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In God We Trust - The Great Awakening

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But most just love, love, love the filthy #demoFRAUDS, cause you know, creepy pedo dead [joe] isn't one of them.

Hence all the filthy #demoFRAUD wins all over the country today! πŸ‘€πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
Several posts about election fraud from different states!


~T edit: I want to remind everyone, and we've talked about this over and over, LOTS of people, useful idiots conned by the #leftistFILTH and risked their lives for money, that every single ballot illegally counted carries a minimum of a $3K fine, and 10 years in jail. For each ballot. As you can see, there is a LOT of money on the table here, and most cannot pay (I'd suggest none can), will add to the prison term.

Sadly, most, probably allof these pathetic, uneducated useful idiots who were intentionally mis-educated, uninformed as to the potential of spending the rest of their lives in jail for committing election fraud, which also can be interpreted as #Sedition.

We know for a fact in Georgia fat ass traitor Stacy Abrahms was directly involved in what happened in Georgia.

We know that ALL precinct managers were directly involved in it, and in fact were passing out boxes of false ballots to mules who ran these boxes to drop boxes and other mules. In these particular cases, this is unequivocally #TREASON. Treason is punishable by death. This time, because adults (Including the US Military) and not #demoFRAUDS are in charge, please don't think for one moment that they will not hang. I'd bet my life they will.

As I already know and have shown here, this WILL be the case in, at minimum, ALL so-called swing states (easy and common election fraud states for decades), NV, AZ, VA, et al. And in fact, we will see it made public all over this country, though the swung states will get the most attention, for now.

I'd like to remind you, I have personally seen the data, saw it from Frankfurt Germany, Frankfurt, in "the most secure election in US History..."....less than one week after the 2020 Election. Also remember and I have shown you, Trump won all 50 states in 2020, a Triumph not seen since Reagan in 1984. Trump is the only Republican that has ever won the state of Minnesota since. Speaking of FRAUD.

Though I have NOT seen the 2022 election "data", I GUARANTEE we will be seeing this again very, very soon. I could go on......

None of that will matter because now that this is out, publicly, SCOTUS will publicly decertify 2020. With standing.

Expect Fireworks, Tironianae Team...The Storm is Upon Us....
When this is over, #demoFRAUDS will never hold power again. Ever.
We've discussed all of the below here about mass indoctrination masquerading as education. Tie it all together with the poisons we've discussed here in our water supply. This is the most insidious, in my NSHO, part of [their] plan.....all while our fraudulent and satanic politicians, in particular #demoFRAUDS tell us over and over about how they care so much for "The Children".

I discussed my theory here long ago about how #demoFRAUDS come into power and intentionally destroy the economy.....and while Reps are cleaning up the mess, [they] are destroying our children....

Two heads of the same beast.
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I think it's time for a quick reminder. Trump very clearly said "less than 5 months from now..."...and that was in September.

Less than 5 months from September 25 is in the month of February - could be anytime now. I believe it will be.

With the landslide caucus in Iowa now out of the way, and with this decisive win, showing the World we already know, and have known a long time, the #demoFRAUDS are done. All we will see moving forward is just how panicked [they] really are.

They've been showing us [their] panic for a long time, but this will be the public face. [they] and their filthy, corrupt #Mockingbird FAKE NEWS [media] will commit treasonous atrocities for all the World to see. And I believe it will contain one of more major [F]alse [F]lags. We will see, the World will see and know.

As Q said long ago, paraphrasing, "when this is over, demoFRAUDS will never hold.power again.

Rejoice, Patriots. It looks like we are here. Stay safe out there.....

BREAKING: 107 House Republicans join 207 Democrats to keep the government funded without any D concessions for real border security.

~T edit: Seems to me Mike "the snake" Johnson was brought in to destroy #demoFRAUDS....guess not. Trump knows. Sometimes you have to show people the truth. Two sides of the same coin....
πŸ‘€πŸ‘†πŸ‘†Tironianae Patriots. For me, this is not enough evidence to shut reporting on all this down. What it DOES say is to watch closely....it is absolutely an election year. #demoFRAUDS do shit like this every year. We call them wedge issues. That and [their] suppression polls. Anything to keep you in distress, or to convince you voting is a lost cause. And considering we have 1800 miles between Tiajuana and Brownsville....and all we keep hearing about is Eagle Pass, TX? Really?

I work partially at and have friends at Ft Huachuca, Sierra Vista, and along the NM border....and from what I can tell, things are mostly status quo with illegals.

All that said, we KNOW this is what the [nwo] and [their] DESPERATE #demoFRAUD puppets want. This saturation of foreigners, the war against white people, the mass integration of non-Americans into American Culture, the race wars....all the bullshit these [nazi] filth have been foisting on our Country (and world) for decades.....that's ALL real.

