Eva Karene Bartlett, Reality Theories
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Eva Karene Bartlett, Reality Theories
"The European Hospital is being forcibly evacuated by israeli troops prior to their attack: our Dr Mohamed is refusing to leave his patients behind and is courageously staying: listen to his message to us all, share far and wide and please pray for him."
"‼️Please this is EXTREMELY URGENT‼️

The European Gaza Hospital, the last standing hospital in Gaza has received orders to evacuate.
Call your representatives now, demand that they put pressure on the Israeli government to stop this invasion of the European Hospital.

"BREAKING: A lawyer has spoken to a Palestinian hostage taken by Israel who like many others gave direct testimony of mass systematic rape against them, including with dogs. It is clear now that the White House is laundering video footage of Palestinians who were raped as it is a routine part of the torture regime they are subjected to. Many hostages have also been torture-raped to death.

I want to repeat this again: The White House and Kamala Harris are promoting extensive video footage of Palestinians who were brutally, violently raped, and are using it to launder the genocidal atrocity propaganda "mass rape" hoax with it: x.com/zei_squirrel/s

They are using actual rape to launder a rape hoax. This is a level of depravity I have never seen before, and it is not done by Trump or Republicans, it is being done by the black woke bae queen Kamala Harris.

Meanwhile the entire media class, from the New York Times to CNN, also actively participated in using these actual rape videos to launder the "mass rape" hoax they fabricated. All of them have promoted the Sandberg hoax film that features this extensive footage of raped Palestinians."
Forwarded from The Cradle
❗️❗️❗️Hebrew Channel 12:

Head of the Shin Bet says that Israel is holding 21,000 Palestinian prisoners, although the prison capacity is only 14,500.

This number is much higher than the previously reported number of around 9,088.
Forwarded from Marwa Osman--MidEaStream
Some days are ok.

Some other days you get this exploding feeling inside your rib cage that sucks the air out of your lungs and your heart pounds like you've been running a marathon.

You think it is happening for no reason.
But when it passes, you realize it was for Gaza and for south Lebanon.

We will NEVER forget.
Israel stole everything from us, especially our peace of mind.
We will NEVER forgive all those complicit either.
Eva Karene Bartlett, Reality Theories
Some days are ok. Some other days you get this exploding feeling inside your rib cage that sucks the air out of your lungs and your heart pounds like you've been running a marathon. You think it is happening for no reason. But when it passes, you realize…
Thank goodness wonderful, fiercely intelligent and ever compassionate Marwa is fine.

"2 hours after this post I had a car accident. I am fine. The kids are fine. Emotionally I am a wreck...it will be obvious when you watch my interview with @Kanthan2030 ..it happened 20 minutes before I went the interview.

I am blessed to be reminded that my life is moving at a normal.pace to a point that I can "have" a normal car accident instead of being in a tent with little to no food for my family..but at the same time I am devastated just thinking about the 1000s of Gaza families who are still suffering under #GenocideByIsrael and the 1000s who are suffering under occupation in the west Bank and Al Quds. I cannot fathom the idea that the world is just moving on..is just living normally when there are 17,000 children who were killed on live TV over a span of 9 months. I fail to understand WHY am I healthy and blessed while 2.3 million are under siege, starving, bearly living and are faced with horrific trauma for the rest of their lives.

It breaks me not to be able to lift an iota of their suffering. Today is one of those other days...the suffocating days. For Gaza and south Lebanon I am ready to suffocate...with a smile too😊"
Eva Karene Bartlett, Reality Theories
"Our correspondent Nikita Tsitsagi died during an attack by Ukrainian Armed Forces drones. This happened in the area of ​​​​the St. Nicholas Monastery near Ugledar, from where Nikita planned to make a report. Information about the death of the correspondent…
My reflections on Ukraine’s murder of 30 Russian journalists, the most recent being a talented journalist I had the honour of meeting & working with, Nikita Tsitsagi, 29, a Russian photojournalist.

Just over two weeks after another Russian journalist was deliberately targeted and killed by Ukrainian forces, global media and most international journalist support groups remain unsurprisingly silent.

Nikita Tsitsagi, 29, a Russian photojournalist, was targeted by a Ukrainian drone on June 16 as he prepared to do another report from the St. Nicholas Monastery near Ugledar—a monastery, heavily-targeted by Ukrainian shelling over the years. Yet, civilians remain the region, and many have taken shelter in the monastery. These are often the focus of journalists who go there.

Just three days prior, Ukrainian forces targeted Russian NTV journalists filming in the extremely hard hit village of Golmovsky, east of the northern DPR city of Gorlovka. The Ukrainian drone strike killed cameraman Valery Kozhin and seriously injured Alexey Ivliyev, a war correspondent.

