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Micro-satellites are launched launched into low earth orbit which will run Nexus operating system

The #Nexus Protocol will take web 3.0 and #dweb a step further by creating a #decentralized reputation driven routing services, at the level of both #hardware and #software, providing an alternative to Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

#NXS will be the game changer🚀
What Is Decentralized Storage?

#Decentralized systems store data across a geographically dispersed network of computers rather than in a single location. This makes storing large #amounts of data possible without relying on a central server or provider, helping to eliminate potential #censorship and privacy intrusion issues.

Unlike traditional #centralized storage servers operated by a single entity or organization, decentralized storage systems keep data files across geographically distributed #nodes connected via peer-to-peer (#P2P) networking.

How Does Decentralized Storage Work?

Decentralized storage involves storing data across multiple #computers or nodes connected to a P2P network like #BitTorrent or an Interplanetary File System (IPFS) protocol.

#Data uploaded onto a decentralized storage system is split into small pieces and sent to multiple nodes across the #network for storage. If you need to retrieve your data file, the network will piece together the sharded components from the individual nodes storing it and reassemble them for you to #download.

Additionally, nodes in a decentralized storage system can't view or alter files because a #cryptographic hash mechanism automatically encrypts all the data stored on a network. Users must use their private $keys to access their data and prevent unauthorized entities from retrieving the information.

The Advantages of Decentralized Storage ?

→ Improved security and privacy

→ No single point of failure

→ Faster download speeds

→ Lower cost

→ Enhanced data integrity

What Are the Limitations of Decentralized Storage?

Decentralized storage systems rely on a network of nodes to store and retrieve data, the access times can be #slower than centralized storage systems.

→ It’s not immune to security and other #risks. Malicious nodes could compromise the security of data stored on the network

→ In addition, decentralized storage systems depend on the network #infrastructure to function correctly. Therefore, the availability of the data stored on the network can suffer in the case of network outages.
What is P2P Trading ?

#P2P (Peer-to-Peer) trading in cryptocurrency refers to a #decentralized way of buying and selling digital assets directly between individuals without the need for an intermediary such as a #centralized exchange.

In P2P trading, buyers and sellers interact directly with each other, negotiating the terms of the #trade and agreeing on the price and #payment method. The transaction is facilitated through a peer-to-peer marketplace or platform, where users can post their #buy or #sell orders and connect with other users looking to buy or sell the same #cryptocurrency.

One of the main benefits of P2P trading is the increased level of #privacy and #security it offers compared to centralized exchanges. With P2P trading, users maintain control over their #funds throughout the entire transaction, reducing the #risk of funds being lost or stolen. Additionally, P2P trading allows for greater flexibility in terms of payment methods, as users can agree on a wide variety of payment options, including #bank transfers, cash deposits, and even in-person cash transactions.

However, P2P trading does come with some risks. Since there is no intermediary involved, there is a greater potential for fraud or #scams. It is important to exercise caution when trading on P2P platforms and to carefully vet the reputation and history of any potential trading partner before engaging in a transaction.
What Are Smart Contracts?

#Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that use blockchain technology to automatically enforce the terms of an agreement. They are computer programs that run on a blockchain and can #facilitate, #verify, and #enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract without the need for intermediaries. Smart #contracts can be used in a wide range of applications, including finance, real estate, supply chain management, and more.

They are designed to be #secure, #transparent, and #tamper-proof, with all transactions being recorded on a public #ledger that is accessible to all parties involved. Smart contracts eliminate the need for intermediaries, reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve the overall #transparency and #trustworthiness of transactions.

Smart contracts have the potential to revolutionize the way we conduct business and interact with each other. They offer greater #transparency, #security, and efficiency, and can help reduce the #costs and risks associated with traditional contract enforcement.

Benefits of Smart Contracts ?

Distributed —>
Smart contracts are replicated and distributed in all nodes of the #Ethereum network. This is one of the major differences from other solutions that are based on #centralized servers.

Deterministic —> Smart contracts only perform the actions they were designed to, given the requirements are met. Also, the outcome will always be the same, no matter who executes them.

Immutable —> Smart contracts can't be changed after deployed. They can only be "Deleted" if a particular function was previously implemented. Thus, we may say that smart contracts can provide tamper-proof code.

Customizable —> Before deployment, smart contracts can be coded in many different ways. So, they can be used to create many types of #Decentralized applications (#DApps).

Trustless —> Two or more parties can interact via smart contracts without knowing or trusting each other. In addition, #blockchain technology ensures that data is accurate.

Transparent —> Since smart contracts are based on a #public blockchain, their source code is not only #immutable but also visible to anyone.
What is PoW (Proof of Work) ?

