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Official channel for the Russian Embassy in the Republic of South Africa - Latest foreign policy, cultural, economic news. We take digital diplomacy seriously, share information on all things Russia-related
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📆 118 years ago, on 6 May 1906, Russian emperor Nikolay II approved the new edition of “Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire”, virtually the first Russian constitution, consisting of 2 sections, 17 chapters and 223 articles.

Social and political unrest in Russia was fueled by the defeat in Russo-Japanese war (1904-1905) which resulted in the Russian Revolution of 1905. Emperor Nikolay II had to respond to increasing calls for reforms in order to calm down the situation in the country.

📖 The new constitution provided for a bicameral Russian parliament composed of an upper house, known as the State Council, and a lower house, known as the State Duma.

☝️ It also legislated the official language of the Russian Empire, the essence of the supreme power, the procedure of law-making, rights and duties of Russian citizens, etc.

🕯🌟 "The 'Immortal Regiment' campaign was launched to immortalize the memory of Soviet soldiers and victims of the Second World War.

The first march was held in 2011 in Russia and then spread throughout the rest of the world.

The annual 'Immortal Regiment' campaign, held on the eve of Victory Day, unites millions of people worldwide. This year, massive processions with portraits of heroes take place all over the world – from New Zealand to Argentina.

🕊 In the capital of Turkey, Ankara, participants solemnly carried the main symbol of Victory – a huge St. George ribbon.

🕊 In Madrid, melodies of wartime were heard during the procession.

🕊 In Germany, in Frankfurt-on-Main, the famous song 'Victory Day' was sung by many.

📆 79 years ago, on 6 May 1945, the Prague Offensive commenced, the last Red Army’s strategic operation of WW2 in Europe, during which the two remaining effective Germany’s army groups “Centre” and “South” were encircled and defeated.

The Nazi Germany’s new government created by admiral K.Dönitz after Hitler’s suicide saw the futility of further struggle and it only hoped to win time and surrender to the American troops approaching from the West.

⚔️ The offensive was carried out by the troops of the 1st, the 4th and the 2nd Ukrainian Fronts of the Red Army with the total strength comprising about 2 million men.

☝️ A day before the start of the offensive an uprising in Prague against the Nazi occupation broke out which diverted Nazis’ forces therefore contributing to Soviet advancing.

The Soviet troops of the Urals Volunteer Tank Corps a.k.a. the “Black Knives” division were the first to enter Prague on 9️⃣ May 1️⃣9️⃣4️⃣5️⃣.

As a result of the Prague Offensive about 858.000 German soldiers and officers including 60 generals were taken POWs.

🕯 Soviet losses amounted to some 50,000 personnel.

🎖 The Supreme Council of the USSR established the medal “For the Liberation of Prague” awarded to 390.000 persons including 40.000 Czech citizens.

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🎙 Russia's Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova will hold a weekly briefing on current foreign policy issues at approximately 10 am MSK (7 am GMT/ 9 am CEST/ 3 pm Beijing) on May 8.

For accreditation inquiries, please contact the Russian Foreign Ministry's Press Centre. Accredited journalists will receive detailed explanations on the technical aspects of submitting questions.

The Foreign Ministry’s Spokeswoman will answer media questions received by the call centre.

❗️ Accreditation is open until 9 am on May 7.
🐣4-5 мая 2024 г. в приходском центре храма преп. Сергия Радонежского в г. Йоханнесбурге состоялись праздничные мероприятия по случаю Пасхи.

Прихожане храма, соотечественники и представители дипломатического корпуса приняли участие в праздничном богослужении и в освящении куличей. Силами учащихся воскресной школы и их родителей был организован тематический концерт.

⛪️Ночную службу и пасхальную вечерню провел Патриарший экзарх Африки митрополит Зарайский Константин, который находится в ЮАР с официальным визитом.
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🎙 FM Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Bosnian Serb television network ATV (Moscow, May 5, 2024)

Key talking points:

• We will not participate in any events that promote Zelensky’s peace formula in one way or another. This much has been clear to everyone for a long time. We are serious about being open to negotiations based on the reality.

• I am aware of <...> the French’ claim to a role in Europe and the world. It cannot be ruled out that Macron needs this “caveman Russophobia” to become Europe’s leader.

• What they [the West] want is to subdue the Serbs. <...> They believe that the Serbs are too restive and independent in their actions since they refused to join the sanctions against Russia.

• Everyone knows about the total chaos reigning in Kosovo. Still, our Western colleagues have no qualms casting Kosovo nothing short of a beacon of democracy. Democracy was something alien for this territory at all times.

• The West is trying to create an anti-Russia and an anti-China coalition. An anti-Russia coalition is their immediate goal, while an anti-China one is being knocked together in anticipation of the moment when China emerges as the main threat (that’s how they call it) and the main adversary.

• Relations between Russia and China are much firmer, stronger and more reliable than the military alliances of the past century. <...> Without this Russia-China link, the situation on the international stage would have been much worse.

• Europe is struggling with tremendous economic problems because the US is using it above all to support Ukraine and wage a war against Russia. Everyone is predicting the demise of Germany as an industrial miracle. That miracle rested on the cheap and reliable Russian pipeline gas.

• The Americans have destroyed the system of arms control and are unable to work honestly in the humanitarian and economic spheres. We believe that the Euro-Atlantic security model has discredited itself and failed. We are now speaking about creating a Eurasian system of security.

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Media is too big
❗️ On May 6, UK Ambassador to Russia Nigel Casey was summoned to the Foreign Ministry to be delivered a strong protest against the recent statement by British Foreign Secretary David Cameron in an interview with the Reuters news agency regarding Ukraine’s right to strike Russian territory using British weapons.

The Ministry firmly pointed out to Ambassador Casey that Cameron’s hostile outburst directly contradicts the British side’s earlier assurances during the transfer of long-range cruise missiles to the Kiev regime that they would under no circumstances be used to strike Russia’s territory. By doing so, the head of the Foreign Office disavowed this position and admitted his country was a de facto party to the conflict.

The ambassador was told that the Russian side considered Cameron’s words as evidence of a serious escalation and confirmation of London’s growing involvement in combat actions on Kiev’s side.

Nigel Casey was warned that any UK military facilities and equipment on Ukrainian territory and beyond could be hit as a response to Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory with British weapons.

☝️ The ambassador was urged to consider the inevitable disastrous repercussions of such hostile steps by London and to urgently refute in the strongest and most unequivocal manner the bellicose provocative statements by the head of the Foreign Office.
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🔴 #LIVE: Inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in Kremlin

🔴 In English: Ruptly

🔴 En Français: Ruptly
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🇷🇺 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has taken office as a President of the Russian Federation.
❗️ The criminal Kiev regime continues its brutal atrocities against civilians in Russia.

⚡️ On May 6, two moving 'GAZelle' vehicles, transporting employees of the agricultural complex to work, and a passenger car were attacked by the Ukrainian Armed Forces using kamikaze drones.

The attack occurred in the vicinity of the village of Berezovka in Russia’s Belgorod region.

❗️ As a result of the explosion, seven people died on the spot from the injuries sustained. 40 more people have been injured, including three children, and 30 have been hospitalized, – the Russian Ministry of Health has reported.
