers, NO Food: Will you eat the Bugs?" dives in! 👉 FACTS vs.…
Media is too big
🌎 MASSIVE Famine Incoming‼️
You will EAT Zee BUGS 💩 SHIT🪳🐛🦗❗️
"If you control the food, you control the people. That's ultimately the end goal."

All around the world, unelected globalist bodies like the UN and WEF are waging war against farmers, in an attempt to seize control of the global food supply, under the banner of UN Agenda 2030—as detailed in a must-watch new documentary titled 'No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?'

Full documentary: 📽https://is.gd/NoFarmers_NoFood

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 [Agenda 2030, CBDC, Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, WEF]
It should be known that at nearly its inception, the World Enslavement Forum had aligned itself with the Club of Rome, a think tank with an elite membership, founded in 1968, to address the problems of mankind. It was concluded by the Club of Rome in their extremely influential “Limits to Growth,” published in 1972, that such problems could not be solved on their own terms and that all were interrelated. In 1991, Club of Rome co-founder Sir Alexander King stated in the “The First Global Revolution” (an assessment of the first 30 years of the Club of Rome) that:

In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.

Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Feb 29, 2024 – The BATTLE SPACE for World War III is inside your brain… shocking revelations about the globalist attack on NEUROGENESIS

- The battlefield of World War III in the 🧠brain.
- Brain function, nutrition, and toxins.
- Immigration policies in New York City.
- Media manipulation and cultural indoctrination.
- Forced famine - Gaza's food insecurity and Israeli aggression.
- 🌈 LGBT themes in movies and their impact.
- Neurogenesis and its implications with Dr. Michael Nehls.
- Vitamin D deficiency and its impact on cognitive function.
- The hippocampus and memory.
- Curiosity, resilience, and mental energy.
- Omega-3 fatty acids and their impact on brain health.
- Physical activity, sleep, and mental health.
- Hippocampus shrinkage due to social isolation and fear mongering.
- COVID-19, fear mongering, and vaccines.
- Lithium's effects on mental health and brain development.

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 The global elites are planning another false flag worse than 9/11 according to a World Enslavement Forum insider who claims the “systemic shock” caused by a devastating “global famine” will allow the elite to usher in mechanisms granting them tyrannical control over humanity...

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 ☣️ FULL SCALE GENOCIDE ❗️☠️ Meanwhile in 🇳🇿 New Zealand...🤬 ‼️The NZ government is ordering bee keepers to burn their Bees 🐝, under threat of jail time‼️ In another case apart from this video, Springbank Honey was ordered to burn 10,000 bee boxes after…
World governments have been ordered to crack down on honey bees as the globalist elite escalate the war on farmers and prepare the groundwork for the devastating global famine that insiders have warned us about.

Beekeepers around the world are reporting that government officials are visiting farms and destroying healthy bee colonies without cause and without testing for the diseases they claim they are restricting.

This blatant assault on our food system is the strongest indication yet of the elite’s resolve to intentionally design a worldwide famine, enabling them to seize tyrannical control over humanity.

Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🇷🇺 From Яussia with 💝 Love... 📽►https://is.gd/Message2Americans 📽►[Backup] 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, June 11, 2024 - PART ONE - States begin BLOCKING WATER to the Farms that feed America, engineering mass famine

- The TRUMPET🎺 promises to end federal taxes on service industry tips.
- Why not end all federal income taxes on individuals?🤔
- Majority of Americans, including Hispanic, now support mass deportation of illegals.
- A global book repository and its potential impact on authors and publishers.
- Idaho government orders water cut off from 500,000 acres of food producing farm land.
- California's $20 minimum wage for fast food industry has resulted in 10,000 workers losing their jobs (so far)

Rumble | Odysee
☝️🌎 You will EAT Zee BUGS 💩 SHIT🪳🐛🦗❗️ Question: W.T.F. are they going to eat? Answer: BUGS 💩 SHIT❗️ 13 Nations Agree to Abolish Farming in order to 'Save the Planet'🥴 The nations signing onto this pledge to transform their farm policies are the United States…
🌎 Could it really be true that 13 nations have signed up to an agreement to lower food production?🤔

The headline takes the action claimed, to lower methane releases from food production, mostly of meat, to its logical conclusion: Famine‼️

It is the case that World Enslavement Forum trumpeted an agreement to reduce methane emissions.

So it doesn’t seem wide of the mark that plans to actually do this are agreed & potentially under way.

I don’t think there is anything they won’t do in pursuit of tyrannical control of the people. Food shortages are arguably more potent a threat than is a threat to health. I’m deeply concerned about the many ways in which an interoperable digital ID might be presented to us as necessary, and rationing remains one of the more plausible ostensible reasons for imposing it. The real reason, of course, is control. Not just of access to certain foods, but to everything, including to your own life.

While you cannot stockpile yourself to open ended independence, you can certainly buy yourself thinking time. Seek advice and guidance from those sources you trust on the best approaches to doing this...

Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, June 24, 2024 – Homicidal government unleashing an AMERICAN HOLODOMOR

- US military involvement in ATACMS missile attack on Russian civilians
- The American Holodomor: Idaho farmers denied use of their own water wells
- Government-engineered Famine, food supply destruction, and cocoa price increases.
- Dioxins, Bio Sludge, and deliberate farmland destruction.
- Government's potential to starve millions of Americans through engineered food scarcity.
- US/NATO attack on Russia, potential for WW3.
- Interview with Roger Stone: Advocating for a free and fair election in 2024.
- Censorship and silencing conservative voices.
- Trump's legal challenges and the potential for a rigged justice system.
- US politics, economy, and potential Black Swan events impacting the election.
- US-Iran relations, Biden administration, and Middle East peace.
- Trump's election strategy and Muslim American vote.

Rumble | Odysee