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سمير زين العابدين على : Wooden Furniture Industry in Damietta Governorate in the Northeast of Egypt By Samir Ibrahim - Saturday 1 May 2021
#سمير_زين_العابدين_على 1- Define the purpose of the LEA: The furniture industry involves a number of stages of production including cutting wood, carpentry, veneer paste, drilling, paint, polishing, upholstery and assembly. It also involves supporting industries such as glass industry, marble industry, metal accessories and others. Although the industry faces fierce competition in the foreign markets in neighboring countries, the furniture industry presents huge potentials for the near future. China is the most competitive competitor to Egypt s furniture exports in the Arab markets, followed by Turkey and Italy.The manufacture of wood furniture is a handicraft that depend on the innovation and creativity of the workThe information on the Successive decline in exports of wooden furniture produced in Damietta governorate was a clue to highlight the problem Therefore, the LEA will be identifying the strengths and weakness of the furniture industry in Damietta – a province located on the Mediterranean Sea in the northeast of Egypt. • What are the most important issues and questions that the LEA will seek to answer? (E.g. to identify the economy’s strengths´-or-its competitive advantage´-or-its challenges´-or-focus on a specific sector…)The LEA will be focusing on one sector in particular: the wooden furniture sector We can therefore ask several questions: is it a sector with potential in the Northeast of Egypt? Does it present employment opportunities? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Etc.The government of Egypt has recently built New Furniture City in Damietta governorate - an integrated city specializing in the furniture industry and all related crafts, small and medium industries, feeder and complementary industries, as well as a commercial marketing area and a technology center with a total of 54 hangars and 1,348 furniture manufacturing workshops.Therefore, our project based on a scientific study conducted by Agricultural Research Center , Horticultural Research Institute - Department of Wood Trees and Forests to break the bottleneck in the beginning of Local Value Chain Analysis namely the stage of importing timber as major input for the wooden furniture industry in Damietta governorate and provide local inputs instead. It means that overcoming deficiencies at the beginning of the production process.• The project Planting wood-producing tree forests using treated wastewater, which estimated amounts to about 4.3 billion cubic meters per year in the cultivation of wood trees in the Damietta back desert instead of going to water bodies either in the Nile river´-or-the Mediterranean sea´-or-seeping into groundwater, which harms agriculture, fisheries, animals and humans. Cotton wood and rice straw can also be used after experiments and processing to be an alternative to wooden panels such as wooden counter and Medium-density fiberboard (MDF), Artificial substances like Acrylic, and Polyvinyl chloride PVC which ......

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مزمل الباقر : بس خلي البحر .. وراك
#مزمل_الباقر بس خلي البحر .. وراك!! (1)ذلك القطار الذي أقلك من محطة مصر برمسيس بعد أن جئته من حي المعادي ، أوصلك لمحطة مصر أيضاً ولكن بحي محرم بك ثم يقلك سائق تاكسي إلى حيث وضعت ما تحمله من حقائب ، ثم  نظرت إلى الساعة السوداء التي ترتديها عادة بيمناك فوجدت أن عقاربها تقترب كثيراً من التاسعة من مساء يوم الجمعة 24 يونيو 2022م في  أول ليلة لك بحي ميامي الإسكندراني . نزلت إلى الأسفل لتسأل من إتجاه القبلة. فإلتقيت طفلاً يلعب بالكرة. كنت قد تعرفت عليه قبل عشرين دقيقة إلا قليلاً وأعلمك بإسمه وأنه إبن البواب ... فسألتهأحمد : هو مكان القبلة فين يا زياد ؟ زياد ( تاركاً الكرة تفلت من يده ) ناظراً إليك لثوانٍ : بس خلي البحر وراك .. وصلي .. ثم أمسك كرته مجدداً قبل أن يضعها أمامه ويركلها بقدمه مواصلاً ما كان يفعله قبل سؤالك. وعندما إرتقيت عائداً للطابق الأول حيث تسكن .. أفلتت منك إبتسامة بعد سماعك لرد زياد على شكرك له : الشكر لله !مزمل الباقر الأحد 26 يونيو 2022مكورنيش لوران (1) https://www.tiktok.com/@muzamilalbagir/video/7113443740055768322?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7123934779359856133 ......

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