🇬🇧Britons In Hong Kong🇬🇧 UK/BN(O) Front [Official Channel]
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A group of British Nationals who stand with British value, BN(O) rights and Hong Kong.
FB: @BritonsHK
IG: @BritonsHK
TG Channel: @BritonsHK

🌐BHK 英戰線 公海

被封鎖,有其他建議可以聯絡 @windanz
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Forwarded from Hong Kong Democracy Movement (HKDM2)
Jun 15: Leung Ling-kit wore a yellow raincoat with an umbrella standing at Pacific Place Patio at 4:30. He wrote “Carrie Lam kills Hong Kong” & “Black Cops are cold blooded” on a banner and hang it at the building for everyone to see. Police and negotiators went but did not allow anyone to go near him. At 9:15pm, he jumped down. That was the beginning of the 2 million+1 people march the next day.

People still commemorate him in Hong Kong to this day while countless of #HKPolice was standing by as if having a flower in hand can damage #nationalsecurity. This is the excuse they use to arrest people anyway. The laws that we having been fighting against, the extradition bill, national security law & article 23 are laws that criminalize thoughts.

#leunglingkit #HongKongProtest #5demandnot1less #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong
【5 years ago today - 16 JUN 2019】
- The Civil Human Rights Front initiated the fourth protest against the amendment, proposing the "Five Demands," with "2 million + 1" people participating, making it the largest protest in Hong Kong's history.

- Citizens gathered outside Pacific Place to mourn Leung Ling-kit, who had recently fallen to his death.

- Carrie Lam issued a statement apologizing for the amendment but did not respond to the demands.

- 民陣發起反修例第四次遊行,提出「五大訴求」,有「200萬+1人」參與,屬香港史上最多人參加的遊行

- 市民到太古廣場外悼念早前墮樓身亡的梁凌杰

- 林鄭月娥發聲明就修例致歉,但未有回應訴求

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
反修例五年|記香港人口之變 常住居民減 13.6 萬人 最少近 30 萬人移民英加澳台
反修例運動後爆發移民潮,港府以「高才通」等計劃補充新血。城內有人走出去,城外有人走進來。離散時代,五年下來,香港人口有何變化?政府統計處數字顯示,香港人口在 2019 年有 752 萬人,至 2023 年底為 750 萬人,表面上減少了兩萬。再細看數據,常住居民則由 736.5 萬人跌至 722.9 萬人,少了約 13.6 萬人。流動人口則由 15.5 萬增至逾 27 萬人,增加了 11.9 萬人。《集誌社》再檢視英國、加拿大、澳洲及台灣的簽證數字,由 2019 年至今,已有至少 29.6 萬人移民到四地方。特區政府的「高才通」、「優才」、「專才」、單程證等計劃,共為香港增加了52.9萬人。
#集誌社 #反修例五年 #移民 #高才通 #英國 #台灣 #加拿大 #澳洲 #香港人口 #常住居民 #流動居民 #香港人何處去
Forwarded from The Hong Kong Scots


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