Asido Foundation
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The Asido Foundation is a Not for Profit Organization committed to promoting better understanding around mental health issues. It aims to be the go to source for information on everything mental health.
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BOLANLE. She is 8 years old and the third child of a wealthy family. However, it became clear as she was growing up that she was very slow to speak and appears not to be as smart as the other children. She did not start talking until she was 4-years-old.

She exhibits inappropriate behavior sometimes and cannot feed herself. She is also very hyperactive and restless. Her parents usually feel embarrassed when they have guests/visitors and will often lock her up in her room so she does not interact with guests. They have been told by doctors that she has intellectual disability and that her IQ is not as high as it should be.

Eventually, they decided to send her away to live with Grandma in the village, so they can continue to keep up social appearances and not be embarrassed by the social gossip of their community. Bolanle is not attending any school in the village and just stays at home all day with Grandma.

JOSEPH: He is a 27-year-old undergraduate who suddenly started hearing voices, even when no one was speaking and having strange and abnormal beliefs that his family and people in the neighbourhood were planning to poison him. He became restless and quarrelsome and became very suspicious and withdrawn. He was taken to the University Clinic where the doctors made a diagnosis of a psychotic disorder (schizophrenia) and commenced him on treatment.

However, a family friend suggested to the parents that the problem was not medical but a spiritual attack by ‘enemies’. The friend further suggested that she knew a famous pastor who specialized in casting out demons and spiritual deliverance from mental illness. The parents agreed and withdrew Joseph from the Clinic and transferred him to the mountain top prayer house.

Joseph was chained to a tree for a special 14 days fasting and praying session. During those 14 days, he was only given water and no food. He became very weak, exhausted and lost weight. The parents were unhappy but believed that it was for his overall good.

FATIMA: She was 18 years old and preparing to resume in the University after receiving admission to study law when she became severely depressed with suicidal ideation. The parents initially thought she would soon snap out of it and tried to encourage her but when after 3 weeks, she had stopped eating and was barely getting out of bed, they became very worried.

However, Fatima’s uncle who was visiting the family, insisted that the problem was due to some Jinn possession as he had seen cases like hers before. He knew a very good Mallam who used Ruqiyya (exorcism) to free them of the problem. Knowing the parents were good muslims, he further stressed to them that the Mallam was adept at prophetic medicine and everything would be fine. So, Fatima was taken there against her will and forcefully left behind for the Ruqqiya sessions, which the Mallam promised would take about 2 weeks.

She remained there for 4 months, chained to a bed in one of the huts. By which time it became apparent that she had become pregnant…for the Mallam, who then offered her parents the option of marrying her as his third wife. The enraged parents invited the police and he was arrested.

Unfortunately, these and several other examples of human rights abuses of persons with mental disorders are very common occurrences in our society. It stems largely from the widespread ignorance about the actual causes of mental disorders. This is further worsened by our superstitious beliefs – which are reinforced by the negative storylines of Nollywood movies.

According to Nollywood themes (with few exceptions), almost everyone who has mental illness, develops it as a result of 2 possibilities: a). An evil person sent a spiritual attack which resulted in the mental illness or b). The person was involved in evil actions which backfired upon them – resulting in mental illness.
Thus, even if they present in hospitals, the nurses and doctors (according to Nollywood) would eventually advise the relatives to seek spiritual treatment. These pervasive misconceptions open the door for all manner of stigmatization and violations of the human rights of persons with mental illness.

So, what are the causes of mental illness? The simple truth is that mental illness results from chemical imbalance in the brain. And there are medications and other forms of treatments that can successfully correct these imbalances and they regain their health.

Conclusion: Let us treat persons with mental disorders with dignity and respect – the same way we would like to be treated if we were the ones affected. Stop the shameful stigma and discrimination of persons with mental disorders. With your support and effective treatment in hospitals, they can live normal and fulfilling lives.

Addendum: #unashamed2020.
This will be the thrust of an upcoming campaign, starting on the 1st August 2020, by the Asido Foundation, and tagged #unashamed2020. Please support the campaign to reduce shame and stigma of mental illness. Watch out for the launch on the 1st August 2020.

Tribune Article for the column “Your Mental Health & You”
Thursday, 4th June 2020
🎯 The International Day of Friendship (July 30) aims to promote global peace through friendships.

🎯 Interactions across cultural, ethnic, racial, religious or economic lines promotes tolerance and understanding.

🎯 It eliminates prejudice, stigma and conflicts.

🎯 The Asido Foundation identifies with this laudable goal and strategy.

🎯 It is also very useful in reducing mental health stigma and discrimination.

🎯 Lets celebrate and promote friendship and peace

Follow us @asidofoundation

🎯 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (July 30).

🎯 About 40 million people are estimated to be trapped in modern day slavery

🎯 Three quarters (71%) are women and girls

🎯 The Asido Foundation stands against human trafficking and modern day slavery

🎯 The mental health consequences are horrendous.

🎯 Lets stand against human trafficking and modern day slavery

Follow us @asidofoundation

Something big is almost here...


Tomorrow at noon

Excited, grateful, humbled, appreciative......but energized by how much more still needs to be done.

Which is why we invite you to support our vision for the new decade, with a campaign we shall be launching by 12 NOON today:
#unashamed2020 campaign.

Join our train.

We are only just getting warmed up.

Stay sharp. Together, we can.

And below is a link to the story of our beginning.... Still very poignant now:
The Asido Foundation is ONE today, and we are delighted to announce the launch of our vision for the new decade of the 2020s.


NO to shame, stigma and discrimination against persons with mental health challenges.

YES to empathy, support and open conversations around mental health issues.

Please join us, visit our website and take the #unashamed2020 pledge now (

Then invite others to do the same.

We are aiming for 1 MILLION PLEDGES by October 10, 2021.

Together, we can work for a mentally healthy society.

And afterwards, generate a badge with your image and share on social media via:

The Asido Foundation has launched its vision for the new decade with the #unashamed2020 campaign.

There should be no shame or stigma associated with mental health challenges.

Lets ensure that there is more support, understanding and open conversations around mental health.

If you agree, please visit take the #unashamed2020 pledge.

And then invite your friends and family to do the same... Lets aim to get at least 10 people each, to also do the same through us.

Together, lets make the world a better place... One person at a time
🎯 #unashamed2020

🎯 The ten items of the #unashamed2020 pledge are outlined here.

🎯 We will be taking them one after the other in the coming days.

Have you taken the pledge? Please do so and then invite others too.


🎯 #unashamed2020

🎯 Endorsement by Mr Meka Olowola, Managing Partner, Zenera Consulting and Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees of the Asido Foundation.

🎯 We want to change the narrative around mental illness in our society.

🎯 No more shame or stigma.

🎯 Have you taken the pledge? Please do so and then invite others too.


🎯 #unashamed2020

🎯 Pledge Number 1 of 10

🎯 There is no health without mental health. It should be prioritized

🎯 Access to healthcare for all is captured in the 3rd SDG

🎯 Want to take the pledge? Visit