The targeting of journalists is a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

In June, President Vladimir Putin spoke of Ukraine's targeting of Russian journalists, noting, “At least 30 people died, our journalists died, and no one gives us the opportunity to investigate what happened to them.”

Russia's Envoy to UNESCO in Paris called for UNESCO to condemn the killing of Russian journalists, saying:

"All these killings, they were not condemned. This is despite the fact that the Secretariat has all the information on their killings." He noted the lack of condemnation shows double standards and a political bias.

Nikita's murder is personal for me, as I'd met him several times and gotten to know his gentle character: kind, humble, generous with his time, and professional.

We went together on two different occasions in November 2022 to interview people, one of which was to the Ukrainian-battered villages of Zaitsevo and Golmovsky in the Gorlovka region. Nikita kindly translated my questions to residents there, giving of his time and ensuring no nuance was lost.

He also was quick to reply the few times I messaged him regarding an event in the Donbass or a contact I asked to speak with...

Ukraine's assassinations of Russian journalists

...Of the at least 30 Russian journalists killed, the following are some of those recently murdered:

In November 2023, in the Zaporozhye region, Ukrainian forces targeted a group of Russian journalists with a drone. One of the journalists, Boris Maksudov, died as a result of his injuries.

In July 2023, Ukrainian shelling of a civilian vehicle killed RIA Novosti war correspondent Rostislav Zhuravlev, and injured four of his colleagues. The shelling was with US cluster munitions.

In October 2022, Ukrainian forces shelled a group of Tavria TV and radio company’s reporters, killing journalist Oleg Klokov.

In April 2023, in St. Petersburg, war correspondent Maxim Fomin (Vladlen Tatarsky) was murdered when a statuette he'd been handed, containing a bomb, exploded.

In August 2022, journalist Darya Dugina was killed in a car bombing in Moscow. Both the murders of Dugina and Fomin are believed to be the work of Kiev's intelligence agents. Ukrainian intelligence also plotted assassination attempts against RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and journalist Ksenia Sobchak.

But it's worth pointing out these targeted killings didn't start in 2022. Back in 2014, Russian photojournalist Andrei Stenin was killed in a Ukrainian attack on, “a vehicle traveling in a convoy of escaping civilians when it came under heavy fire.”...

Eva Karene Bartlett, Reality Theories pinned «My reflections on Ukraine’s murder of 30 Russian journalists, the most recent being a talented journalist I had the honour of meeting & working with, Nikita Tsitsagi, 29, a Russian photojournalist. Just over two weeks after another Russian journalist was…»
Forwarded from DPR MFA
🪖 The legendary “Pyatnashka” celebrates its anniversary - 10 years since the creation of the international brigade.

From 15 volunteers who arrived during the most difficult period for Donbass in 2014, to a large unit fighting in all directions of the Donetsk People's Republic, their glorious path was built.

Residents of different countries, representatives of different nationalities with one goal - to liberate Donbass and Russia - over the years have become a single whole, a real military brotherhood. Now the Pyatnashka military personnel are an integral part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

I am proud of every fighter of the international brigade. Together we will achieve Victory!

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Eva Karene Bartlett, Reality Theories
"In the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) in October (2022), I went to a frontline outpost 70 meters from Ukrainian forces in Avdeevka (north and west of Donetsk), according to the Donbass commanders I spoke with there.

To reach that position, I went with two other journalists to a meeting point with two commanders of Pyatnashka—volunteer fighters, including Abkhazi, Slovak, Russian, Ossetian and other nationalities, including locals from Donbass.

From there, they drove us to a point as far as they could drive before walking the rest of the way, several minutes through brush and trenches, eventually coming to their sandbagged wood and cement fortified outpost.

It has changed hands over the years, Ukrainian forces sometimes occupying it, Donbass forces now controlling it.

One soldier, a unit commander who goes by the call sign “Vydra” (Otter), was formerly a miner from the DPR who had been living in Russia with his family. In 2014, he returned to the Donbass to defend his mother and relatives still there.

...Perhaps surprising to some, when Vydra was asked whether he hates Ukrainians, he replied emphatically no, he has friends and relatives in Ukraine.

“We have no hatred for Ukraine. We hate those nationalists who came to power. But ordinary Ukrainians? Why? Many of us speak Ukrainian. We understand them, they understand us. Many of them speak Russian.

I’ve been involved in sports a lot of time, wrestling. So, I’ve got a lot of friends in Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Kirovograd, Odessa, Lvov, Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathia.

I have relatives in western Ukraine, and we still communicate. Yes, they say one thing on the street, but when we talk to each other, they say, ‘Well, you have to, because the SBU is listening.’

