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لطفا مدارک را بررسی و تأیید کنید.
فراخوان سازمان ملل
برای جمع آوری مدارک جنایات و شکنجه در ایران
به منظور تشکیل پرونده ی رسمی علیه رژیم
*  مدارک و شواهد شما می بایست پیش از 25  نوامبر 2022 برابر با ۴ آذر ۱۴۰۱ ساعت ۱۸ به وقت اروپای مرکزی دریافت شده باشند.
*  آدرس ایمیل برای ارسال مدارک جنایات و شکنجه به کارشناس ویژه شکنجه سازمان ملل:
* موضوع ایمیل:
   Email subject line: «Input to the Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture »
* محدویت کلمات :۲۵۰۰ کلمه                                                                
* فرمت فایل پذیرفته شده: Word, PDF                                               
* زبان های پذیرفته شده: انگلیسی، فرانسوی، اسپانیایی و عربی:
منبع: سایت سازمان ملل
در انتشار این فراخوان به طور گسترده و اطلاع رسانی
به هموطنان داخل و خارج کشور کوشا باشید.
#مهسا_امینی #مهاباد
Please check and verify the documents.
United Nations call
To collect evidence of crimes and torture in Iran
In order to file an official case against the regime
* Your documents and proofs must be received before November 25, 2022 equal to December 4, 1401 at 18:00 CET.
* E-mail address for sending documents of crimes and torture to the United Nations special expert on torture:
* Email subject:
Email subject line: "Input to the Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture"
* Word limit: 2500 words
* Accepted file format: Word, PDF
* Accepted languages: English, French, Spanish and Arabic:
Source: United Nations website
In publishing this call widely and informing
Be careful with your fellow citizens inside and outside the country.
#Mehsa_Amini #Mahabad
7.9 KB
لیست کسانی که کفیل ندارند و زیر حکم اعدام هستند.
لطفا : هر عزیزی که فعالیتی کرد و موفق شد که کفالت هر مبارز در بند را انجام دهد
به تحریریه #چرک‌نویس
اینستاگرام اطلاع رسانی کنید
ما پیروزیم 🌷
List of those who do not have sponsors and are under death sentence.
Please: Every loved one who did an activity and succeeded in sponsoring every fighter in prison
To the editorial office of #Cherk-Novis
Inform Instagram
We are victorious
People’s protests in Iran

Yet another crime by the child killing regime

According to reports, on December 26, 2022, Mehrdad Malek, a 17 year old man, who was returning home from the farm with his friend, was suspected by the suppressing forces and a car chase ensued.

During this chase, the suppressor’s vehicle get stuck in the mud and Sergeant Ali Mahmoudi opened fire onto the fleeing vehicle, to compel them to stop.

The bullet hit Mehrdad Malek in the head and kills this 17 year old teen is thus killed by the suppressing forces.

The funeral ceremonies for the body of Mehrdad Malek, which was held at the cemetery in #Ardagh, has been concluded. The family of Malek have been pressured to give consent to the release of the man who killed Mehrad Malek.

The honourable people of #Ghazvin, #Takestan, and #Ardagh and all the surrounding cities are asked not to leave the family of Mehrdad’s family alone.

27 December 2022


*Great News*

Cherknevis will now be able to remain in straight contact with the UN and send the documents related to the recent human right violations of the Islamic Republic during the JINA REVOLUTION, (Woman, Life, Freedom) events.
Therefore; Cherk Newis is encouraging all the Iranians who have access to any of such documentation, to help us by sending them to us via #CherkNewis, #چرکنویس



🎈cherk.newis2 { CMO } Cherknewis Media Outlet
*Great News* Cherknevis will now be able to remain in straight contact with the UN and send the documents related to the recent human right violations of the Islamic Republic during the JINA REVOLUTION, (Woman, Life, Freedom) events. Therefore; Cherk Newis…
*Great News*

Cherknevis will now be able to remain in straight contact with the UN and send the documents related to the recent human right violations of the Islamic Republic during the JINA REVOLUTION, (Woman, Life, Freedom) events.
Therefore; Cherk Newis is encouraging all the Iranians who have access to any of such documentation, to help us by sending them to us via #CherkNewis, #چرکنویس

These Documents may be a variety of the one’s explained below:

1. Photos of the bullet holes or bullet shells shot by the IRGC towards the people.

2. Any documents related to conviction or any court related paperwork about the activist or any of the captured people of the streets in relation to the recent events.

3. Documents related to the death of the people in the streets or any activists of the JINA REVOLUTION.

4. Any clinical papers including a physician or a nurse care, diagnosis or prescription for an injured person during these events.

These documents can be very helpful to prove the barbaric nature of the Islamic Republic Regime Iran and be a voice for the people of Iran who have been victimized under the oppression of this regime for the past 44 years.

