Take Back Our Schools-GCS
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We believe that the Broad, Gates, Poltical Agendas and Private for profit groups DO NOT belong in schools. Along with programs such as BLM, CRT, REI and SEL.
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Did y’all see this? Priorities!?!“

The public comment period will end on June 9, 2022, and the full board will consider the revised policy for approval at its meeting on June 14, 2022. “ 🙄

We all know exactly who’s gonna make this decision and it’s not gonna be the board. GCS needs to do better by its children and staff. It is time for #NewVisionNewDirection. We Must Get Crissy Pratt for GCS School Board, District 2 and Tim Andrew for Guilford Board of Education Through this primary!

🚨Pay attention! If this bond was about helping our schools why is it being pushed on taxpayers and why are those that have failed our children and staff not being held accountable?

This is one of many reasons why we need the team #NewVisionNewDirection on our BOE. They have put in the time and effort to understand what’s going on and how to #fixit.

It’s so easy to sit behind a keyboard. It takes a special person to step up and out of their house and help these people get elected. THEY need YOUR help! Our children and staff deserve better! It’s time for us all to take a stand! Let’s teach our children and remind our community what it looks like to step up and fight for what right!

Please help Tim Andrew for Guilford Board of Education https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0949A9A62FA57-primary

Please help Crissy Pratt for GCS School Board, District 2 https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0949A9A62FA57-primary1

Help get Millican for School Board get signatures so he can be on the November ballot https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10c084aa4a629a64-millican

New Vision, New Direction - GCS BOE #nofornow
This is another reason why we support these candidates for Guilford County Board of Education. Their willingness to be a team and help #fixit. #NewVisionNewDirection

🚨For all those reporting to TB that your comments are being deleted regarding why you are a #nofornow and or people being blocked from school FB pages. Don’t give up! Call it out! #fixit #NewVisionNewDirection



During the June 1, 2021 GCS Board of Education meeting, Board member Welborn questions issues regarding various aspects of Policy 2127:

During the discussion, issues regarding open vs. closed forums, viewpoint discrimination, illegal/pornographic language, etc. are discussed.

In the end, GCS, its schools, Board members and staff cannot control the conversation in a public forum on their social media pages. These members are also discouraged from discussing GCS business on their personal social media pages.

Here are some other resources addressing this issue:

ACLU New Jersey (1999). Know your rights: when public officials censor you on social media. Retrieved on January 27, 2021: https://www.aclu-nj.org/theissues/freespeechexpression/know-your-rights-when-public-officials-censor-you-social-media

Eidelman, Vera (29 January 2019). Court rules public officials can’t block critics on Facebook. American Civil Liberties Union, https://www.aclu.org/blog/free-speech/internet-speech/court-rules-public-officials-cant-block-critics-facebook

Tripepi Smith (25 June 2019). Why public agencies shouldn’t “hide” Facebook comments. https://www.tripepismith.com/public-agencies-shouldnt-hide-facebook-comments/
Are you still trying to decide on how to vote on the $1.7B Guilford County School Bond⁉️

Fortunately for you, the Guilford County primary is making national news, thanks to an article published by Forbes. It's a worthwhile read, addressing issues surrounding the $1.7B school bond, including the violation of state and ethics laws: https://www.forbes.com/sites/patrickgleason/2022/05/15/unlawful-taxpayer-funded-electioneering-alleged-in-run-up-to-north-carolinas-primary-elections/?sh=536c3fb6232a

Topics covered included:

Guilford County's illegal use of taxpayer funds to promote and support the $1.7B school bond and 1/4 cent sales tax referenda, including funding mailers in support of ballot proposals
Guilford County's efforts to provide a biased, one-sided view supporting the two ballot proposals, while favoring needs and downplaying costs
Guilford County efforts to mislead voters into believing the passing of 1/4 cent sales tax will result in the reduction of property taxes
Guilford County failure to inform taxpayers the 1/4 cent sales tax will only generate $22M/yr, while it will cost taxpayers $50M/yr to service debt

Read for yourself and draw your own conclusions... and then GET OUT AND VOTE!❤️🤍💙🇺🇸
#nofornow #NewVisionNewDirection #fixit
"So there might be some space to think about how to work with Health and Human Service for an innovative partnership where we can put multiple schools on that space, it's beautiful, and also have a beautiful space for students who are in foster care," Dr. Contreras said.

Guilford County Schools needs to worry about doing the job to which they are paid to do and that is to educate children! We do not co-partner with the government or school system. They need to stay in their lane!
#FixIt #NewVisionNewDirection

Please read the book “Why Meadow Died” to better understand why we have failed all these children. 💔Much work to do.

May God keep these families in his arms and help them to heal.
#fixit #NewVisionNewDirection

It is time to give parents back their seat at the table! #fixit #NewVisionNewDirection
One has to ask why is this being pushed so hard? We have heard from many families that their students were told they had to apply to more schools than they were interested in actually attending. Schools then required students to turn in all monies offered even if the students were not going to attend those schools. More upsetting Is students with no desire to attend college were told they had to fill out the FASFA. Why? What is to be gained?

* TakeBack was also told by an anonymous source that GCS is looking at requiring that all students have to complete the FASFA in order to graduate…

#fixit #NewVisionNewDirection
I'm not a politician. I'm just a mom who has had enough of the politics in our school system.

What we're doing isn't working. The test scores prove it. The mass exodus of teachers proves it. The dissatisfaction of parents proves it.

We need to get back to the business of educating our students and stop the politics.

This is my fabulous family - L-R: hubby Kevin, Hannah, me, the cutest sea lion ever (not a family member), Josh, and Sam. These kids and every kid everywhere are my Why. They're the reason I'm fighting. They all deserve more.

#newvisionnewdirection #gcs #stopthepolitics #takebackourschools #ourkidsdeservemore #thisismywhy
We at take back believe that every family should have a choice to do what is best for their child when it comes to education. It is blatantly clear that our government run schools are not doing the jobs that they are paid to do. Until we can flip this school board in November and start fixing our school systems families need choices. #fixit #NewVisionNewDirection.
Congratulations! How great that Guilford County will have an advocate fighting for our children! #FixIt #NewVisionNewDirection
“We do not have a voice until after the shots are fired”. Now read that again! We must do better Guilford County Schools to protect our students and staff.

Phil Byrd for Guilford County Sheriff understands what needs to be done and is willing to do it!

We encourage you to read the book Why Meadow Died to understand how our government has failed our schools.


This is not book burning! This is educating parents of the materials their children have access to while in government funded schools.

The book Crank the pastors are speaking of is in these Guilford County Schools, Grimsley, Smith, SEHS, Southern, and Welborn.

#fixit #NewVisionNewDirection

They keep saying that the safety of our schools is of the upmost importance… If so why have they still not done anything? This is not a complicated issue! It’s actually quite simple. They need to protect our schools the way they protect their government buildings. They know exactly what needs to be done they are just choosing not to do it. Why?
#FixIt #NewVisionNewDirection