🇬🇧Britons In Hong Kong🇬🇧 UK/BN(O) Front [Official Channel]
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A group of British Nationals who stand with British value, BN(O) rights and Hong Kong.
FB: @BritonsHK
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TG Channel: @BritonsHK

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This year marks 75 years of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
For 75 years, the UDHR has defined our key rights and been a rallying cry for Human Rights Defenders all over the world.
 In #HumanRightsDay we join over 57 organisations in urging First Minister @HumzaYousaf to put #AllOurRights in law for everyone. Make the Universal Declaration a reality!

We hope @scotgov to listen to civil society concerns & make the Bill as strong as possible.

#HumanRights75 #AllOurRights

今年係《世界人權宣言》通過75周年。75年來,宣言 界定咗我哋嘅關鍵權利。

今年人權日,我哋連同57個蘇格蘭公民團體去信蘇格蘭首席大臣 Humza Yousaf,促請政府引入人權法案時,投入充分資源,包括但不限於保障殘疾人士、更包容的平等對待、改善弱勢支援等,並加強與公共機構合作,增加機構對人權法案嘅認知同逐步實施相關政策。


#國際人權日 #人權公約 #世界人權宣言 #生而平等 #首席大臣 #蘇格蘭政府

Letter to Scot Cabinet on Human Rights
Forwarded from The Hong Kong Scots
The Hong Kong Scots連同逾百 民間團體去信蘇格蘭新任 #首席大臣 John Swinney,促請佢將《人權法案》作為新政府嘅首要任務,讓法案幫助我哋建立一個公義嘅蘇格蘭!

Along with over 100 other organisations, we have signed a letter to @JohnSwinney calling on him to put the Human Rights Bill at the heart of his new government's agenda.
It can help create the more just Scotland we all want to see.

#AllOurRights #Poors #CostofLivingCrisis #VulnerableSupport #JusticeMustBeDone

#貧窮戶 #生活成本危機 #弱勢支援 #立即行動 #彰顯公義

Joint letter on Human Rights Bill