Ukraine shouts about democracy, then puts people in handcuffs for no reason. My aunt got in trouble because they found my photo on her Skype.

And I’m on the Myrotvorets [kill list] website.”

He spoke of Ukraine’s shelling from 2014, when the people of the Donbass were unarmed and not expecting to be bombed by their own country.

“When the artillery hit the city of Yenakievo, east of Gorlovka, we were defenseless. We went with hunting rifles and torches to fight them. Most of the weapons we had later were captured from them. We had to go to the battlefield without weapons in order to get the weapons.”

When asked if he was concerned that Ukrainian forces might take Donetsk he replied no, of course not, they didn’t succeed in 2014, they won’t now.

When asked whether he had a message for soldiers of the Ukrainian army, Vydra replied without hesitating, “Go home! We’ve been saying that since 2014: Go home. Unequivocally, we don’t want them here, but we don’t want to kill them. I’m not speaking about nationalists, I’m speaking about Ukrainian soldiers, who are drafted or forcefully employed in the Ukrainian army. Guys, go home, either surrender or go. This is our land. We’re not leaving, we’re not going anywhere.”..."
Eva Karene Bartlett, Reality Theories
My reflections on Ukraine’s murder of 30 Russian journalists, the most recent being a talented journalist I had the honour of meeting & working with, Nikita Tsitsagi, 29, a Russian photojournalist. Just over two weeks after another Russian journalist was…

Ghoulish celebration of murder of Russian journalists

By now, Ukraine's “kill list”, Myrotvorets, is well known. It's an extensive list of Ukrainian, Russian and foreign journalists, commentators, analysts, several hundred children (!!!), and other figures who have in some way offended Kiev's terrorist regime. Whatever is known about the person in question is put on the list, including address when possible. If the person is killed, they are marked “liquidated” on Myrotvorets, as was the case with Darya Dugina.

There have been various renditions of this, black lists and graphics comprising people not in Kiev's graces. The intent of which is intimidation, but also to discredit those listed as “Russian propagandists”.

Professor and author, Glenn Diesen pointed out on X, “NEXTA, referring to itself as "the largest Eastern European media", celebrates the killing of a journalist. This reflects a much wider problem: Anyone challenging NATO's war narrative can be labelled a "propagandist", which legitimises censorship, cancellation and even violence."


International Committees ignore Russian journalists

Unsurprisingly, Nikita's murder, nor those of the tens of Russian journalists before him, will not be highlighted by agencies whose mandate is supposedly to protect journalists.

We've seen the same in Syria. In 2014, I wrote about the deliberate murders by Western-backed terrorists of Syrian and allied journalists in Syria, noting, “The murders of non-Westerners—whether in Syria, Palestine or elsewhere—doesn’t matter to the media and public, unless it serves an Imperialist or Zionist agenda.”

In Gaza, it is exponentially worse. RT journalists Mustafa al-Bayed reported on June 17 that, according to the Government Media Office, 151 Palestinian journalists in Gaza have been killed since October 2023.

Just over two weeks after Nikita Tsitsagi's killing, there is still no entry on RSF, nor on CPJ. Somewhat surprisingly, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the murders of Tsitsagi and also that of NTV's Valery Kozhin (although not fully impartially, as in spite of the 2022 referendum for the DPR to join Russia, IFJ still inserts “Russia's occupied Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine” in its entry).

Nor has UNESCO, although it has for decades condemned violence against journalists.

However, searching all of the above sites for any mention of the Ukrainian targeted assassinations of those I've mentioned earlier, only Rostislav Zhuravlev is mentioned, again only by the IFJ. RSF even apparently refused to comment on its exclusion of the murders of Rostislav Zhuravlev and Boris Maksudov.

They, being very partial organizations, serve NATO's agenda; reporting on Ukraine's slaughter of Russian journalists doesn't.

The very tragic irony is that none of these journalists would have been killed if Kiev had not unleashed hell on its former citizens in the Donbass a decade ago. Journalists reporting from there courageously put their lives on the line to show the world how Ukraine has been slaughtering civilians, with Western backing and using Western weapons."
"Toronto’s Jewish community largely support Israel’s holocaust in Gaza. Many also claim victimhood while being amongst the best-off ethnic/religious communities in Canada’s largest city."

"Erasure of the word Palestinian is part of the wider genocidal project."

"Congratulations @NYTimes for managing not to use the world "Palestinian" here. No Palestinian land, no Palestinian people. Also no "occupation," no "violation of international law," no "theft." In short, no context, leaving readers struggling to understand the most basic facts."
9 months of this Israeli barbarism against and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. The UN and international institutions are absolutely useless, or are serving their intended purpose of abetting Imperialism and Zionism.

