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سهام السايح : القصة القصيرة سكارليت
#سهام_السايح (سكارليت)جلس على مشارف الذبول بعدما بصق روحه (سكارليت) كان عليه بصقها بعدما تا&#1620كد ا&#1620نها كانت بحاجة ا&#1621لى القليل منه فقط ا&#1620و ربما كانت بحاجة ا&#1621لى الحضور نفسه...لا&#1620ن الثلج داي&#1620ما ما كان يهطل من لهيب عينيها.. كماتا&#1620كد ا&#1620ن الصقيع ا&#1620كل بقايا حنانها وذلك بسبب الكبرياء الذي كان يغمرها مع كل شهقة..داي&#1620ما ما كانت قساوتها تمنعه من ارتداي&#1620ها... حان الوقت لينعي مفردات العشق القديمة ليكشف السر في ما&#1620ساته، وكيف سيشفى من امرا&#1620ة شفافة ا&#1620كثر من الدمعة؟.حدق بعينيه الثاقبتين ووجهها المتعرق ثم احتضن كرامته وذهب مع الريح.Scarlet.He sat on the verge of wilt after he spat out his soul He had to spit it after he made sure that she needed only a little bit of him´-or-perhaps it needed the attendance itself, since the snow always went out from the flame of her eyes, he was also sure that frost devoured the remains .of her tenderness due to the pride that immersed her at every grasp Her cruelty always prevented him from putting her on .... It is time to mourn the old words of love, so that he could reveal the secret of his tragedy. But how could he recover from a woman who is more transparent than a tear?.He stared with his piercing eyes and her sweaty face, then he held his dignity in his arms and went with the windTranslated by Mariam Fadda, 2021 ......

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