Política Guerra y Desastres
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🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲El ejército Azeríes está bombardeando Nagorno-Karabaj es estos momentos.

🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲The Azeri army is bombing Nagorno-Karabakh right now.

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🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲 Imágenes periódicas de los ataques del UAV Bayraktar TB2 de las Fuerzas Armadas de #Azerbaiyán contra las posiciones de artillería de las Fuerzas Armadas de #Armenia/NKR.

🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲 Periodic images of attacks by the Bayraktar TB2 UAV of the Armed Forces of #Azerbaijan against the artillery positions of the Armed Forces of #Armenia/NKR.

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🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲 Imágenes del último bombardeo de infraestructuras pacíficas.

🔺 — El número de civiles heridos en Nagorno-Karabaj ha aumentado a 26 personas, según el Defensor del Pueblo de Nagorno-Karabaj, #Gegham_Stepanyan.

🔺 — Continúa el transporte de las víctimas a los hospitales locales. Se informó de la muerte de dos personas, entre ellas un niño. Entre los heridos se encuentran 11 niños.

🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲 Images of the last bombing of peaceful infrastructures.

🔺 — The number of injured civilians in Nagorno-Karabakh has increased to 26 people, according to Nagorno-Karabakh Ombudsman #Gegham_Stepanyan.

🔺 — Transportation of victims to local hospitals continues. Two people, including a child, were reported dead. Among the injured are 11 children.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲Los combates a lo largo de toda la línea de contacto continúan con intensidad variable. 🔺 — Las unidades de las fuerzas armadas de Azerbaiyán están utilizando diversas armas para continuar su avance posicional, atacando tanto infraestructura como…
🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲Fighting along the entire line of contact continues with varying intensity.

🔺 — Units of the Azerbaijani armed forces are using various weapons to continue their positional advance, attacking both infrastructure and civilian objects.

🔺 — Units of the Artsakh Defense Army are offering strong resistance to the units of the armed forces of Azerbaijan with defensive actions, which has caused casualties, according to the Ministry of Defense of Artsakh.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲🇷🇺 Este vídeo muestra en realidad el puesto de observación destruido del contingente de mantenimiento de la paz ruso en la no reconocida República de #Artsaj: los cascos azules sobre el terreno lo confirman. 🔺 — Las posiciones de las fuerzas de…
🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲🇷🇺 This video actually shows the destroyed observation post of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in the unrecognized Republic of #Artsakh: the blue helmets on the ground confirm this.

🔺 — The positions of the peacekeepers who are evacuating civilians from the zone of active hostilities continue to receive projectiles from both sides, both #Azerbaijan and #Armenia. At this time there are no casualties among Russian peacekeepers.

🔺 — There is no talk of any use of force by the peacekeepers or military base 102 in Gyumri: as we said, there is no legal basis for such a thing. So for now, Russian peacekeepers can only focus on saving civilians.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
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🌏🇮🇷🇦🇲🇦🇿 Los iraníes desde su territorio están filmando el movimiento de unidades del ejército armenio hacia la frontera con Azerbaiyán en dirección #Syunik.

🌏🇮🇷🇦🇲🇦🇿 The Iranians from their territory are filming the movement of units of the Armenian army towards the border with Azerbaijan in the direction #Syunik.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
⚠️ BREAKING NEWS: 🇦🇲🇦🇿 On September 20 at 12:00 #Moscow time, an agreement was reached on the suspension of anti-terrorist operations in #Karabakh, as reported by the Ministry of Defense of #Azerbaijan.

🔺 — This agreement on the suspension of operations in Karabakh was reached with the participation of Russian peacekeepers, as reported by the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.

🔺 — The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan reports that an agreement was reached to suspend anti-terrorist measures with the following conditions:

➡️ The Armenian armed forces and illegal armed formations located in the Karabakh region are laying down their arms.

➡️ They abandon combat positions and military posts and completely disarm, abandoning the territory of Azerbaijan.

➡️ Illegal formations are being dissolved.

➡️ At the same time, all weapons and heavy equipment are delivered.

➡️ The implementation of these processes is guaranteed in coordination with Russian peacekeepers.

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🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲El Ministerio de Defensa de #Azerbaiyán publica nuevas imágenes de la derrota de las posiciones de las Fuerzas Armadas de Armenia/NKR en Nagorno-Karabaj.

🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲The Ministry of Defense of #Azerbaijan publishes new images of the defeat of the positions of the Armed Forces of Armenia/NKR in Nagorno-Karabakh.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
🌏🇦🇲🇦🇿 #ARMENIA SE RINDE ANTE #AZERBAIYÁN EN #KARABAJ - A menos de 24 horas de comenzar la invasión Azerí en Karabaj, los Armenios se rinden sin ir a la lucha armada.

🔺 — Karabaj será completamente Azerí. El primer ministro Armenio #Nikol_Pashinián dice que no necesitaban esas tierras y que las devolverán por el bien de la paz. Hay mucho descontento en Armenia.

🌏🇦🇲🇦🇿 #ARMENIA SURRENDERS TO #AZERBAIJAN IN #KARABAJ - Less than 24 hours after the Azerbaijani invasion of Karabakh begins, the Armenians surrender without going into armed struggle.

🔺 — Karabakh will be completely Azerbaijani. Armenian Prime Minister #Nikol_Pashinián says that they did not need those lands and that they will return them for the sake of peace. There is a lot of discontent in Armenia.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