I have some people going down there for eyes on. Lots of people are working their way down there. Truckers supposedly arrive on Monday....we shall see.

In fact, did you know that Presidential Inauguration Day in the ORIGINAL Constitution for the United States takes place on March 1st every 4 years? And do you remember what Trump said in his September 25th speech? (search Sept 25th above - " he said, and I quote, " in less than 5.5 months, we will take back the WH...)

Not saying I know, I don't know any dates, but are you thinking what I'm thinking? Also, when Trump made that statement, why didn't the #Mockingbird FAKE NEWS [media] jump all over that? Do you really think [they] didn't hear him say it?

Food for thought. Carry on.

That said, as I and others have said, 2024 will NOT occur.
The Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse seems very odd when you speed the video to 32x. For a ship that lost power and control, it looks pretty controlled to me.

~T edit: What I couldn't tell you last night.

And, let's analyze, shall we? I've discussed most all here before

P Diddy story blowing up the news. Tying to Epstein, [hrc], [cf], [kenyan], [cia/mossad], [usg] "leaders", Haiti, the Evergiven in the Suez........I could go on and on. And,

1. BLT Sister City to Rotterdam.
2. Evergreen/Maersk Shipping
3. Ukraine Master [nazis]
4. Pilot called off, in violation of Maritime Law. "We don't need you"

[F]alse [F]lag. No doubt. Remember, "Whenever bad news is affecting #demoFRAUDS and [their] masters.........should I go on?


Today @ 9am est. in NY‼️

TODAY: CNN’s Trump Hush Money Trial special live coverage begins at 9aET. CNN’s political and legal experts will be providing comprehensive reporting and analysis of this historic jury selection. Be sure to follow it all on @CNN, CNN Max and CNN.com.

~T edit: nothing more than sheer desperation. [their] useful idiots are just following orders. It doesn't matter. They have nothing.

Remember Q telling us that "when this is over, #demoFRAUDS will never hold power again? Remember Trump telling us we were in for substantial lessons in the US Constitution and Constitutional Law as he left the now defunct Washington [dc]?


US budget on blockchain ‼️ 🧐

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said he wants to put the β€œU.S. budget on blockchain,” a ledger of transactions typically associated with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
β€œI’m going to put the entire U.S. budget on blockchain so that any American β€” every American can look at every budget item in the entire budget anytime they want 24 hours a day,” Kennedy said Sunday during a rally in Michigan.

~T edit: No, in wonder where he got that idea from?

Now, we all should know that RFK has no shot at beating Trump. I believe that what we are witnessing is Trump using RFK like the #demoFRAUDS use focus groups to determine messaging. This is a big one. Is the world ready for this type of transparency? Yes? Is the blockchain new, yes and no, but are people ready to accept a new way of doing things? We know it's coming, regardless and ready to go. Thoughts?

We all know. Once again, the filthy left and #demoFRAUDS have absolutely ZERO shot at beating Trump as [they] knew in 2019. ZERO. That SHOULD be obvious to everyone by now. Even the dumbest among us.

NOW, everything [they] are attempting is failing. In 2019 we all know [they] decided to pull out [their] [virus] that wasn't ready to do the damage or kill as many people as [they] wanted based on [their] 16 year plan. [they] needed [their] [cia/mossad] controlled #Mockingbird to do the heavy lifting for [them], and as usual the [cia] accommodated, successfully scaring the absolute shit out of most of the earth's people.

So, with ZERO shot again, what will [they] do? We have shown here that the [who] canceled [their] plans for the [pandemic] treaty....and all the so-called NEW [viruses] [they] were telling us were spreading fast in countries most couldn't point out on a map stopped. Another fail.

So we find ourselves back to page 666 in the old worn-out playbook talking about climate change and treaties, and all the sudden we have massive tornados destroying areas of our Country.

Is [their] bullshit climate change agenda, that only the dumbest among us buy into today, the new plandemic? Are [they] going to tell us only #demoFRAUDS can stop the FAKE climate change bullshit? Is that how [they]'re going to spin the latest FRAUD on America and the World, that all these tornados, worldwide flooding, et al, can ONLY be stopped by voting for [them]?

The Movie gets more ridiculous by the day...and people are suffering. Is it about time for the Flip? I believe it is. πŸ‘€πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ˜Ž
Here is an example and allegedly he claims to never have used the ActBlue platform.

Spot the discrepancy.

"I have never gotten a bill that big"

ActBlue you say. πŸ€”

Shall we take a look at how ActBlue distributes its money?

This is from 2020...

