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Если вы ещё не знаете, лучший e-mail клиент под Windows - это The Bat! (вот бы они запилили его под Mac OS).

И если ваша компания использует Office 365, то вы можете запросто добавить аккаунт корпоративной почты в The Bat!, потому что она доступна через обычные IMAP и SMTP, так что нет никакой нужды влачить жалкое существование с Outlook'ом.

#blog #soft #windows
After BlueMail e-mail client sued Apple for removing BlueMail application from the App Store, I've learnt about BlueMail's existence. And since I am constantly looking for a The Bat! alternative on Mac OS, I installed BlueMail to try it out.

And I uninstalled it a couple of minutes later, because:

1. It is based on Electron, so it automatically goes to hell;
2. Apparently, adding an e-mail account means that BlueMail will store your credentials on BlueMail servers. I can't even start to explain how retarded that is. As far as I remember, Spark e-mail client does the same.

Can you believe this fucking "modern" "software development".

#soft #macos #fail
Absolutely awesome tool for working with REST APIs on Mac OS is being given away for free again (they only ask for a retweet). I got it this way last year.

I'm a bit confused though, why would they give it away for free, as it's totally worth to be paid for.

Highly recommend it, very nice and native application, unlike all this Electron-based nonsense.

#web #development #soft
Ololo! Starting with version 9.3.2, The Bat! now supports OAuth for Office 365!

The Bat! already worked fine with Office 365 via IMAP/SMTP, but then our retarded IT department forced 2FA with OAuth challenge without enabling app-specific passwords, so I had to stop using The Bat! for work e-mails, as it didn't support OAuth challenge for Office 365. But now it does! So fuck Outlook, I'm going back to the best e-mail client.

And now I will finally upgrade my license from 8.x.

#soft #piracy
RetroShare version 0.6.6 did not (still doesn't?) have a version for Mac OS at the time of release, so I've built it. Also finally tried it out myself.

#blog #macos #qt #soft #piracy
My favorite theme for Sublime Text, One Dark, got broken a bit in Sublime Text 4: as you can see on the screenshot, JS variables have the same color as background, which makes them "invisible".

Not sure why this was not an issue in Sublime Text 3 (perhaps, it was defaulting to different values), but the problem seems to originate in the theme settings:


so they've just missed the # in color value. Sadly, the theme repository is archived, so I can't propose the fix.

Meanwhile, here's how this can be fixed via color scheme customization locally:

"name": "JS variables",
"scope": "source.js variable.other.readwrite.js",
"foreground": "#adb7c9"

1Password 8 will be an Electron-based application. That is by far the most reliable way to turn your application into shit.
Like the post says, it's hilarious how 2 people could make a native application, but 473 couldn't.

There also will be no option anymore to have a standalone one-time purchase license, so the subscription license will be forced for everyone. That is the second best way to make a pile of shit out of your application.

And apparently, it won't be possible to use iCloud/Dropbox/etc for syncing the vaults, and no way to have "offline" vaults too! The actual fuck.

If for some reasons I won't be able to keep 1Password 7 working on my Mac OS and iOS devices, I guess I'll have to switch to KeePass - I have already been using it on Windows, as 1Password 7 for Windows was a piece of crap from the beginning (and with 1Password 8 it will be just total shit).

That is one more case when I regret that I purchased a software license instead of pirating it.

#soft #fail #piracy