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In God We Trust - The Great Awakening

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๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† Ben Cardin, #demoFRAUD, People's Republic of Maryland....

You people with other platforms? You know what to do. Lets make this all viral.
Liddle @bencardinforMD, #demoFRAUD....this just keeps getting better and better. X is lit!
Writ of Certiori in support of Donald John Trump. We've discussed this before.


(22 pages)


By the time this is all over, the #demoFRAUD party will never hold power again.

We've discussed the possibility of this. We've shown you mostly 18-30 year old men coming into our Country. We shown you few if any women and children, and only for the gratuitous [cia/mossad] controlled #Mockingbird FAKE NEWS photo op for the dumbest among us. The unsuspecting masses.

We've also shown you where [they] are all being taken. Clearly, mostly #demoFRAUD controlled shitholes where [cia/mossad] useful idiots hang out until ramped up.

Now, we've also seen it elsewhere postulated the potential of these so-called "migrants" working with the US Military to help quell the useful idiots in those locations, but my suspicion is that's NOT the case.

WE KNOW that the [cabal/ds/cia/mossad] traitors and criminals desperately need a civil war. Hell, [they] need war everywhere considering this WH operation is Worldwide. Anywhere [they] can create chaos [they] will, and we know [they] don't give two shits who gets hurt or killed...[they]'ll do anything now to attempt to stop what's coming....and [they] will fail.

That said, I'm posting this as a general warning to be prepared because we don't know what we don't know....

Be prepared for anything. I will also warn you, especially the tough guys among us. Shooting another human being in order to protect yourself is not an easy thing to do. It WILL change you inside forever, no matter the reason. The other thing to note is, if you have to, and you pull a weapon on someone you best be prepared to pull that trigger with little to no hesitation. Best I can offer ATM. ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡
๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†Tironianae Patriots. For me, this is not enough evidence to shut reporting on all this down. What it DOES say is to watch closely....it is absolutely an election year. #demoFRAUDS do shit like this every year. We call them wedge issues. That and [their] suppression polls. Anything to keep you in distress, or to convince you voting is a lost cause. And considering we have 1800 miles between Tiajuana and Brownsville....and all we keep hearing about is Eagle Pass, TX? Really?

I work partially at and have friends at Ft Huachuca, Sierra Vista, and along the NM border....and from what I can tell, things are mostly status quo with illegals.

All that said, we KNOW this is what the [nwo] and [their] DESPERATE #demoFRAUD puppets want. This saturation of foreigners, the war against white people, the mass integration of non-Americans into American Culture, the race wars....all the bullshit these [nazi] filth have been foisting on our Country (and world) for decades.....that's ALL real.

I have some people going down there for eyes on. Lots of people are working their way down there. Truckers supposedly arrive on Monday....we shall see.

In fact, did you know that Presidential Inauguration Day in the ORIGINAL Constitution for the United States takes place on March 1st every 4 years? And do you remember what Trump said in his September 25th speech? (search Sept 25th above - " he said, and I quote, " in less than 5.5 months, we will take back the WH...)

Not saying I know, I don't know any dates, but are you thinking what I'm thinking? Also, when Trump made that statement, why didn't the #Mockingbird FAKE NEWS [media] jump all over that? Do you really think [they] didn't hear him say it?

Food for thought. Carry on.

That said, as I and others have said, 2024 will NOT occur.
BREAKING: Police Report Confirms โ€œColumbineโ€ Style Mass Shooting Plans Found in @ChippewaFallsSD Studentโ€™s โ€œManifestoโ€; Specifically Wanted to โ€œKillโ€ Christians, Jocks, And Preppy Girls with โ€˜Pipe Bombsโ€™ and โ€˜Automatic Assault Riflesโ€™; School District Failed to Notify Parents For More Than Three Months

โ€œI plan to use this to kill multiple students at my school.โ€

โ€œI will kill all the fucking jocks and those f*cking preppy sh*t-headed f*cking girls.โ€

โ€œI want to kill every old man and woman who has claim to the father, son, and holy spirit.โ€

โ€œI think that all preparation will be done towards the end of the school year.โ€

~T edit: Look!!! Another "manifesto"!

Funny how this just happens to be in a Conservative State run by none other than Kristi Noem, whom these [ds] #demoFRAUD filth hate, but the People love.

Imagine that! What a coincidence! Think #DESPERATION. Same old worn out playbook......predictable.

Since I donโ€™t believe B1d3n is real, I donโ€™t believe in this foreign aid bill either.

I believe theyโ€™re traps, created by God and carried out by the good guys.

โ€œNever interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying himself.โ€

How can we achieve true freedom if we donโ€™t show the American people what these Politicians are truly like?

~T edit: what have we told you over and over? What did Q say? "When this is over, the #demoFRAUD "party" (emphasis mine) will never hold power again..."...

