Covid Vaccine Injuries
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Collating injuries from around the world so people can have more information about these new products. We try not to post the same testimony twice, apologies if this occurs.
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NEW - Several triple-vaccinated staffers infected with #COVID19 following BuzzFeed's Holiday party in NYC - with mask rules & vaccination cards entry.

Forwarded from Dr John B.
There is now a significant excess mortality in Europe in the age group 15-44 years:
The #Covid19-associated deaths alone cannot explain the increase.
A predictable development.
Forwarded from Dr John B.
Something is not quite right with the #COVID19 data.
This study found devitations from Benford’s distribution in #COVID19 data from Europe:
Such deviations are indications form data manipulation.
Forwarded from Dr John B.
(1/6) Interesting & important data: #COVID19 cases, hospitalizations & deaths as a function of time from 1st & 2nd #Covidvaccine dose.
Data from Alberta, Canada.
Unfortunately deleted from the website.
Physiciwns for Informed Consent - News, Stanford: Nearly 1600 sign petition against booster requirement

'Hundreds of people have signed a petition urging Stanford University to repeal its mandate that all students and staff get a booster shot before the end of the month.
Nearly 1,600 people have signed the petition started by Stanford PhD candidate Monte Fischer a week ago asking the school to take back its Dec. 16 decision requiring everyone to get boosters unless they have a medical or religious exemption.
Amid the rapid spread of the omicron variant, Stanford announced it would begin the winter quarter with online instruction for the first two weeks. Starting Tuesday, students returned to in-person classes but must provide documentation of a booster shot by Jan. 31, and some students aren’t having it.
“We are not anti-booster or anti-vaccination,” Fischer writes. “We are pro-bodily autonomy and support the rights of Stanford students to evaluate the data and make their own medical choices.”'

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Forwarded from Dr John B.
"Patients on cholecalciferol treatment achieving 25OHD levels ≥ 30 ng/ml had lower risk of #SARSCoV2 infection, lower risk of severe #COVID19 & lower COVID-19 mortality than unsupplemented 25OHD-deficient patients ..."
A study with 4.6 million people.
Forwarded from Our Voices Matter (Diana)
#BREAKING: New South Wales will lift the requirement for key workforces to be vaccinated against #COVID19 – excluding aged care and disability workers.

The change comes as household and close contacts will no longer need to isolate for seven days - if they have NO symptoms - from 6pm Friday 22 April.

From April 30, unvaccinated international travellers will also no longer need to undertake quarantine
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
Media is too big
Here's even more proof as to why the vaccine rollout should stop.

In estimates, Professor Skerritt from the TGA said the risk of serious illness in children from Covid was 1 in 3,000.
Yet the number of serious injuries from the vaccine, up until a few weeks ago, is 18,511.
A serious injury is classified as a death, life threatening, inpatient hospitalisation, significant disability or a birth defect.

With around 20 million people vaccinated, that works out at just over 1 in 1,000 people seriously injured from the vaccine.
The total number of all suspected adverse events reported to the TGA is now over 125,000.
This is a reported injury rate greater than 1 in 200 people.

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#covid19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccines #covidvaccinesideeffects #pfizer #astrazeneca #moderna #novavax #senatorrennick #gerardrennick #senatorgerardrennick #australia #auspol #tga #Skerritt
Forwarded from John Davidson
Dr. Rochelle Walensky has committed fraud of the highest order against the people of the United States who are all, unfortunately, subject to her flawed decision making. I am one of those affected by her choice to be less than candid with the citizens of the United States. In my role as a journalist, I have interviewed multiple families - some with young children - who have been directly harmed, maimed and killed by these experiments, emergency use authorized vaccines.

On June 18, 2022, Dr. Walensky made a misleading and fraud-filled public statement as a medical doctor and director of the CDC. I will break down each sentence of note below. Her statement can be viewed here:

"With this recent authorization from the FDA and recommendation from the CDC, nearly 20 million children are now able to get vaccinated against COVID-19."

By only stating ‘authorization’ instead of the more accurate “EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION”, Dr. Walensky has glossed over a very important detail parents and policy makers should have in setting public policy. As temporary voting member Pamela McInnes D.D.S. states in the committee meeting, “An EUA does not certify a vaccine is safe and effective”.

Dr. “Walensky 6.18.22: We now know, based on rigorous scientific review, that the vaccines available here in the United States can be used safely and effectively in children under 5. Vaccinating young children is a critical opportunity to protect them against hospitalization and death from COVID-19. "Parents, I strongly urger you to get your children vaccinated."

The FDA committee is more than slightly concerned that parents have received incorrect, fear triggering information in regards to the actual threat posed by COVID-19 to children under five. In fact, temporary voting member H. Cody Meissner, MD pointed out that the risk of hospitalization is less than being struck by lightning.

