EECMY Youth Ministry
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1Thimothy 4:12

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LWF Africa Pre-Assembly: #Women and #Youth meet to discuss joys & concerns, and set priorities.
”One body, one spirit, one hope” – Women and youth from across the African continent joined hands for a joint session of intergenerational reflection on key challenges and priorities, and to strategise together for the Africa regional pre-assembly.

Women and youth pre-meetings in Nairobi, LWF- Africa regional pre-assembly to the #LWFAssembly in Poland.

Photos: LWF/Albin Hillert

#LWFYouth #LWF_Africa
#YoungReformers @LWFYouth
EECMY Youth Ministry
Promoting the Wholistic Ministry of EECMY @LWFAssembly, Poland
===#Evangelism & Development Work
The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) began proclaiming the Gospel with the help of Lutheran and Presbyterian Missions in Ethiopia. As a result of these joint efforts, congregations, parishes, and synods were established that brought about instituting of the EECMY as a national Church on January 21, 1959.

In the 1972s, the EECMY coined a guiding theme for her services, “Serving the Whole Person”, later referred to as holistic ministry. This has remained a guiding principle for all church work, be it evangelism or development. The holistic ministry implied that the church is out to address the spiritual as well as the physical and psycho-social needs of a person. This popular principle has helped the church to holistically contribute to the livelihoods of communities and actively involved in building the society at large. The church institutionally embraced evangelism and development works as major components of its ministry which were already progressing hand-in-hand from its inception.

The development and social services of the church is led by her Development and Social Services Commission which was re-organized into Development and Social Services Commission (EECMY-DASSC) and registered as a legal church-based development agency in line with the government policy in the year 2000.

EECMY-DASSC has established a strong network with other actors and has secured firm acceptance by local, regional and federal government bodies and collaborative relationships are being progressively strengthened. Development interventions initiated by communities and supported by EECMY-DASSC are contributing to the realization of the poverty reduction aims and national development policy targets.

EECMY-DASSC Mission: Demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to all we serve and promote integral human development and care for nature.

EECMY-DASSC Vision: Reconciled, Caring, Just and Prosperous Society.

EECMY-DASSC Core Values:

Throughout the years our company followed this golden rules to the get to the point where we are now.
👉 Christian love in action for humanity & Creation
👉 God-given freedom
👉 Mutual Respect & Partnership
👉 Stewardship & Voluntarism
👉 Inclusive Development
👉 Integrity & Honesty
👉 Transparency & Accountablity
👉 Zero Tolerance to Corruption & Abuse

EECMY-DASSC in Ethiopia

EECMY-DASSC: Commited to creating a caring, just & prosperous society.

( Wondmagegn Udessa Bidire , EECMY Children and Youth Ministry Department Director, Promoting EECMY Wholistic Ministry @Lutheran World Federation General Assembly, Krakow, Poland 🇵🇱 )

For more information: Visit

📷 Olif Jira, EECMY Media Communication
The Lutheran World Federation
The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus
Mekane Yesus Church Development Commission. EECMY DASSC