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#120 Our favourite mistakes: Grammar

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
Armiyaga borganingizda, vazn yo'qotishingiz mumkin.

Perhaps you think it is:
When you go to army you may lose your weight.

Well, it should be:
When you go to the army you may lose weight.


❗️ Like the government, we can assume that there is only one army in one country. That’s why we should use the definite article the before army.

❗️ Lose your weight sounds like you’re losing all of it. That wouldn’t be good. You can either lose some weight or just lose weight, without the determiner.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #grammar
#124 Our favourite mistakes: Grammar

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
B guruh 14-betdagi 3-mashqni qilishi kerak.

Perhaps you think it is:
B group should do number 3 exercise on 14th page.

Well, it should be:
Group B should do exercise number 3 on page 14.


❗️ Numbered (or ‘lettered’) items like groups, teams, exercises, tasks and pages but also bus lines, candidates, buildings, etc. are formed by adding the number (or letter) after, not before. Grammatically these are treated as names and as such do not take articles.

❗️ When there is a number you add the word “number” before the number, i.e. exercise number 3 or page number 14. You can also use the abbreviation “No.”, i.e. School No. 23.

❗️ Russian and Uzbek use a lot of ordinal numbers (like 2nd, 5th, 33rd). In English they are used when the whole of something is considered, i.e. the 3rd task (out of 5 tasks).

❗️ You can't use hyphens (-) for ordinal numbers in English.

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#126 Our favourite mistakes: Vocabulary & Grammar

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
Imtihon paytida shovqin o’quvchilarga xalaqit berishi mumkin.

Perhaps you think it is:
While exams noise can effect on students.

Well, it should be:
During exams noise can affect students.


❗️ Students often confuse the synonyms while and during. Generally while is followed by a verb, e.g.: While students take exams … or While taking exams …. During is followed by a noun.

❗️ The two words effect and affect are synonyms, too, but not completely. While effect can be positive or negative, affect is always negative.

❗️ Effect is a noun, not a verb. The usage is have an effect on sb/sth.

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#128 Our favourite mistakes: Grammar & Vocabulary

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
O’qituvchi o’quvchilarni gapirishiga yo’l qo’yib berishi kerak.

Perhaps you think it is:
Teacher should let the students to speak.

Well, it should be:
The teacher should let the students speak.


❗️ A definite article is needed before teacher. Although we don’t know which teacher exactly the teacher is, he/she is representative of any one teacher in the same situation, i.e. the teacher of any class.

❗️ The verb phrase let somebody do something does not need to. Same is true for make somebody do something.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #grammar #vocabulary
#135 Our favourite mistakes: Grammar

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
Qani Afandi? Men topdim!

Perhaps you think it is:
Where is Afandi? I found!

Well, it should be:
Where is Afandi? I found him!


❗️ Every language has transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. What’s that? Transitive verbs need an object, intransitive verbs don’t. Unfortunately, the same verbs can be different in another language. The Uzbek topmoq is intransitive while the English find is transitive.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #grammar
#137 Our favourite mistakes: Grammar

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
Sizga qishlog’imiz yoqdimi? Bu yerda odamlar juda yaxshi.

Perhaps you think it is:
Did you like our village? People are very good in here.

Well, it should be:
Did Do you like our village? People are very good in here.


❗️ There is no reason why like should be in the past. This is a present situation.

❗️ In here or in there describes a place indoors, like a room or a building. It cannot be used with a country, a city or a village.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #grammar
#139 Our favourite mistakes: Vocabulary & Grammar

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
U 25 yoshli programist, har oyda ikki ming topadi.

Perhaps you think it is:
He’s a 25 years old programmist and earns two thousands per month.

Well, it should be:
He’s a 25-year-old programmer and earns two thousand per month.


❗️ To turn 25 years old into an adjective it gets hyphenated (=with hyphens, short strokes to connect words) and the plural -s in years is dropped.

❗️ Programist is Russian, this job is called programmer in English.

❗️ As numbers, thousand and also million cannot be in the plural. You can say thousands and millions (meaning many thousand/million) but not with a number before it.

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#140 Our favourite mistakes: Vocabulary & Grammar

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
Agar men ko’proq yangi so’zlar yodlasam IELTSdan balandroq ball olaman.

Perhaps you think it is:
If I will learn by heart more new words I take a higher ball from IELTS.

Well, it should be:
If I learn more new words by heart I will get a higher score in IELTS.


❗️ Do not use will in if-clauses.

❗️ Learn by heart is a complex verb. The three words may not stay together but get filled with other words.

❗️ We don’t take scores but get scores. The same applies to salary, visas and certificates.

❗️ Ball means something different in English.

⚠️ Learning new words by heart is stupid and outdated and it certainly won’t help you to get a high score in IELTS! Learn words in context, i.e. sentences and situations!

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #vocabulary #grammar
#143 Our favourite mistakes: Grammar & Vocabulary

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:

Qimmat bo’lsa ham sotib olmoqchiman.

Perhaps you think it is:
Even it’s expensive I want to buy it.

Well, it should be:
Even if/though it’s expensive I want to buy it.


❗️ Even cannot stand on it’s own here. There is no difference in meaning between if and though that follows it but you have to use one of them.

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Our favourite mistakes #151: Grammar

▶️ Please translate the following sentence:
Xudoga shukur!

Perhaps you think it is:
Thanks God!

Well, it should be:
Thank God!


It sounds like you’re talking to God. 😇

❗️ Thanks has two uses: a) to thank somebody directly in a conversation or b) to give a reason for some good result, e.g. My English is getting better every day thanks to Afandi English.

❗️ To thank sb/sth is a transitive verb and thank here is a third-person imperative, similar to the Uzbek -sin suffix in bersin or qilsin.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #grammar
Our favourite mistakes #153: Vocabulary & Grammar

▶️ Please translate the following:
Hamma odamlar ham tabiat haqida qayg’urishmaydi. Shuning uchun, ifloslanish bor.

Perhaps you think it is:
All of people don’t care about the environment. In this case, there is pollution.

Well, it should be:
Nobody cares about the environment. That’s why there is pollution.


❗️All is affirmative and doesn’t go with negation (don’t).

❗️After all of there must be a determiner, like all of the cake or all of these students or all of my money.

❗️In this case means if that is so (agar shunday bo’lsa).

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #vocabulary #grammar
Our favourite mistakes #156: Vocabulary & Grammar

▶️ Please translate:
Ko’p odamlarga pul yetishmaydi. Ularning boshqa yo’li yo’q.

Perhaps you think it is:
Many people lack of money. They have no another way.

Well, it should be:
Many people lack money. They have no other way.


❗️When lack is a verb it is NOT followed by of. We add of only to the noun, i.e. “There’s a lack of water.”

❗️No is a determiner here and there’s no need for the article an in another.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #vocabulary #grammar