"If you have questions, talk to your child's provider to learn more about the benefits of this vaccine. We have taken another important step together in our fight against COVID-19 by making safe and effective vaccines available for our little ones."

A majority of healthcare providers will look to and mimic the CDC’s public statements like this. Based on the evidence provided by Pfizer and Moderna, the FDA CBER-VRBPAC committee repeatedly stressed the evidence does not support any benefit of the Pfizer vaccine after 30 days and negligent benefit of the Moderna vaccine after 30 days. Further, FDA-CBER-VRBPAC member Paul Offit MD stated that “I do worry that parents aren’t gonna necessarily know that after two doses they may not be protected at all”.
This means that Dr. Walensky intentionally misled the American public.

"I hope all parents will take advantage of these life-saving vaccines and protect their children."

There is no indication based on the available information that these vaccines will save more lives than they will take. There is significant VAERS evidence that children will die or be maimed from these experimental innoculations. There are repeated indications that hospitals and doctors are not properly reporting adverse events and significant recently discovered conflicts of interest within the FDA, possibly even among those assigned to interpret VAERS datasets.

Even FDA board members were confused about the data presented by Moderna and Pfizer. The FDA Vaccine and Biologicals committee was also repeatedly adamant that public messaging NOT over emphasize the efficacy of the vaccines, which appear to be zero after the second shot.
Forwarded from DISASTER X (Maximilian Forte)
TODAY: UK Office of National Statistics. Excess deaths up 18%. 38% are attributed to COVID.
62% unexplained. The only explanation for the rest is vaccine damage.
Meryl Nass

According to the official government statistics, excess deaths for the week ending July 22 were up 18.1% above historical data. It is claimed that 40% “involve” COVID. 60% of the excess deaths (935 deaths that week) did not involve COVID. We are not told what their causes of death were.

For the prior 18 week period, we are told that all of the excess deaths, which were 11% above historical norms, “involved” COVID....

If England and Wales continue to have 18% excess deaths over the next year, they will have unexpectedly lost 87,360 people—a deadly pandemic of the undiagnosed! Where are the autopsies? When were they vaccinated? Is it true that the boosters seem to be particularly deadly?


#covid19 #UK #statistics #excess_deaths #vaccine_dangers #vaccine_deaths
Forwarded from Dr John B.
(3/n) The probability of developing severe stages of #COVID19 is 5.1 (!) times higher in patients with vitamin D deficiency (95% CI, 2.6-10.3):
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
More whitewashing.

Skerritt and Kelly are claiming the ABS actual deaths cannot be used as estimates of excess deaths. Skerritt then goes on to rely on actuarials who claim that if excess deaths were to occur they would have been in younger people. This is nonsensical because if the V is causing harm, older people will be the most susceptible which is exactly what the actual deaths are showing. Furthermore what does that mean for adverse events where the average age of injury is 47!

Apparently the actuarials can diagnose patients or perform autopsies by looking at a spreadsheet!?!

The whole of the vaccine was to protect the old and the vulnerable yet it’s people in those cohorts who have experienced the highest death rates.
I then put it to Skerritt about his prior claim about the lipids in the vaccine being normal lipids in the steak or sausage you eat for breakfast. He responds by putting words in my mouth by saying that I claim lipids rely on ACE receptors to enter the cell claiming I had my biochemistry confused. That is not what I said - I actually said the opposite - Ionised lipids are designed to not rely on ACE receptors making them more infectious.

He then goes into to say there are four lipids used in the vaccine. Two are naturally occurring and then he goes on to claim two other lipids have been used in other products. This isn’t what Pfizer claim - they claim the lipid they design is completely new.

Skerritt then claims they are safe because they were tested on cell lines i.e. in a petrie dish (not the same as testing in humans) and below the threshold for toxicological concern. It’s not a question of levels - it’s a question of ionisation. Every molecule is unique and should be tested very thoroughly on the human body, especially when they are ionised.

Another masterclass in avoiding the question.

#auspol #TGA #australia #covid19 #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
Forwarded from Dr. Aseem Malhotra
Media is too big
Kudos to Jenn Sharp and her brilliant new film, Anecdotals... #covid19 #booster
Film director behind documentary exposing adverse reactions to vaccines speaks out

Forwarded from Dr Naomi Wolf
The legal case brought by a whistleblower from Pfizer’s #COVID19 vaccine trial has been dismissed by a judge.

Brook Jackson, who worked for #Pfizer contractor Ventavia Research Group, did not prove violations of the False Claims Act, the judge ruled.
Media is too big
🚨🚨🚨Genocide Protocols: The Midazolam/ Morphine State-Enabled Murders (Govt Funded Depopulation)

#Murder #MattHandcock #Covid19 #Plandemic #Nurses #Care #Homes #Doctors #BabyFood
