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عباس موسى الكعبي : The Beginning of COVID-19
#عباس_موسى_الكعبي The Beginning of COVID-19 ..Since the beginning of the COVID-19 ..We no longer dream of immigrating to Europe ..America .. is no longer the protector of democracy. .Paris .. is no longer the capital of love and romance ..London .. is no longer tempted us, by embracing Hyde Park ..Rome .. is no longer tempted us, by the beauty of its museums and statues.Barcelona .. lost its charm .. and begging the world ..The Chinese Wall .. no longer protects our shame ..Mecca .. abandoned its pilgrims and its prayers ..All mosques are empty and deserted.Even the churches closed their doors, and their bells are still ringing alone.Without warning, .. life stops .. movement is disrupted ..Suddenly, fear spreading and panic overwhelming..All wars are postponed except ours ..All coffins retreated, except ours..All swords sheathed except ours ...Suddenly,.. hugs, kisses, and handshakes have become prohibited weapons..And without warning .. Absence has become a sign of love and loyalty. .I beg you .. "do not kill me with a kiss" ..Do not throw me by arrows of your longing arms ..Nor by tear gas canisters of your yearning ..Suddenly, we realized that there is no value for power´-or-for the dollars ..It has become our greatest concern not to lose one of our beloved family.We are waiting, every minute, for the announcement of a treatment.Vaccination has become our top priority ..Our hopes have diminished ... We no longer aspire, more than enough hospitals..available beds ... and a life-saving oxygen.All the facilities of life are stopped ... there are no airports, schools´-or-competitions..The world has become empty .. less seductive ... and more boring..Our faces map changed ..There is no need to wear bracelets .. The gloves have replaced them..My girlfriend and I, no longer dream of the spring and rain ..Our most concern is to get out of this big prison ..To survive without painful losses ...(To the remaining ancestries under the oxygen restriction, from the beginning of the virus to the beginning of the vaccine ...)Abbas M. MousaBaghdad 23 June 2020 https://www.facebook.com/abbas.alkabbi ......

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