Covid Vaccine Injuries
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Collating injuries from around the world so people can have more information about these new products. We try not to post the same testimony twice, apologies if this occurs.
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🇦🇺🚑🪦🔥 #diedsuddenlynews #paramedic #suddendeath #collapse
Copied: I’m in Australia. Some of you may have seen my own personal 🍬 injury story on fb and Instagram. I’m a stay at home mum and ex-paramedic (volunteer ambulance and mine site medic) and I’m on lots of 🍬 injured groups on fb trying to help people understand their diagnosis and symptoms because there are so many being misdiagnosed or ignored by healthcare practitioners telling us nothing is wrong and that it’s all in our heads.

Except this morning, something different happened and has had a more profound effect on me than just reading peoples stories.

I had just done some grocery shopping with my little two year old and whilst I was putting the last of my items in the trolley, when a middle aged lady behind me was talking to the cashier. Suddenly she just collapsed on the floor. I quickly told my son to stay put and I went to her aid. The cashier told me she didn’t know first aid. I told her to call an ambulance and the manager. I began CPR. For 20 long minutes I tried to being this woman back to life. It feels like a long time when your doing chest compressions and breaths by yourself even with adrenaline pumping through your veins.

When paramedics arrived and took over, they tried a defibrillator and eventually pronounced her deceased after 40 mins. By then there was about twenty or so people standing around watching. The paramedics told me they are seeing too many people dying suddenly and it’s getting worse. I tried my best even though it put me in a world of hurt because of my own heart problems. My son stood by and saw what happened and was crying. He’s too young to understand death.

It all happened so quickly. Within 25 minutes this woman was standing and talking one minute, then gone the next. I’ve seen many deaths in my line of work but only few ever affected me. Today was different. Usually, I can just switch off and move on. Today, for some reason I just can’t. I just want to cry.
🪦🇦🇺 #diedsuddenlyaustralia #collapse #death #sads
I’m a nurse manager at a small clinic. One of my nurses called me at 5am. Her mother collapsed and died less than 60 hrs after her 4th 🤡
She was turning 60 this year. She wasn’t the pillar of health but she was doing pretty well till #4
🇦🇺🪦💔 Now back spasms cause anuerysms in teens. Which mastermind dreamt up that one for the press without an autopsy report? How about a more pertinent question from the Mail, such as when was his last 💉 and how many did he have?? #diedsuddenly #teen #cardiacarrest #collapse
🪦🚑🇦🇺 Read comments... 2/11/22 #suddendeath #diedsuddenly #collapse #suddenlygoneaustralia Copied:
I was at a shopping centre recently here in Perth and saw a lady (mid to late 50's) gripping a shelf in the greengrocers and looking very ill. I ask her if she was OK or needed help. She said she was "having a turn" but would be OK as it has happened a few times lately and she always "comes good". Half an hour later I was walking back through the shopping centre and this lady was unconscious on the floor with St John Ambulance Paramedics in attendance. I read on our local FB page later that week, that they could not resuscitate her and she died there in front of Best and Less.

From comments:
Ive literally seen 3 people dropped on the foot path in my suburb in the last week

Three!!! Just in my surrounding streets 😳

Yes, I walked past a lady lying on her back on the floor of the mall at the shopping centre I go to in a southern suburb of Perth a few weeks ago. She had dropped to the ground face first and smashed her nose which was bleeding badly. Husband was with her and they appeared to be waiting for an ambulance to arrive. She looked to be in her 70’s. I hope she came out of it ok?!

I saw the same at the Glenfield Mall here in Auckland North Shore... The lady was bleeding from a leg ...suppose from the fall and her blood was very very dark! Almost like black color and thick! I was in shock seeing this.

Same here, I am in Qld, an elderly gentleman was on the floor with staff around him, apparently he had just fallen backwards, from standing to on the ground and hit his head hard, ambulance was on its way. A friend of mine in her 40's had the exact same thing happen to her and she has NO idea why! Shes had 2 cupcakes. I have seen reports of the comedian who fell on stage blamed it on her not eating enough before going on stage! Anything but the cupcakes!!

I have been telling the council worker that does the irrigation testing in my area about the madness since it all started. He had 3 despite my advice but I remained compassionate about his choices but persistent about my own choices.
Yesterday he told me that he was listening to the radio and a guy was saying he has been having blood pressure issues since his dose - and that’s when the penny dropped for my irrigation friend. Who realised that he had also had the same issues. Since last year I have been sending him all the info I had but it didn’t add up until yesterday because he could relate to the guy on the radio.
I said be careful mate, don’t get any more I’ve been telling you it’s dangerous. He then said he has refused the 4th now.
I don’t want to take a self righteous with these people who are having health problems and say “I told you” so because people really are ignorant and totally trust the authorities, or worse just comply because it’s popular. It makes me really sad for them. I’m angry at the authorities, but also so devastated for humanity.

Friend had a friend went to Bunnings feeling unwell, worker seen to person ambo was called, person died on way to FSH which is was only about 10-15 mins away from the bunnings store. W.A.

My local shopping centre had a guy collapse as well in Wa as well its scary stuff

I had a young man collapse in front of me, at the very beginning of the jab rollout, he was a similar age to my son, I felt so fearful and it was terribly upsetting. The thoughts going through my head...."Is this going to be something that we see everywhere, is this something that is going to confront us all, every day. "Yet so many are choosing to stay silent.
🚑 #suddenlygoneaustralia #collapse
Witnessed first possible collapse today. Can’t say for certain it was result of the 🐌 but given these things are sudden and unexplained it’s possible. In Burleigh Heads Qld, older fella was suddenly on the ground unresponsive, ambulance came but not sure if outcome

Same thing here in Isa..Two weeks ago, I saw a well dressed older person collapsed, and laying on a footpath surrounded by Ambulance & Police. Then similar thing with another person around a week later. I was thinking to myself.."I wonder if......"

Last week a friend went to lunch with 2 other friends. After lunch they were chatting in the carpark. My friend described how S suddenly put her hands at her sides and fell face down onto the ground!!! Ambulance called and they revived her. Now hooked up to heart monitors, not allowed to drive or travel... just turned 60. All 3 women are teachers and have eaten cupcakes (my friend's had 4). Not connecting the dots....

This happened out front of my work... Man just fell off his bike..

The other week I was at checkouts in woolies, and a lady passed out and dropped to the floor, but then eventually came too.
🇦🇺🪦 Australia’s most prolific parkrun “tourist” Neil Barnett died doing what he loved best after collapsing while competing at the Ashgrove event. He was planning his 500th event on New Year's Day after participating at 327 locations around the country. #sads #diedsuddenly #collapse 💔 Full story:
🪦⚽️ #diedsuddenly #collapse #football #sportsmen 22 yr old Andres from Argentina
🇺🇸 5 high school students #collapse on same day.
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😳 The anchor is totally emotionless Will they blame climate change for the #collapse of this reporter live on air at Sharm el Sheik??
🪦💔💔❤️‍🔥 All 3 just kids 😢😢. Please keep speaking out any way you can
#diedsuddenly #teen #child #cardiacarrest #collapse #wakeup
🇦🇺🚚 Driver says he "fainted" at the wheel. The footage shows the truck travelling for a good 20secs out of control before it crashed. Luckily no one was hurt #collapse