#Proof of Work (#PoW) is a consensus #mechanism used by many #blockchain networks to validate transactions and add new blocks to the #chain. In a PoW system, nodes on the #network compete to solve complex mathematical problems, with the first node to #solve the problem being rewarded with a block of #transactions that is added to the blockchain.

The process of solving the #mathematical problem requires significant #computational power, which is provided by the #nodes on the network. Nodes that participate in the PoW process are called #miners, and they use specialized hardware and software to perform the calculations necessary to #solve the problem.

Once a miner successfully solves the problem, they #broadcast the solution to the network, along with a list of valid transactions. Other nodes on the network then validate the solution and the transactions, and if everything is correct, the new #block is added to the blockchain.

PoW systems are designed to be #secure and resistant to attacks. However, PoW can be resource-intensive and require a significant amount of #energy to operate.

Some well-known #cryptocurrencies that use PoW include #Bitcoin, #Ethereum, and #Litecoin. These networks rely on PoW to maintain the integrity of the blockchain and ensure that transactions are processed in a secure and #decentralized manner.
What is #PoI (Proof of Importance) ?

"Proof of Importance" is a #consensus mechanism used in #blockchain technology to validate and verify transactions on a network. It is used in the #NEM cryptocurrency network, which is based on the "#Importance" score of network participants rather than their #computing power (as in the case of Proof of Work) or their stake in the network (as in the case of Proof of Stake).

In the #Proof of Importance mechanism, the Importance score is determined by the amount of #NEM coins held by the user, as well as the number of transactions they have made in the network. The more coins held by the user and the more #transactions they have made, the higher their Importance score. This score is used to determine the likelihood that a particular user will be chosen to create the next block in the #blockchain.

The Proof of Importance #mechanism is designed to incentivize active participation in the network and discourage hoarding of #coins. It also allows for a more #decentralized network since users with a higher Importance #score are more likely to be chosen to validate transactions, rather than those with a large amount of computing power or #stake in the network. In other words, consensus reward users who actively transact in a cryptocurrency by prioritizing miners based on the amounts and sizes of transactions made from their wallets. A proof of importance system may account for additional factors, such as the wallets to and from which transactions are made.
What is (#PoRep) Proof of Replication ?

Proofs of Replication (#PoRep) is a type of consensus #mechanism used in blockchain technology to ensure the integrity of #data storage on a #decentralized network. It is a #cryptographic proof that a certain amount of data is being stored by a node or miner in a distributed storage network.

The basic idea behind #PoRep is to challenge a miner to prove that they have replicated a certain #amount of data, without actually revealing what that data is. The #miner is given a challenge that requires them to use the data they claim to have replicated in a #computation, and the result of that computation is used as proof that the data exists and has not been #tampered with.

#PoRep is often used in combination with Proof of Space and Proof of Time to form a more secure and efficient consensus mechanism. It is used in several blockchain networks, including #Filecoin and Chia Network.
What is Proof of #Activity ?

Proof of Activity (#PoA) is a consensus algorithm designed to address the limitations of Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) algorithms. PoA combines PoW and PoS mechanisms to create a hybrid consensus algorithm.

In #PoA, miners first compete to solve a cryptographic puzzle using #PoW. Once a miner solves the #puzzle, they create a new block and broadcast it to the network. Then, instead of simply adding the new #block to the blockchain, #PoS is used to select a validator. The validator is chosen based on their stake in the network, and their role is to verify the validity of the block.

If the validator determines that the block is valid, it is added to the blockchain, and the #miner who created the block is rewarded with the block #reward. If the validator determines that the block is invalid, it is #rejected, and the #miner who created the block is penalized.

#PoA is designed to be more secure and energy-efficient than PoW, while also being more #decentralized than PoS. However, it is still a relatively new consensus #algorithm and is not as widely used as PoW or PoS.
What is (#PBFT) Proof of Byzantine Fault Tolerance ?

Proof of Byzantine Fault Tolerance (#PBFT) is a consensus algorithm used in distributed systems to achieve #consensus among a network of nodes even in the presence of faulty or malicious nodes. It is specifically designed to handle #Byzantine faults, which refer to arbitrary and #malicious behaviors exhibited by nodes in a distributed network.

In #PBFT, a network of nodes forms a consensus group, and each node takes turns acting as a #leader. The consensus process involves a series of rounds where the leader proposes a value or a set of #transactions, and other nodes in the network vote on the proposed value. #Nodes communicate with each other to reach a consensus on the agreed-upon value.

To achieve Byzantine fault tolerance, #PBFT requires a minimum number of correctly functioning #nodes in the network. As long as a two-thirds majority of the nodes are honest and follow the #protocol, PBFT guarantees that the network can agree on a consistent value, even if some nodes are faulty or malicious.