Cherk Newis is calling on all the Iranians to help us to be able to convey this message to the International Human Rights Organizations and ask for help.

Thank you



هم‌میهنان گرامی،

بسیاری از شما در سراسر جهان آماده می‌شوید تا در گردهمایی‌ها و راهپیمایی‌های برنامه‌ریزی‌شده برای روز ۲۲ بهمن (۱۱ فوریه) شرکت کنید و بار دیگر دنیا را به پشتیبانی موثر از انقلاب ملی ایران فرا بخوانید. انقلابی که قریب به پنج ماه قبل با اسم رمز مهسا، و برای زن-زندگی-آزادی آغاز شد تا پایانی باشد بر چهل‌وچهار سال ستم و فلاکتی که بهمن شوم و فاجعه‌بار ۵۷ برای ایران ما به بار آورد.

من نیز از همه شما هم‌میهنانم دعوت می‌کنم که با همبستگی و اتحادی بیش از پیش، روز ۲۲ بهمن (۱۱ فوریه) امسال را به باشکوه‌ترین روز در تقویم انقلاب ملی ایران تبدیل کنید و شور و انرژی مضاعفی به مردم و مبارزان داخل ایران بدهید.

خواهش من از شما این است که ضمن به رسمیت شناختن اختلاف‌نظرها، هم‌چون همه هفته‌ها و ماه‌های گذشته، بر روی نقاط اشتراک‌تان تمرکز کنید و دوشادوش و دست-در-دست هم، صدایی واحد و بلند را در پشتیبانی از انقلاب ایران به گوش رسانه‌ها، افکار عمومی و سیاستمداران در کشورهای‌تان برسانید. از هر دسته و گروهی هستید، چپ یا راست، جمهوریخواه یا پادشاهی‌خواه، موافق یا مخالف من، به یکدیگر توهین و بی‌احترامی نکنید. به‌ویژه اگر پرچم ملی شیروخورشیدنشان ایران را در دست دارید، حرمت آن را حفظ کنید، و پیام‌آور اتحاد، احترام، مدارا، و همه ارزش‌های نیکی باشید که پرچم ایران نماد آن است.

پاینده ایران،
رضا پهلوی

My dear compatriots,

Across the world, many of you are preparing to participate in the rallies and marches planned for February 11th, to call again on the international community to support the Iranian revolution. With your commitment, this revolution, which began nearly five months ago in the name of Mahsa, and for Women, Life, and Freedom, will continue undeterred in its path to bring an end to the forty-four years of oppression and misery brought upon our Iran by the calamitous events of 1979.

I invite all of you, my compatriots, to make this year's February 11th the the most inspiring day on the calendar of the Iranian national revolution and, with even greater solidarity and unity, to convert further support and energy to our compatriots inside Iran.

My request to you is that, while recognizing and respecting your differences of opinion, you focus on your points of commonality and, side-by-side and hand-in-hand, offer a single and strong voice in support of the Iranian revolution to the media, societies, and politicians in your countries.  Whatever group or faction you belong to, left or right, republican or monarchist, for or against me personally, I ask that you do not insult or disrespect one another.  Especially if you are holding the national flag of Iran (the Lion & Sun), respect and honor its sanctity, and be a messenger of unity, respect, tolerance, and all the good values ​​that our country’s flag represents.

Long live Iran,
Reza Pahlavi

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Breaking: Israeli people are seen running for their lives in areas around #Gaza as thousands of #Hamas and #Palastinian terrorists invade and hunt them down to kill.
The situation is severe and deteriorating rapidly.
#IsraelUnderAttack #IsraelPalestinewar #Hamas

The mother of Shani Louk, the woman whose body was seen on video in the back of a pick-up truck driven by Palestinian terrorists to Gaza, released a statement earlier today. 

She confirmed she had seen her daughter on the video & asked the public for help with more information

According to videos published in social media, Palestinian terrorists keep Israeli children held in hostage in cage.

This is horrific!
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Hamas terrorists attack Jewish homes and invite their accomplices with shouts: "Come here, everyone, there's beer and wine!"In Islam, alcohol is forbidden, and Muslims do not drink. Islamic rulings directly prohibit alcohol, and if a Muslim person drinks it, they are not allowed to pray for forty days. Even touching a wet or moist hand of such a person can render a Muslim impure.
These Muslim terrorists serve as a precise reflection of the suppressive government agencies. In Iran, government mercenaries do not hesitate to engage in activities such as drinking alcohol, engaging in homosexual acts, committing sexual assault, murder, and extortion while professing Muslim ideals. These contradictions clearly indicate that the nature of these forces serves money and power consolidation, not religious beliefs.

Up to 250 people may have been killed at the music festival near the Gaza border fence.

According to reports, many of the victims are Europeans and Americans.
