Ukraine - War - Police - Strategic Investigations Department
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The channel is dedicated to the police work of Strategic Investigations Department (Organized Crime Department)
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Over the past day, the #RussianArmy fired 18 missiles at all regions of #Ukraine.

📍#Vinnytsia, #Kyiv and #Zaporizhia regions: missiles were shot down by air defense.

📍#KirovohradRegion: a missile hit a electricity substation. Another missile was shot down by air defense. There are no victims.

📍#OdesaRegion: three missiles were shot down by air defense, but there are hits in infrastructure in the Artsyz community of Odessa region. No one was injured in the morning.

📍#DnipropetrovskRegion: two missile hit the railway. Traction substation destroyed. One person was injured.

📍#ZakarpattiaRegion: a missile hit the power substation of the railway station, there were no casualties, the distribution gas pipeline was damaged. No one was injured.

📍#LvivRegion: missile hits on electrical substations. There was a delay in the movement of trains. Two persons were injured.

📍#SumyRegion: the Russians fired on the territory of the region three times from their positions from abroad. An enemy helicopter was fired along the border since morning. Information on losses and destruction are being clarified.

📍#KharkivRegion: at night there was heavy shelling on the outskirts of Kharkiv. No one was injured. During the day, the invaders fired on #Dergachi, #Zolochiv, #Bohodukhiv, and #Chuhuiv. During the day - 6 injured persons and one person died.

📍#LuhanskRegion: shelling of #Lysychansk and #Novodruzhesk. 2 civilians were killed and 2 were injured. Four missile and bomb attacks were carried out on #Severodonetsk, #Rubizhne, #Lysychansk and #Zolotye. Artillery shelling of Lysychansk, #Severodonetsk, #Popasna and Mountain communities. 45 houses and other objects were damaged.

📍#DonetskRegion: Russians fired twice at the #Avdeevka Coke Plant. The infrastructure was damaged. There are dead and injured persons.
#Marinka was fired upon with incendiary shells, and the private sector was on fire. In the area of ​​the village of #Novomykhailivka - shelling was 24/7.

📍#KhersonRegion: explosions and shelling in the region. The situation is critical.

📍#Mykolaivregion: massive shelling of the city. Residential buildings were not seriously damaged. There are no victims.
An illegal channel for transporting conscripts abroad has been exposed in #ZakarpattiaRegion.

🔹Illegal activity was exposed by operative officers of the Strategic Investigation Department in Zakarpattia region of the National Police of Ukraine.

🔹Three men between the ages of 23 and 29 have set up a "scheme" for the transfer of conscripts across the state border to an EU country. To carry out the criminal intent, the suspects tried to determine information about the time and place of service of border guards along the Tisza River. Later, wetsuits for "transfer" were provided to "clients".
In #ZakarpattiaRegion, one of the heads of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (NAAS) research station was detained for bribery

🔹Оn May 19 operative officers of the Strategic Investigations Department in Zakarpattia region detained a person who was one of the heads of the Zakarpattia State Agricultural Research Station of the NAAS while receiving illegal benefits.

🔹For 1000 euros, the official promised to help sign a contract for the use of land for business.
​​На Закарпатті затримали на хабарі одного з керівників дослідної станції НААН

🔹19 травня оперативники УСР в Закарпатській області затримали особу з числа керівництва Закарпатської державної сільськогосподарської дослідної станції Національної академії аграрних наук під час отримання неправомірної вигоди.

🔹За 1000 євро посадовиця обіцяла посприяти у підписанні договору користування земельної ділянки для ведення підприємницької діяльності.
Construction of an outpatient clinic with a loss of 1 million hryvnias: #Zakarpattia police officers informed the head of the construction company about the suspicion

According to the operative officers of the Strategic Investigations Department in #ZakarpattiaRegion, the company undertook to carry out the construction of the Family Medicine General Practice Clinic and install the appropriate equipment within the clearly specified timeframe.

The company received funds for the equipment in full, but it was not purchased or installed at the construction site.

The amount of damage is almost UAH 1 million.

The defendant may face up to 8 years in prison.
In #ZakarpattiaRegion, police officers detained a group of persons for transportation military age men abroad for 5,000 US dollars.

Detectives of the Strategic Investigations Department in Zakarpattia region uncovered the illegal activities of a group of persons. Two local residents helped military age men to leave the country in order to avoid mobilization. For the "transfer" they took 5,000 US dollars per person.

Mentioned persons currently detained according to the court decision.
На Закарпатті поліція затримала групу осіб, які за 5000 доларів США переправляли чоловіків за кордон

Викрили протиправну діяльність групи осіб оперативники управління стратегічних розслідувань в Закарпатській області. Двоє місцевих мешканців допомагали чоловікам, які намагалися ухилитися від мобілізації, виїхати за межі країни. За «трансфер» брали 5000 доларів США з однієї людини.

Наразі вони затримані. Суд взяв їх під варту.
⚡️ Operative officers of the Strategic Investigation Department in #ZakarpattiaRegion detained a forestry employee for bribery

An employee of one of the forestries was detained while receiving a "tranche" - $2000 and UAH 12000. For this amount, the forester contributed to the sale of wood. Investigators from the State Bureau of Investigation in Lviv city informed the detainee of the suspicion.

For committed the detainee can face up punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain posts or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years, with confiscation of property.
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⚡️Оперативники ДСР Нацполіції в Закарпатській області затримали службовця лісгоспу за хабар

Співробітника одного з лісництв затримано під час отримання «траншу» - 2000 доларів США та 12000 гривень. За вказану суму лісничий сприяв у продажі деревини. Слідчі ТУ ДБР у місті Львові повідомили затриманому про підозру.
In #Zakarpattia, the organizers of the illegal "transfer" of men across the border will be trialed - they were exposed by #SID in #ZakarpattiaRegion

Two people were detained while receiving 3,000 US dollars and trying to smuggle persons across the border. They were supposed to receive another 3,000 US dollars already after a successful "transfer".
The pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings has been completed, the indictment has been sent to the court.
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На #Закарпатті судитимуть організаторів незаконного «трансферу» осіб через кордон – викрито #УСР в #Закарпатській області.

Затримано двох осіб під час отримання 3000 доларів США та спроби переправити громадян через кордон. Ще 3000 доларів США вони мали отримати вже після проведення успішного «трансферу».
Досудове розслідування у кримінальному провадженні завершено, обвинувальний акт скеровано до суду.