#PBFT is often used in permissioned blockchain networks, where the participants are known and trusted, and the network operates in a more controlled environment. It provides fast finality, low #latency, and high throughput compared to other consensus #algorithms like Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS). However, PBFT requires a higher degree of network communication and is less suitable for open and #decentralized networks.

So, now you're wondering, I've never see any coin using this, Which coin uses this Consensus?

—> This is only the Hot Coin in 2016 - 2017 Bull-Run, which is #NEO Coin.
What Are Meme Coins?

#Meme coins, also known as meme cryptocurrencies or internet meme #tokens, are a type of digital #currency that gained popularity primarily through social media platforms and #online communities. These coins often feature a humorous or lighthearted theme, and their value and appeal are largely driven by internet #memes, #jokes, or viral trends.

Meme coins are typically created as a form of #decentralized cryptocurrency on blockchain platforms such as #Ethereum. They often have unique characteristics, including catchy names, distinctive logos or symbols, and community-driven marketing efforts. Some well-known meme coins include #Dogecoin (#DOGE) and #Shiba Inu (#SHIB).

While meme coins may have gained attention and a dedicated following due to their meme-driven nature, it's important to note that they often lack substantial utility or #fundamental value. Their prices can be highly volatile, and #investments in meme coins carry significant #risks. Meme coins should be approached with caution, and thorough research is advised before considering any investment or involvement with these types of cryptocurrencies
What is #DeFi ?

#DeFi, short for Decentralized Finance, refers to a category of financial applications and platforms built on #blockchain technology. It aims to recreate traditional financial systems and services, such as lending, borrowing, trading, and investing, in a #decentralized and permissionless manner, without the need for intermediaries like banks or #financial institutions.

In #DeFi, smart contracts are used to automate and execute financial transactions, allowing users to interact directly with the protocol using their digital assets. This eliminates the need for traditional intermediaries, reduces costs, and provides greater accessibility and financial inclusivity.

Key characteristics of #DeFi include open and transparent protocols, #permissionless access, composability (the ability to combine different #DeFi protocols and services), and the use of cryptocurrency or digital assets as #collateral or means of exchange.

#DeFi has gained significant popularity and growth in recent years, offering users opportunities to earn passive income, participate in #yield farming, access decentralized exchanges, and engage in other #innovative financial activities within the cryptocurrency #ecosystem.
What is #DEX ?

A #DEX, short for Decentralized Exchange, is a type of cryptocurrency exchange that operates on a #decentralized network, such as a blockchain. Unlike traditional centralized exchanges that rely on a central #authority to facilitate transactions, DEXs enable peer-to-peer trading directly between users. They typically utilize smart contracts and decentralized #protocols to execute trades in a secure and transparent manner.

#DEXs offer several advantages over centralized exchanges, including increased #privacy, reduced reliance on intermediaries, and greater control over one's funds. Since transactions occur directly between #users, there is no need for a centralized party to hold and manage user funds. This enhances security and eliminates the risk of #hacking or theft associated with #centralized exchanges.

DEXs also promote the principles of decentralization and censorship resistance, aligning with the ethos of cryptocurrencies. By leveraging blockchain technology, DEXs enable users to trade digital assets while maintaining ownership and control over their private keys.

Examples of popular DEXs include #Uniswap, #SushiSwap, and #PancakeSwap, each operating on different blockchain networks such as #Ethereum and #Binance Smart Chain.
What is (#PBFT) Proof of Byzantine Fault Tolerance ?

Proof of Byzantine Fault Tolerance (#PBFT) is a consensus algorithm used in distributed systems to achieve #consensus among a network of nodes even in the presence of faulty or malicious nodes. It is specifically designed to handle #Byzantine faults, which refer to arbitrary and #malicious behaviors exhibited by nodes in a distributed network.

In #PBFT, a network of nodes forms a consensus group, and each node takes turns acting as a #leader. The consensus process involves a series of rounds where the leader proposes a value or a set of #transactions, and other nodes in the network vote on the proposed value. #Nodes communicate with each other to reach a consensus on the agreed-upon value.

To achieve Byzantine fault tolerance, #PBFT requires a minimum number of correctly functioning #nodes in the network. As long as a two-thirds majority of the nodes are honest and follow the #protocol, PBFT guarantees that the network can agree on a consistent value, even if some nodes are faulty or malicious.

#PBFT is often used in permissioned blockchain networks, where the participants are known and trusted, and the network operates in a more controlled environment. It provides fast finality, low #latency, and high throughput compared to other consensus #algorithms like Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS). However, PBFT requires a higher degree of network communication and is less suitable for open and #decentralized networks.

So, now you're wondering, I've never see any coin using this, Which coin uses this Consensus?

—> This is only the Hot Coin in 2016 - 2017 Bull-Run, which is #NEO Coin.