Wait! Now it's 21 people? 9 kids?

#demoFRAUD FILTH mayo: CHILD "victims" 6 - 15?

These filthy [ds] pond scum have no shame......but hey, [they] do this every election cycle.
Riddle me this Batman...
Why are these "states" not reporting crime stats to the FBI?

ALL #demoFRAUD controlled #shitholes.

If you've been here a while, you know....

~T edit: Based on some comments here on this post, yes, Florida. Now remember the stolen elections of 2020 and 2022. In Florida Miami, Jacksonville, and Tampa were stolen. Why else would Florida not report crime stats? We know Ron is SHOT, but the masses don't. This is also to take shots at "him" as a Rep Governor.....understood?
๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†Remember, and we've talked about all this before. And Omnibus Spending Bill is NOT a legal Constitutional budget as required by Constitutional Law. It is also Constitutional Law to have this "budget" ready to for for the coming year NLT August of the proceeding year so that it has time to be passed prior to the budget year beginning.

Remember too, that these ILLEGAL Omnibus "spending bills" began under the [kenyan] in 2011 and have been used to subvert the Constitution since. That includes Trump, but understand the #demoFRAUD's would have never passed a real budget under Trump......so he used the ILLEGAL Omnibus against them.

It's how he rebuilt the decimated Military also begun by the [kenyan]. It's how he began funding the Border Wall, both without Congressional Approvals which we all know he'd have never gotten.

As I edited above earlier, and thinking logically, there is no way this ILLEGAL Congress passes a new Omnibus before March 1st. In 2 days. Remember your Civics 101 classes in school, or my history lessons here if you were in school after 1978 when they stopped teaching Civics in public schools (that's a whole different history lesson you can find above๐Ÿ‘†)..... There is a required budget process, and they do NOT have time to use it. Anything Congress does, again, will be illegal and fraudulent.....


Consider too that Trump WILL win the 2024 Election, and I've said it, so did VK, the 2024 Election will not occur. . . So Trump should be publicly back in the White House by April 1, New Years Day. GESARA should be announced before we go into the New Year. Consider too, we are inside the 30 and 21 Day Countdowns.....meaning, there is plenty of time for all the Events and EBS to occur.....

The [cia/mossad] low level filth, all that's left, are in sheer panic mode....Consider the fires and weather events, AGAIN, in the Great State of Texas. Consider the immigrant problems. Consider all that's going on. Consider the satanic head of the [cabal] "dying" yesterday. Publicly (We all know he was eliminated from the Earth in 2019).

So, what's left?
Trump beats Nikki Haley 66.6% [Dark To Light]
Stock Market DIVE [666- Coincidence?].

Elon just said DAMS are bursting, 4-6% Lost Forever.


All that said, and knowing that April 1st is New Years Day, my team and I believe all this we are going through, this Movie, MUST be over by New Years Day.

Tie all that together.

Heads on swivels again, Patriots. I, and others, believe we are here. It's gonna get WILD!

Stand by.

~T edit2: The question, as always, is on which Calendar?

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Old VK postโ€ฆ โ€ผ๏ธ


Banks fail! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

The Black Swan.๐Ÿ’ฅ

~T edit: A bit over dramatized....just be prepared is the key. Major #demoFRAUD controlled cities are where most of the shit will take place...just alway be aware of your surroundings. When you see NG, stay out of their way.

3:54pm Eastern


So I can not think of any other more important days in American History together.

April 16 The Day Abe Lincoln signed the Compensated Emancipation ACT ending Slavery

Just so happens April 17 1961 is the 3 Day War known as the Bay Of Pigs.

April 18 1983 was the Bombing on U.S Embassy in Beirut killing 63 people.

Also a very big uprising from Bostonians.

April 19 Patriots Day(Lexington & Concord).

Isn't this also Boston Marathon?
Isn't this where they run near the Boston Shipyards?

Wasn't Mr Pool showing this too?

Boston Naval Yards
Bunker Hill
USS "Constitution"

April 20 - 150th anniversary of the 1871 Act of England. This has been reversed.

Since the Act of 1871 which established the District Of Colombia, we have been living under The UNITED STATES CORPORATION which is owned by certain International Bankers and aristocacy of Europe & Britain.

We dont know exactly what is going to happen in these days because so much is happening, but with the riots/protests beginning all over the world, and now here in the US, in particular within the known 17 #demoFRAUD controlled US cities, this has to be it. NG deployed.

All the lessons in the US Constitution and Constitutional law seriously highlighting the willingness of the traitors in congress, the #Mockingbird, the FAKE SCAM TRIALS perpetrated by the useful idiots in NY, and again over the STORMY Daniel's case that was already tried and lost by these traitorous scum back in 2019, again, this has to be it it.