~T edit: We discussed all this in 2020, but I hadn't seen this video. ActBlue - laundering operation used during the contrived "Summer of Love" bullshit in where money donated to [blm] by unsuspecting people who were scammed by their TV's and mass [media], that never made it to useful idiot [blm] members. It was set up by #demoFRAUDS to launder money to "das party" for the 2020 election they knew in 2019 they weren't going to win. Now I could go into the mail in ballots, same scam, but I've done that here too.

They used people, scammed people, and like their FRAUDULENT votes, used people's names and addresses to scam them. Now they are caught.

You can research on your own to find out if you are on those lists used by these FILTHY #demoFRAUD and communist scammers.

πŸ‘€πŸ‘†πŸ‘† Now, before you panic, remember your basic 3rd grade CIVICS.

Keep an eye on this doozy. I don't believe the Senate will pass this, but we know if they do, creepy pedo [joe] will sign it into law....but since he's not president of anything but 10 square miles of foreign land on US soil, it will NOT actually become Law.

Remember, Q told us that when this is over, #demoFRAUDS will never hold power again. This is part of rhe Movie to wake up whomever may be left, and is purely designed to show you who these TRAITORS really are. My challenge to this is, if the TV isn't talking about any of it.....
Haiti in the News!

~T edit: seems some questions in the chat perhaps don't understand the significance of this story. Remember, 1994 Earthquake in Haiti. Remember the Clinton foundation [cf] races to the rescue. Remember the missing thousands of children whisked away into the night, never to be seen again. Remember my showing you Chuxk [schumer] sucking face with a perhaps 7 year old girl then. Remember Walnut Sauce.

Point is, early on with Q, he mentioned that once the truth of Haiti comes out, #demoFRAUDS will lose the black vote, and that #demoFRAUDS will never hold power again. Biggest point is that Haiti is finally in the news.

Three Christian missionaries from Oklahoma-based group killed in Haiti https://share.newsbreak.com/70yumbop
COMMUNISTS HAVE ALWAYS LABELED OPPONENTS FASCISTS, NAZIS, ANTI-SEMITIC β€œAccuse your opponent of what you are doing to create confusion and inoculate yourself from guilt in the eyes of the voter.”
~Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, 1972

β€œIn 1943 the following directive was issued to all Communists in the United States:

β€œWhen certain obstructionists become too irritating label them after suitable buildups [J6, Smollett, Ferguson& Charlottesville false flags] as Fascist, or Nazi, or Anti-Semitic, and use the prestige of anti-fascist and tolerance organizations [Antifa, ADL) to discredit them.

β€œIn the public mind constantly associate those who oppose us with the names of those which already have a bad smell. The association will after enough repetition become β€˜fact’ in the public mind. Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics.”

G Edward Griffin quoting James Perloff, US Congress, House, Committee on Un-American Activities, Soviet Total War, β€˜Historic Mission’ of Violence and Deceit (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, Sept 23rd, 1956, β€˜Propaganda and the Alert Citizen’)

~T edit: Always. It's called Projection, accusing others of what you yourself are doing. It's a very serious mental disorder #demoFRAUDS have perfected, and too many Americans have been brainwashed to accept.

Remember, these frauds never accept responsibility for their massive failures. It's always someone else's fault.

Dead Voters.
Dead Candidates.

Aren't [they] cunning? πŸ‘€πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Needed to share this again with some important context I wrote long ago when Adam Shciff was illegally attempting to amend the Posse Comitatus Act, because as you know, we all know that the #demoFRAUDS knew they were the insurrectionsts prior to both the 2016 and 2020 elections. 2022 also applies but is outside this scope. And remember the #Mockingbird FAKE NEWS [media] making all the noise around these important FACTS to confuse the people. That in itself is TREASON.
Win by any means necessary [self-preservation].


Q #4521 The Posse Comitatus Act and Election Day

Been researching Q post #4521, I think our National Guard was used on Election Day, to safeguard and gather evidence on voting fraud.

#4521 reads "The Posse Comitatus Act, 18 U.S. Code, Section 1385, an original intent of which was to end the use of federal troops [TO POLICE STATE ELECTIONS] in former Confederate states, proscribes the role of the Army and Air Force in executing civil laws and states."


"Pursuant to the presidential power to quell domestic violence, federal troops are expressly exempt from the prohibitions of Posse Comitatus Act, and this exemption applies equally to active-duty military and federalized National Guard troops."

What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?

Everything you are witnessing [past & present [future]] centrally revolves around the Presidential Election of 2020.

Win by any means necessary [self-preservation].


Point is, this is the reason that Trump LAWFULLY suspended Posse Comitatus and effectively turned over the keys to the US Military on Dec15, 2020.