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@Slavyangrad #exclusive #analysis

RF Armed Forces fielding new Chimera UAV
(by Subaru X)

Recently, videos appeared which purport to show Russian-made Lancet attack UAVs attacking targets. Many observers pointed out that the UAVs in the videos do not resemble the Lancet in layout and size.

I focused on one of the recent videos, in which a large SUV was targeted, with footage both from above and also from an "FPV" view.

The UAV used in the attack is much larger than the Lancet, and is clearly a completely different design. Looking at the dimensions and layout of the UAV in the video, I concluded the most likely candidate is the Iranian Samad-3 UAV.

The Samad-3 has a range of 1600km and carries up to 40kg HE. It has been used to great effect by Yemeni Houthis against Saudi Arabian targets.

HOWEVER: The Samad-3 does not have an optics payload, and the FPV view shown in the attack is identical to that of the Lancet as the infographic shows.

This leads me to the conclusion that Russia has deployed a new chimera drone based on the Samad-3, but equipped with the Lancet optical package.

@Slavyangrad / SLG Spetsnaz Detachment (Subaru X)
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@Slavyangrad #exclusive #analysis

Articles are appearing in Western news sources about combat deaths of Russian reservists, less than 2 weeks after being mobilised.

Published articles in Western media about these cases give the false impression that newly mobilized troops are being sent into battle without preparation.

I am going to focus on the stories of 2 individual reservists who have indeed been tragically killed in action shortly after their mobilization, and explain why the Western narrative is in this case (as usual) very far off the mark.

Andrei Nikiforov (left) is described as a "lawyer from St Petersburg" who at the age of 40 was killed on October 7th in Lysichansk, just 10 days after being mobilised. The detail which is missing from Western sources is that since the late 1990s until June 2022, Andrei was a member of one of Russia's elite special forces units. His combat experience began in the second Chechen war, and he remained in active service until 2022. During the last years of his service he studied law, the practice of which he had just started since his discharge only 4 months ago. There should be no surprise that his time from mobilization to deployment was short.

Also recently mobilized Sverdlovsk Oblast resident Evgeni Bizyaev (Right) was killed in action in Ukraine, on October 10th. He was 28 years old. Looking at his photo it is clear he is a former member of the legendary, well-trained Russian naval infantry forces "black berets". I am unable to confirm the details of his service record, however the chest full of medals on this 2 meter tall warrior suggests significant combat experience.

In short, both of these men were highly experienced veterans. Due to their extensive and recent military and combat service, they were fast tracked to where their skills were needed most. Their deaths are a tragic loss to their families and to their nation, however the way their story is being portrayed is part of a false narrative.

@Slavyangrad / SLG Spetsnaz Detachment (Subaru X)
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@Slavyangrad #analysis

Earlier today we posted footage of a Ukrainian ST-68U radar being hit by an attack UAV (first image). Again the source claims the target was hit by a Lancet. This footage is the best quality we have seen so far of this type of attack, and it clearly shows the UAV being used bears no resemblance to the double x-wing configured Lancet, and is furthermore much larger.

In this image you can clearly see the wingspan of the attacking UAV is not much less than the width of the ST-68U radar antenna, which is 5 meters wide. Lancet wingspan is only 1 meter.

As in my previous analysis (second image) I posit that the attack UAV in this video is not a Lancet, but a Russian variant of the Iranian Samad-3 attack UAV, with the addition of the Lancet optical package.

@Slavyangrad / SLG Spetsnaz Detachment (Subaru X)
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