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URGENT information and discussion about ZetaTalk prophesy regarding Nibiru, aka Planet X, Earth Changes and the pending Pole Shift.
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Pandemic Martial Law — Preparations for the Announcement that #Nibiru is real, and the pending #Pole_Shift.

"But the major #8_of_10 scenarios will be sociological, with riots and rebellion on the increase as food shortages increase and people realize the impact the Pole Shift will have on their lives. Families will be ripped apart by argument as those in denial refuse to budge and those determined to survive set their plans. Migration of desperate peoples affecting every country in some way will occur in the extreme, dominating the UN agenda and slamming borders shut. There is room on the planet to shelter all, though most may starve eventually due to food shortages. All this is the spiritual opportunity provided by the time of the passage, on Planet Earth. " https://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/8-of-10-overlap-1
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BRAZIL, #Nibiru #Planet_X

Posted by Danillo D. Almeida on FB > ‎Planet X Nibiru skies
"And this is the video I made the day before yesterday in São Jorge - Brazil, as I said in the photos... I was starting to doubt the story I've been following for 5 years, but it's REAL, it EXISTS !!"

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CANADA Covid Passport Required — Pandemic Martial Law http://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/pandemic-martial-law
REVOLUTION — Reply by Nancy Lieder 1 hour ago, Accepted from the Moderator's chat:

Last August the Zetas predicted that potentially "revolution will erupt on a tsunami of truth." What would that tsunami and revolution look like?
[and from another]

Is there likely to be revolution, in any country, over the Covid lies and lockdowns? As Gandhi proved, passive resistance is just as effective as combat, and results in fewer casualties. How would this battle be won? By insisting that employers fire those who resist the vax, the arrogant establishment assumes they have the winning card. Workers will capitulate. But what if instead the workers start new extemporaneous enterprises, using the barter system for a free-wheeling exchange of goods and services?

Seeing their draconian lockdowns only succeeding in a crashed economy and loss of political control, the establishment would be the side to relent. Though the Commonwealth countries, under the thumb of the Queen's Court, is pressing forward with draconian lockdowns, the truth about vax dangers is in the news now. It is inevitable that the Covid wars will resolve to a restless herd immunity acceptance. But the "tsunami of truth" about #Nibiru would take a different course. This would result in Martial Law, rather than control via lockdowns.

Essentially, the public would not accept an excuse from the establishment that they were unaware of Nibiru's approach or presence. This would not even be debatable. No amount of talking heads or lectures by experts or pointing to the Sun's solar emissions would suffice. We have predicted that half the population would promptly go into denial.
But the other half, already alienated by the Covid lies, would abandon their debts and jobs and establish survival camps.

In that soul longevity and past life experience lie with this group, the establishment would be losing its best workers. Imagine half the world's workers abandoning their debts and jobs. The banks would crash. Heads of State would continue to print devalued money but this would not prevent a crash. It would be the lack of goods and services, the infrastructure failing. There would be no Central Bank or Central Government in most countries, with no amount of rage in the corridors of power reversing this trend. Is this not revolution?

Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/31ag2021.htm
Both the wealthy and the banking empires are vested in the public continuing to pay their mortgages and taxes and continuing the Status Quo. The resolution of this death grip will go one of two ways: the Status Quo will continue until the Last Weeks wherein the elite will rush to their enclaves to hide, or revolution will erupt on a tsunami of truth.

Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/31ag2021.htm
Fully half the public will refuse to acknowledge Nibiru's approach and the pending Pole Shift. With less than half the public incarnated with Service-to-Other souls at the present time, this leaves half with immature or unsparked souls that by nature are not courageous, nor do they have a soul memory of past Pole Shifts. They are shocked, and cannot imagine their world literally turned upside down.

Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/30sp2021.htm
While the lockdown push by the elite is still ramping up, there is simultaneously a counter trend to back away from this stance. False statistics have been rampant during the supposed Pandemic, to bolster lockdowns which are frankly used as crowd control during the elite panic over the visibility of Nibiru in the skies. Over half the population of the world are now contactees, and hear the truth from their visitations. Now matters have broken out into the conscious arena. The establishment is in horror, faced with this mass rebellion of the sheep. They are reversing course, hoping to escape the consequences of their lies and tyranny.

Is an Announcement in the works? Space Force stepping up to the stage.
"...During his dramatic press conference, Trump ensured the world was present when his new Space Force was born. Meanwhile, a #Nibiru announcement or admission can be in new and trusted hands.'
Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for June 30, 2018 http://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/space-force?overrideMobileRedirect=1
The signature of the architect. Ancient advanced technology used by the #Annunaki visitors from planet #Nibiru, aka #Planet_X, aka #Ancient_Gods, aka "those who came from above," aka #Nephilim or Fallen Angels.
Giant Hominoids
Who were the Annunaki?
Giant hominoids, standing on average 8 foot tall and far heavier and more muscular than humans, visiting Earth from their home planet, termed the Planet of the Crossing by the ancient Sumerians.
This planet is known by many names - Nibiru, Marduk, Wormwood, the Destroyer, the Red Star, and lately Planet X - but the ancient Sumerians termed it the 12th Planet, as they counted also the Sun and Earth's Moon.
In the words of the Zetas:...
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Grease from the tail of Nibitu
Grease from the tail of #Nibiru.
ZetaTalk Interpretation 9/26/2015:
Thought being billed as an “End of Times” phenomena in Costa Rica, this rainbow lit hole in the clouds is nothing new since Nibiru, aka Planet X, came to town in 2003. The Costa Rica display combines several phenomena, however, thus hitting the news. Rainbows are nothing more than light rays bent by water in the clouds. The angle from the light source (the Sun) to the eye of the recipient changes as the distance increases and thus as with light being shown through a prism the color changes. The multiple rainbows seen recently, or rainbows seen in unusual places, are due to the addition of grease in the atmosphere, as the tail of Nibiru is greasy. It is for this same reason that halos around the Sun or Moon have increased lately. The Earth wobble has produced numerous atmospheric phenomena, undulating wobble clouds
and incomplete tornadoes that make holes i
Whoops!! Powell had been "fully vaccinated" against the coronavirus. Does this mean vaccines don't work, or can give you CV? https://www.newsweek.com/colin-powell-dead-covid-vaccinated-age-84-1639824 Per ZetaTalk:
We have stated that the elite are terrified of the riots and demands the populace will make when they realize that a #Nibiru cover-up has been in place for decades. Meanwhile the elite stocked their enclaves and prepared. Covid-19 like so many flu variants emerged from the drains in the web markets of China, but the elite quickly snatched the opportunity to force Martial Law early and on the cheap. Perpetual and draconian lockdowns required more than just false reports of Covid-19 deaths. When it became evident that the mRNA vaccines produced variants, then perpetual booster shots were the means to continue the pandemic.
Now it is apparent that more than false death reports and new variants are in the arsenal of the elite. The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome that the spike proteins produce can be enhanced and continued by booster shots. We have stated that all ill effects from the mRNA are temporary, wearing off during the passage of months or perhaps years, but the elite would prefer that the populace be TOO SICK to think about migration or riot. With a weakened immune system, this would certainly be the case. Thus in those countries where the elite are in control, there is the push to have 100% of the populace vaccinated.
EOZT http://poleshift.ning.com/xn/detail/3863141:Comment:1144833
'Non-specific Halloween ISIS Threat is tightening the noose on the restless public learning about #Nibiru and the pending #Pole_Shift. Now that the Pandemic Martial Law is losing its Mojo, another excuse for increased police and military presence is needed.


Pandemic Martial Law