Ukraine - War - Police - Strategic Investigations Department
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The channel is dedicated to the police work of Strategic Investigations Department (Organized Crime Department)
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❤️Unbelievable story of a #Kyiv city resident.

"I'm sorry I stole your car. I had to save my family! "

"I came out of the bomb shelter and near the store saw a car with keys in the lock. I have been observing it for 2 hours, waiting for the owner. I didn't manage to wait for. I took my family, got in the car and drove to #Vinnytsia to relatives.

I found the phone number in the glove box and called the owner:
- I'm sorry, I stole your car. I had to save my family.
- Thank God, don't worry, I have 4 cars. I took my family out on my SUV. I had refueled other cars and had left them in different places with the keys in the lock and the phone number in the glove box.
People who took all other cars called back. When there is peace - we will meet. Take care!"
Over the past day, the #RussianArmy fired 18 missiles at all regions of #Ukraine.

📍#Vinnytsia, #Kyiv and #Zaporizhia regions: missiles were shot down by air defense.

📍#KirovohradRegion: a missile hit a electricity substation. Another missile was shot down by air defense. There are no victims.

📍#OdesaRegion: three missiles were shot down by air defense, but there are hits in infrastructure in the Artsyz community of Odessa region. No one was injured in the morning.

📍#DnipropetrovskRegion: two missile hit the railway. Traction substation destroyed. One person was injured.

📍#ZakarpattiaRegion: a missile hit the power substation of the railway station, there were no casualties, the distribution gas pipeline was damaged. No one was injured.

📍#LvivRegion: missile hits on electrical substations. There was a delay in the movement of trains. Two persons were injured.

📍#SumyRegion: the Russians fired on the territory of the region three times from their positions from abroad. An enemy helicopter was fired along the border since morning. Information on losses and destruction are being clarified.

📍#KharkivRegion: at night there was heavy shelling on the outskirts of Kharkiv. No one was injured. During the day, the invaders fired on #Dergachi, #Zolochiv, #Bohodukhiv, and #Chuhuiv. During the day - 6 injured persons and one person died.

📍#LuhanskRegion: shelling of #Lysychansk and #Novodruzhesk. 2 civilians were killed and 2 were injured. Four missile and bomb attacks were carried out on #Severodonetsk, #Rubizhne, #Lysychansk and #Zolotye. Artillery shelling of Lysychansk, #Severodonetsk, #Popasna and Mountain communities. 45 houses and other objects were damaged.

📍#DonetskRegion: Russians fired twice at the #Avdeevka Coke Plant. The infrastructure was damaged. There are dead and injured persons.
#Marinka was fired upon with incendiary shells, and the private sector was on fire. In the area of ​​the village of #Novomykhailivka - shelling was 24/7.

📍#KhersonRegion: explosions and shelling in the region. The situation is critical.

📍#Mykolaivregion: massive shelling of the city. Residential buildings were not seriously damaged. There are no victims.
💔We are relearning the geography of our country.
#Vinnytsia is no longer about the singing fountain or the outstanding surgeon Pirogov.
#Vinnytsia is about a bloody pram, about a murdered baby, about a girl torn to pieces. More than 100 dead and almost 30 missing.
About a brazen death in broad daylight in the center of a big city.
About the happy comments of the neighboring country to the photo of the murdered children.
About another crime of the russians.
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💔Ми заново вчимо географію своєї країни.
#Вінниця це вже не про співаючий фонтан і не про видатного хірурга Пирогова.
Вінниця це про дитячий закривавлений візочок, про вбите немовля, про розірвану на шматки дівчинку. Про понад 100 загиблих майже 30 пропавших безвісти.
Про наглу смерть посеред білого дня у центрі великого міста.
Про радісні каменти сусідньої країни до фото вбитих дітей.
Про ще один злочин росіян.
📍#VinnytsiaRegion: a missile attack was carried out at #Vinnytsia city. More than 53 infrastructure objects (officer's house, household building, about 50 high-rise buildings) and 40 cars were damaged. As a result of the shelling, 23 people died (including 3 children), 184 were injured (including 4 children), the fate of 18 people remains unknown. Search and rescue operations are ongoing
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📍#Вінницька область: завдано ракетного удару по місту #Вінниця. Руйнувань зазнали понад 53 об’єкти інфраструктури (будинок офіцерів, будинок побуту, близько 50 багатоповерхових будинків) та 40 автомобілів. У результаті обстрілу загинуло 23 людини (з них 3 дитини), 184 – поранено (з них 4 дитини), доля 18 – залишається невідомою. Пошуково-рятувальні роботи тривають.