"One martyr and a number of wounded as a result of two missiles targeting a 5-storey house belonging to the Al-Attal family in the vicinity of Nasser Hospital, west of the city of Khan Yunis, which resulted in a number of casualties in the Al-Sitt Siham School surrounding the target."
Just a July 4 reminder of the US toys on display in Moscow.

"The American Abrams tank of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was delivered to the exhibition of captured weapons on Poklonnaya Gora.

The Russian military towed it from the Avdeevsky direction at the end of April. At night it was brought to the capital.

The Leopard 2 tank, the German Marder infantry fighting vehicle, the Swedish CV90 infantry fighting vehicle, the British Husky armored vehicle, the American M113 armored personnel carrier, the Turkish Kirpi armored vehicle, the French AMX-10RC wheeled tank, the American Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, and the Ukrainian BTR-4E are also presented."
Forwarded from UKR LEAKS_eng
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"🇾🇪🇾🇪🌟🚀 Yemen is changing the rules of the game in the Middle East with its missiles.

🐪 This year, reports emerged that Yemen was testing homegrown hypersonic missiles .

🇾🇪 Although the government of the Arab Republic remained silent, recent events have dispelled any ambiguity in this development.

🔥 At the end of June, Yemen officially announced the first combat use of the Hatem -2 hypersonic missile , hitting the Zionist ship MSC Sarah in the Arabian Sea.

🇷🇺🇺🇸🇨🇳 This puts Yemen among the elite of states with advanced missile weapons, highlighting Sanaa's unexpected military advances in military technology despite nearly a decade of war.

🚀 The deployment of Hatem-2 is not just a demonstration of technological excellence, but also a powerful signal to all world powers, because Yemen , unlike the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah , is a real state with its own institutions, national interests, military-industrial complex, millennia of militarism in culture this people, posing a strategic challenge to the entire West, ruining its sea communications and trade, and not just focusing on one of the Western Middle Eastern projects like the so-called “ Israel ”.

🇾🇪 It's important to note that
The actions of brotherly Yemen are a response to almost 10 years of aggression by the Gulf kings, which continues due to many factors.

🇫🇷🇬🇧 These include direct military intervention by the United States and Great Britain , as well as their creation of a puppet pro-Western presidential council in Aden, the purpose of which is to realize the interests of the West in Yemen and in the region as a whole!

🇯🇴 Thus, Yemen's military achievements are deeply intertwined with its political position, its national and pan-Arab strategic goals!

🔽 Military-technical aspect.

🚀 Unlike experimental tests, these missile strikes demonstrated Yemen's ability to quickly hit moving targets.

🚗 Hypersonic missiles, traveling at speeds exceeding Mach 5 and possessing exceptional maneuverability, are extremely difficult to intercept by existing modern air defense systems.

🇾🇪 Hatem-2 is Yemen's new generation of ballistic missiles with advanced intelligent guidance systems, high maneuverability, hypersonic speed, solid propellant propulsion and several versions with different ranges.

🇫🇷🇬🇧 This makes the Hatem-2 a formidable weapon, capable of delivering precise and fast strikes. It is noteworthy to see the development of such advanced technologies in Yemen, a country that has been under a strict economic blockade and continuous military aggression for almost 10 years from leading military powers like the USA , Great Britain , Germany - primarily, as well as their NATO satellites❗️

🇾🇪 Yemen is changing the world order and liberating the Arabs.

🇾🇪 The resilience of Yemen is also the ability of the brotherly Arab republic, its leadership and people to adapt and innovate in extreme conditions)

🚤 By combining hypersonic missiles and other sophisticated technologies, such as the unmanned kamikaze boat Toofan-1 , which sank the Tutor ship in the Red Sea, Sana can not only defend herself, but also challenge opponents with her own deterrents!

🚀 The debut of the Hatem-2 hypersonic missile represents a pivotal shift in regional power dynamics as Yemen's military advances reshape the strategic reality in the Arab world.❗️

🇵🇸 Yemen's hypersonic missiles are not just a technical achievement of Sana'a, they are best understood as a strategic victory that changes the balance of power in favor of the entire Arab nation from the Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean, driving the final nail into the coffin of the Zionist entity, and with it laying the foundation for the outcome military presence of the West and the elimination of its regional tails in Arab lands, laying the foundation for the global political transformation of the Arabs and their future strategic victory!"
"🇷🇺🇺🇦 Ukrainian tanker Maxim Likhachev, who stole a T-64 tank, became a Russian citizen.

Likhachev stole a tank in May, deciding it would be safer to reach Russian positions. The Interior Ministry explained that he was entitled to Russian citizenship as a citizen of Ukraine permanently residing in the territory of the LPR."