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In God We Trust - The Great Awakening

VIncit Omnia Veritas Semper Fidelis 
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οΏΌ Media treason knowingly οΏΌ

Crimes Have Been Committed!
Examine Exactly What "Mainstream Media" Has Done or Not Done.

ACCESSORY Definition
Someone aiding in or contributing to the commission or concealment of a felony, e.g. by assisting in planning or encouraging another to commit a crime (an accessory before the fact) or by helping another escape arrest or punishment (an accessory after the fact). An accessory, unlike an accomplice, is typically not present when the crime is committed.

Media LIES and/or omits truth, facts - worse than bias
If not for media lies, Donald Trump would be in the White House now, not faux Joe. Media aided and abetted the lie. Media actively forbid truth.

Forwarded from Patriot Politics Researchβ˜¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦… (Patriot Politics Research)
Matters of NAT SEC?
The clock is ticking.
Follow the watch.

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.:
β€’ Colluding with "The Muslim Brotherhood" & Taliban Government?
β€’ Knew about suicide bomber and let US Marines die regardless?
β€’ Unvetted Islamic Afghani's in USA?
β€’ Matters of National Security?
β€’ Before 9/11 Anniversary?


Be alert and aware of your surroundings at all times, Patriots!

#BidenWatch #25thAmendment #ImpeachBiden #TREASON #SEDITION #KNOWINGLY #EnemyOfThePeople #FollowTheWatch #SeeSomethingSaySomething
πŸ‘€πŸ‘†πŸ‘†If you have Twinker, here is the seriously damning evidence for your review. Far More to come.


For twinkies, at minimum #sedition

For the 3 letters, #TREASON
πŸ‘€πŸ‘†πŸ‘† As I've continually said. It's #SEDITION AND #TREASON
Several posts about election fraud from different states!


~T edit: I want to remind everyone, and we've talked about this over and over, LOTS of people, useful idiots conned by the #leftistFILTH and risked their lives for money, that every single ballot illegally counted carries a minimum of a $3K fine, and 10 years in jail. For each ballot. As you can see, there is a LOT of money on the table here, and most cannot pay (I'd suggest none can), will add to the prison term.

Sadly, most, probably allof these pathetic, uneducated useful idiots who were intentionally mis-educated, uninformed as to the potential of spending the rest of their lives in jail for committing election fraud, which also can be interpreted as #Sedition.

We know for a fact in Georgia fat ass traitor Stacy Abrahms was directly involved in what happened in Georgia.

We know that ALL precinct managers were directly involved in it, and in fact were passing out boxes of false ballots to mules who ran these boxes to drop boxes and other mules. In these particular cases, this is unequivocally #TREASON. Treason is punishable by death. This time, because adults (Including the US Military) and not #demoFRAUDS are in charge, please don't think for one moment that they will not hang. I'd bet my life they will.

As I already know and have shown here, this WILL be the case in, at minimum, ALL so-called swing states (easy and common election fraud states for decades), NV, AZ, VA, et al. And in fact, we will see it made public all over this country, though the swung states will get the most attention, for now.

I'd like to remind you, I have personally seen the data, saw it from Frankfurt Germany, Frankfurt, in "the most secure election in US History..."....less than one week after the 2020 Election. Also remember and I have shown you, Trump won all 50 states in 2020, a Triumph not seen since Reagan in 1984. Trump is the only Republican that has ever won the state of Minnesota since. Speaking of FRAUD.

Though I have NOT seen the 2022 election "data", I GUARANTEE we will be seeing this again very, very soon. I could go on......

None of that will matter because now that this is out, publicly, SCOTUS will publicly decertify 2020. With standing.

Expect Fireworks, Tironianae Team...The Storm is Upon Us....