EECMY Youth Ministry
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1Thimothy 4:12

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EECMY Youth Ministry


Leenjii fi workishooppiin dargaggoota dinagdeen humneessuu kun sinoodoosota biroo keessattis kan itti fufu ta’a.
The Department of Children and Youth Ministry of EECMY is working on a comprehensive package for children and youth to develop children and youth in a holistic manner, which is called  ‘Wholistic Ministry Package of Children and Youth’. A workshop/training focused on entrepreneurship, one of the focus areas of the package, was conducted at Wabe Batu Synod. The workshop/training was organized by the Department of Children and Youth Ministry and the Lutheran World Federation.
The training was given by the director of the department, Wondmagegn Udessa; and the President of the Synod, Rev. Galeto Deko, attended the training, mentioned the importance and value of the training; and conveyed a message to the youth to be productive by converting this important opportunity and training into action and to transform themselves economically. At the training, the coordinator of the church's youth ministry department, Mr. Gadisa Regasa, presented a message from the Word of God.

The workshop/training will be conducted in two rounds, and in the first round, the youth have been taught how and when to start work/business, and the benefits of work based on Biblical truth and entrepreneurship science. In order to help the youth by being an example, by inviting entrepreneurs who have reached a large level in their local area, a panel discussion was held to help the youth gain experience and knowledge. By encouraging the participation of women in the training, participants and panelists were made to participate in an equal 50%-50% ratio.

Finally, the participants had a joint discussion and expressed their decision to enter the world of work based on the training they received. On the second round of the workshop, evaluation will be conducted, and additional training will be given based on the gaps where support is needed; the youth will be given additional training so that they can empower and teach others beyond empowering themselves economically. This training and workshop on empowering youth economically will be continued in other synods.
#EECMY #WabeBatuSynod #Youth #Entrepreneurship #Training #Dodola
EECMY Youth Ministry
A two-round workshop/training focused on entrepreneurship (job creation) titled "Youth Economic Empowerment" organized by the Department of Children and Youth Ministry of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus was given in Wabe Batu Synod.
The first round of workshops/training was given in February 2016 and focused on how young people can start their own work/business, and how to change the mindset of young people from being a job keeper to being an entrepreneur. The second and last round of workshop/training held in July. It focuses on the topic of how young people can effectively manage the work/business they have started.

The training was given by the director of the department, Wondmagegn Udessa; and the President of the Synod, Rev. Galeto Deko, attended the training, mentioned the importance and value of the training; and conveyed a message to the youth to be productive by converting this important opportunity and training into action and to transform themselves economically. At the training, the coordinator of the church's youth ministry section, Mr. Gadisa Regasa, presented a message from the Word of God.
After taking the first round of training/workshop, 75% of young people stated that they engaged in different private jobs. They made an exchange of experience by sharing what they learned with others: the challenge they faced in the start-up process and how they overcame the challenges.
  Finally, the trainees who participated in the training/workshop were given certificates of participation, and based on the training they received, they will return to their respective areas and teach other young people.
By encouraging the participation of women in the training, participants and panelists were made to participate in an equal 50%-50% ratio.
This training and workshop on empowering youth economically will be continued in other synods.

📷: Yishak Studio, Dodola 0901883389
#EECMY #WabeBatuSynod #Youth #Entrepreneurship #Training
EECMY Youth Ministry
* Sinoodoosii Waabee Baatuutti: Tajaajiltoota Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaaf Leenjiin Kenname *
*ለዋቤ ባቱ ሲኖዶስ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልጋዮች እና መሪዎች ስልጠና ተሰጠ*
#Training for EECMY #WabeBatuSynod Leaders, Children & Youth Ministry Coordinators
===@EECMY-WBS #Worka, Nensebo

#EECMY #WabeBatuSynod #Worka #Nensebo
#Children #Youth #Leadership #Training
EECMY Youth Ministry
* Sinoodoosii Waabee Baatuutti: Tajaajiltoota Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaaf Leenjiin Kenname *
*ለዋቤ ባቱ ሲኖዶስ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልጋዮች እና መሪዎች ስልጠና ተሰጠ*
#Training for EECMY #WabeBatuSynod Leaders, Children & Youth Ministry Coordinators
===@EECMY-WBS #Worka, Nensebo
WKWWMakaana Yesuus Itoophiyaatti Qajeelcha Tajaajila Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaatiin Sinoodoosii Waabee Baatuutti Gaggeessitootaa fi Qindeessitoota Tajaajila Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaatiif mata duree "Guddinna fi Jijjiirama Hunda-galeessa" jedhuun Leenjiin Paakeejii Tajaajila Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaa Hunda-galeessa bu'uura godhate kennameera. Leenjichi karaa Qajeelcha Tajaajila Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaatiin, Daarektara Qajeelchichaa kan ta'an Wondimmaagany Uddessaatiifi qindeessaa kutaa tajaajila Dargaggootaa waldattii kan ta'an Obbo Gaaddisaa Raggaasaatiin kan kenname yoo ta'u, leenjii kana irratti qindeessitootni tajaajila ijoollee fi dargaggootaa sabakoota sinoodoosichaa garagaraa irraa argamaniiru.

Guddinnaa fi Jirjiirama Hunda-galeessa Ijoollee fi Dargaggoota Keenyaaf!

"...Nuuti garbooti Isaa kaanee ijaaruu ni jalqabna, Waaqayyo Gooftaan samii immoo nuuf qajeelcha;..." Nah. 2:20
የኢ/ወ/ቤ/ክ/መ/ኢየሱስ በልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት መምሪያ ለዋቤ ባቱ ሲኖዶስ መሪዎች እና የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት አስተባባሪዎች "ሁለንተናዊ ዕድገት እና ለውጥ" በሚል ርዕስ ሁለንተናዊ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት ፓኬጅ ላይ መሰረት በማድረግ ስልጠና ተሰጥቷል::

ስልጠናውን የሰጡት የመምሪያው ዳይሬክተር ወንድማገኝ ኡዴሳ እና በመምሪያው የወጣቶች አገልግሎት ክፍል አስተባባሪ አቶ ጋዲሳ ራጋሳ ናቸው። በስልጠናው ላይ ከተለያዩ የሲኖዶሱ ሰበካዎች እና ማ/ምዕመናናት የተውጣጡ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት አስተባባሪዎች ተሳትፈዋል።

ሁለንተናዊ ዕድገት ለልጆች እና ወጣቶቻችን!

''የሰማይ አምላክ ያከናውንልናል፥ እኛም ባሪያዎቹ ተነሥተን እንሠራለን፤ ...'' ነህምያ 2:20

Wholistic Growth and Transformation for Our Children and Youth!

"“The God of heaven will give us success. We His servants will start rebuilding,...” Neh. 2:20

#EECMY #WabeBatuSynod #Worka #Nensebo
#Children #Youth #Leadership #Training