Remember, and most of you have seen it. The size of his motorcades.....and Trump commands tremendous presence wherever he goes, his rallies are attended by 10's of thousands in most cases, and most are held in smaller towns and venues. Although he didn't do a rally yesterday in Harlem, NY, did you see the presence? What does that tell you?

Lastly, I personally believe that Trump is goading this pathetic judge merchon (?) in NYC to arrest him. An unlawful arrest of the Commander in Chief would queue up the Military who has really been in control since Dec15, 2020.....and, as Q told us, "the timing was left up to the President"...

~T edit: And remember, Trump told us the other day, China -Taiwan is next.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. Either way, all this MUST and WILL go down prior to November 5th. You cannot have another illegal and fraudulent election because it would validate 2020.....

I believe The Storm Is Upon Us, Patriots. The 34 sites (larger number now), Dams, Buildings, The Systematic Destruction Of The Old Guard. Quantum Systems etc. #DarkToLight

Hold on.

So, quick question for everyone.

Fires. School shootings. Manifestos. Hamas encampments in NYC. More fires. More shootings. More encampments in CA.

17 Cities and #demoFRAUD controlled shitholes.

What do you think is going on? ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿ˜‰
Here is an example and allegedly he claims to never have used the ActBlue platform.

Spot the discrepancy.

"I have never gotten a bill that big"

ActBlue you say. ๐Ÿค”

Shall we take a look at how ActBlue distributes its money?

This is from 2020...

~T edit: We discussed all this in 2020, but I hadn't seen this video. ActBlue - laundering operation used during the contrived "Summer of Love" bullshit in where money donated to [blm] by unsuspecting people who were scammed by their TV's and mass [media], that never made it to useful idiot [blm] members. It was set up by #demoFRAUDS to launder money to "das party" for the 2020 election they knew in 2019 they weren't going to win. Now I could go into the mail in ballots, same scam, but I've done that here too.

They used people, scammed people, and like their FRAUDULENT votes, used people's names and addresses to scam them. Now they are caught.

You can research on your own to find out if you are on those lists used by these FILTHY #demoFRAUD and communist scammers.

It is military psyop doctrine to sometimes โ€œtest the opponent propaganda on the target audiencesโ€

(Which is admitted to be a drawback bc theyโ€™re actually having to disseminate enemy propaganda)โ€ฆ

BUT, itโ€™s helps them see if itโ€™s working, and on whoโ€ฆ AND to also find links to a potentially bigger enemy-organized propaganda program. Kinda like #demoFRAUD "focus groups".


Is everything as it seems?

You are not watching an "accident".
You are watching a purposeful political strategy in action.
The worse California gets, the more the Democratic party benefits nationwide.
Remember that, the next time you read a loony leftist headline out of CA.

~T edit: Been my theory for decades. Been watching it happen. From all #demoFRAUD controlled shithole states....
Intentional destruction at the state level. Natural progression.

And those that leave are stupid enough to vote for the same shit they fled.
FBl VAULT on #JeffreyEpstein including all #LolitaExpress flight logs & visitors to #EpsteinIsland.

apologies to the haters, trump was never on that plane and never went to the island.


~T edit: As I showed long ago here. It's out on X now. No need to apologize, that story was always a lie, a typical #demoFRAUD deflection in a desperate attempt to distract from the FACT that most all of them have some serious issues with Epstein.

Why don't we talk about the $65K Hot Dog and Pizza Part the [kenyan] had at the WH?

A Democrat prosecutor in Atlanta is now in jail for stealing $15 million in Covid funds


This โ€œpublic servantโ€ bought a Rolls Royce and a 10 carat diamond ting

And people think Joe Biden actually won Georgia in 2020 getting more black votes than Obama?

What a joke

~T edit: Another #demoFRAUD. What's with these [people]?

'scuse my language in advance.

Unfucking believable, but in no way surprising. This has been the wet dream of filthy satanic [zionists] since the beginning of time.

They're ALL a bunch of interbred reptilian bastards since the beginning of time, and want everyone else to be as lowly as [they] are. And, of courrse, [their] #demoFRAUD subjects obey.

These [people] are stupid AF.
๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† We have discussed [gates] and [melinda] here many times in the past. Both are dead, murdered, rightfully, by pissed of east Indians in 2013 for murdering and maiming thousands of children with [their] foundations' polio DEATH JABS.

In relation to Jackson's statement above, think about the #demoFRAUD party and their love for Margaret Sanger, founder of planned Parenthood who spent time in Germany with himmler, georing, and others [zionist] [nazis] in the 1930's, to learn more about eugenics, having made clear that black people, in particular, were human weeds that needed eradication.

Not sure that she said the same of Hispanics, but you under stand what I'm saying here.

That Blacks still support #demoFRAUDS is a testament to their, like sadly most Americans, lack of knowledge of History. And why is that? Who controls indoctrination masquerading as education? We've discussed that how's and why's of all that here before up there. Its no longer theory. ๐Ÿ‘†.